Monday, November 3, 2008

8th Grade Civics & U.S. History: Presidential Elections

In the evening of this historic election: First, mixed president (half African-American and half Caucasian, white) or oldest president and the first female president, I would like to open this forum for one of three things:

1. Who are you going to vote for and why; or,
2. How did it feel to host a mock election for our school; or,
3. How fanny were the SNL political skits, or,
4. Anything in your mind about this election!


208 BALLOT (includes short ballot used by some elementary school students)


1. Obama: Democratic Party 402 Votes
2. McCain: Republican Party 25 Votes
3. Nader: Independent 5 Votes
4. Baldwin: Constitutional Party 2 Votes
5. Mickinney: Gree Party 1 Vote
6. Barr: Libertarian Party 1 Vote


1. Kerry: Democratic Party 224 Votes
2. Beatty: Republican Party 16 Votes
3. Underwood: Libertarian Party 8 Votes

Representative: Capuano 202 Votes

Picture Ballot (used by some elementary students):


Obama: 57 Votes
McCain: 1 Vote

Short Ballot: Only included the Republican and Democratic candidates for president and senator!

Picture Ballot: Had an illustration of the Republican and Democratic candidates only.

Many ballots were pre-marked.

Thanks for the great work of the 208 students who created the ballots, polling places, posters and added up the votes.



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hi class,

If you click on the post title, you will be able to track the election results in the most important states and in Massachusetts.

Here we go!


P.S. On Wednesday I will post who I voted for and why!

Anonymous said...


1; I Think I'm going to vote for Obama. I'm going to vote for him because he is going to make changes like he be saying on the tv in on the debate the used to do on tv. we don't know yet if is true but we hope so.McCain be saying the same to but we don't yet we will know by tomorrow.and i will vote for him because if he win he is going to help many poor people the need help.and put taxes up for the rich people so like that he can help the poor people.

2;I think it feels good and i think is fun too. because we want to know how are the student from the curley to know who are the want to vote for.

3;MaestrO can u explain # 3 ii dOnt get iit .??? =]]

4;yeah what is on my mind about the election is the i already want to know who is going to win. who is going to be the new president of America.

MR. Dilley i dONt knOw iif this is fOr Us tO dO iit but i just dONt have nOthiiNg tO dO sO ii Just did this..=]]

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You do not have to do all of them. The SNL (Saturday Night Live) made fun of Sara Palin, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and John McCain.

What did you think about today's mock election? What did you learn? What did you like and dislike? Tis is the first online question of term 2!

You are ahead of time! Keep it up!


Anonymous said...


1; What did you think about today's mock election?well maestro i did love to work with the little kid about the mock Was good and bad i think that the teacher are making the kid more slow. something because i think that the little kid could do the paper we had and not used the one they had.

2;What did you learn?well i learn how to count the vote.

3;What did you like and dislike?well i like the little kid behavior because every time i ask them who are they wanted to vote for and they tell me so quietly Obama Or McCaiin sO cute. =]]

and what i dislike was when the man the pass front of the kid he was telling them to vote for McCain and i didn't like that because the kid vote for who they wanted to vote for.

cutelittlefrancys said...

I think Im going to vote for Obama because I think Obama will make a difference.

I wasn't able to do the monk elaction but i went like for 5 mins and it was really cool and nice a lot of people vote for Obama.

I dont get the third one can you explain it.

I had a lot of things in my mind one of the things i had in my mind mind it was the a lot of people wee going to vote for Obama.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The third was about Saturday Night Life making fun of Obama, Biden, Palin, McCain and Joe "the plumber".

What do you think Obama will do to make a difference? What do you think he will do to change America?


Anonymous said...

1. Who are you going to vote for and why? I am going to vote for Obama because his better than McCain.

George Perez

Jose said...

Name: Jose
Date: 11//08

1)Who are you voting for
I am going to vote for Obama because he has some great ideas to change for example he wants to remove the troops from war he also want to make less taxes for people with a ow income.
2)It is really cool to host an election because you tell people to make the right choice and then you tell them how and all of those are reasons make it why i like to host an election

Anonymous said...

1)I voted for Ralph Nader because i like what he said he was going to do for the country. For example,he was not oging to start an illegal war like Bush did when he didn't tell people the thought of war until it happened. He is goping to stop using half of the contries in military spending. And will gradually send people out of iraq every six months.

2)I thought the mock election was a good idea because it showed what

3)I thought the SNL political skits were funny because they were kinda true and actually related to politics politics in a funny way. Like who Mcain had blinking spazzems because he does that too much and it gets annoying.


Danile Martinez
Grade 6

Anonymous said...

~Question 1:

I think im going to vote for Obama, no doubt about it!. I've decided to vote for Obama because i agree with hes ideas to change our society. And because i want a chnage, For example MacCain wants to keep war, Obama wants to stop it, i want wars to stop so thats one thing i agree with. And last but not least MacCain is very old, he might stop thinking like a real president.

~Question 2:

It felt WONDERFUL, It was good for the lower school students to lean about voting and making decision on who you should vote for and why. Now, Some teachers from the lower school thought that their students couldn't read so they gave their students a picture of Obama and McCain, and their were the only 2 Candidates in the Ballot. One more thing i heard things like, "Don't worry about those other Candidates there, just choose between Obama or McCain", I was like...Hmm Just because one of those 2 are going to win doesn't mean you should give the vote to the one you feel like to, just tol help. BUT NO! Elections is to make your voice be heard! But it was Great!

~3 Skipped

That it was great knowing who are the students voting for, And being part of this great event.

Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona


I Think I'm going to vote for Obama, because he is going to make changes that are exactly the changes I’m looking for, And because I want to have an first African American president cause I’m tire of having white president break their promises.


It felled pretty great because it kind of makes me fell nice but then I started to get mad of it cause then some teachers came to vote with different ballets, like if their kids where kind stupid for them not to do the Curley ballets, then I got more mad cause some teacher and a little Curley general (cleaning person) was being bias with the kids telling them who to vote for.

Anonymous said...

1. I’m going to vote for Obama because I think he will be a good president and I think he will bring the economy up. But sometimes I will not like to vote for him because he won and maybe the black people are going to think that they are all that and they will try to do bad things. But I still give my vote to Obama.

2. I feel good doing the mock election because we are letting the students share their opinions and they are letting us know who they want to be our president, and also because they students are having ideas how voting is going to be.

By: Ariana Simancas

Frank said...

I’m going to vote for Obama because I agree with his idea of removing the troops from Iraq and he like that he talks about the lower class and the middle class he doesn't only talk about the high class like McCain. And I’m voting for Obama because I wanted Obama to be the first African American to be president.

I think it was nice because people had the chance to see how to vote and how it feels to vote, and this experience may give an idea to the little kids to vote when they become adults. And I wanted to know who the Curley kids are going to vote for.

Well I think Obama is going to win because in Election Day I was looking at the popular votes and Obama was leading; when he started to lead I knew he was going to win.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny Cruz,

Do you think Obama is going to make the changes he promised? Why or not?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Thank you Daniel, Jose and George. Although you are not in this class, this is a public forum and you are more than welcome to share your opinions!


cutelittlefrancys said...

I think he will change a lot of things but ne the things is help more poor people because with Brutico wow he did nhing but however I think he will do like100% better. He will also might stop bad things. To change America I think the most thing he will help with is the races people and treat them equal because in my opinion every should be treat it the same and no matter what like dont worry about color who care or culture or even language i dont care i like people equal.

Anonymous said...


Do you think Obama is going to make the changes he promised? Why or not?

maybe it could be maybe yes or maybe no but if he promised he is goingto do it maybe he is going to do it. if he say he want change in America he should do what he promised dont you think maestroo .

Anonymous said...


1. Who are you going to vote for and why?

-I both for Obama because i think he is a good president for united states and i wish he can make changes inthis countrylike the problem with the gasoline and the problem with the economy.

2. How did it feel to host a mock election for our school?
it feelnice to see how we can share we own opinios about the president of United States.but i feel bad too because some teachers was telling they kids who they have to vote for nad it's wrong because we make it for student no for theachers :O.

3. Anything in your mind about this election!

yes is something in my mind jejeje
i was looking how the people tell another for who they vote but if every body tell it why it is call "a privado vote ".?

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good luck with the ISEE tomorrow! Set up your alarm clock and begin to set up your future!


St. Croix papers are due by Wednesday!


Frank said...

TY MR.dilley... but what about if i don't pass it?...and the st.croix paper i did it you didn't give it to you on monday.

plz answer my question

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


I am sure that you will do fine with the ISEE. You are an amazing student. Not only have you passed the ELA MCAS (already), but you are a phenomenon MATH Student!

Now, when as you get older, it becomes about YOU and not the environment! You can go to Boston Latin or English High School and still go to any college that you want: ITS ALL ABOUT HARD WORK AND DEDICATION! Think about this, a student can go to Boston Latin do absolutely nothing and drop out! Does it help being on an exam school? Yes! But there are several other good pilot schools, regular public schools, charter schools and private schools! HOWEVER, YOU WILL PASS THE TEST! TRUST YOURSELF!

About St. Croix: Just give me the paper on Monday!


Go Frankinho!

Anonymous said...

ok..ty mr.dilley for the help....


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hi folks,

How was the ISEE?


Anonymous said...


SOme parts hard and some easy....

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thank you for the great comments! You are all set for this question!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You are correct! It is supposed to be a secret (privado) vote! Please remember to capitalize proper nouns such as the United States and the pronoun I (yo). I kind of feel that we had this conversation already!

Question: Do you think Obama will bring the troops home from Iraq? Why or why not?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Slow down! You are thinking faster that you can write! Read your comment over... do you understand what I mean?


You are done with this question!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


I agree with you 100%! I get criticized for "wasting" my vote on Ralph Nader. What I usually tell people is that I exercising my civic responsibility and participating on our democratic process and not playing monopoly!

Great Job,


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Do you think Obama will bring the troops home? What else do you think Obama will do to improve the nation?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Do all voters think they are all that when a white candidate wins an election? Latino voters? What do you think Obama will do to make our country better?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


What are some changes that you think Obama will do to improve the country?
Will Obama bring the troops home from Iraq?
I agree with a lot of your comments about the mock election, but some of the problems that you saw also happen in real elections! Now, please pay attention to the spellings of filled and ballots! Great use of the word "BIAS" we saw lots of poor examples of "bias" during the election!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Rochely? Karina?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Midterm grades are online!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Check your grades for the first term!

Kenny and Frank double check your computer and email to see if your guys forgot to send me one of the assignments!


Anonymous said...

Rochely Sanchez

1- I’m going to vote for Barack Obama because I think he is a good president for the united state because he has many things to do to help the poor people and the people that need help. He wants to do to increase the taxes for the poor people to take more taxes from the rich and give it to the poor people. And I feel good that Obama win the mock election because he is the first African American president in the united state that is amazing .WOW!!!!!

2- I feel good to do the mock election day at our school because every body was screaming that Obama was going to win and some student were exited to vote. And its was every fun I have a good time doing that and explaining all student what to do.

3- Well the thing that I dislike from that activity was when the 8th grader went to vote because they were screaming and the thing that I like is when 5th, 6th, and 7 grader went to vote because they were following the direction. But I love that activity was every fun.

4- What is on my mind about the election is the I already want to know who is going to win. And I was exited watching the TV to see who was going to win for president in the united state.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Please pay attention to the proper spelling of our nation: United States! This is one of your most focus pieces of writing! You do not need to respond!


♥karina♥ said...

1. Who are you going to vote for and why?I would vote for the one is better for me I'm not going to vote for the one most people vote or for the one tells us what kind of good things he/she will do for us is for the one I think is the best one for us.
2.How did it feel to host a mock election for our school? It feels funny because they're so little and they don't know what to do like for an ex.if somebody tells the kids:oh! vote for mcCain or oh! vote for Obama maybe the'll listen to the personbecause they don't know.And it feels great because like from now they could know how it's to vote that is private cet.
4. Anything in your mind about this election! something in my mind about this election is that next time you should let them do it by them selvesand they are not going to be able to use those little Picture Ballot because if would be a real one they are not going to count them.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Who did you vote for? Why? Also, are you happy or sad that Obama won? What do you think Obama will do for the United States as the next president?


Ariana said...

Do all voters think they are all that when a white candidate wins an election? Latino voters?

I think that not every time the people think that they are all that, maybe some of the white people think that because most of the presidents are white except for this year and I think that the Latinos don’t think they are all that because the president is white but if the president will be a Hispanic the Latinos might think they are all that

What do you think Obama will do to make our country better?

To make the country better I think that Obama will make the war stop and help the government brig the economy up and a lot of things that will help the United States.

By: Ariana Simancas

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You need to give specific details! Evidence! When I ask what you think Obama will do to help the country and you say that he will help the economy, you need to tell me what you think Obama will do to help the economy! examples and details. You can research this information. Trust me, not a single candidate promises to hurt the economy!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Do you think Obama will bring the troops home? Why or why not?
Should Obama bring the troops home? Why or why not?


sdsd said...

I think he is going to remove the troops because he said that he was in the debates. If not the other campaign could check if his doing was he said he was going to do. I think what is going to do to improve our nation is to help or world with global, for example his going to put solar power and use water power to run our country.

Anonymous said...

Who did you vote for? Obama
Why? Also, are you happy or sad that Obama won? I'm happy because that was the person that I think will change this country.
What do you think Obama will do for the United States as the next president?help poor people with education and food

Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona

What are some changes that you think Obama will do to improve the country? I think he would stop the Iraqi war. And I think he would try to stop global warming cause if that’s happened the world would be much better specially for the United State, cause if Alaska melts then there is just going to be 49 state and if that happens the Antarctic would melt to and cause of that there is just going to be only 6 Continent and the sea level would eventually be really high, so the island would disappear including Hawaii so then there is just going to be only 48 State.

Will Obama bring the troops home from Iraq? Yes, because that’s what he sayed on national television on a debate and if he don’t, he won’t have the same respect that people have gave it him, people will think of him as an black George W. Bush.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

There were two comments with no names today! One is from sdsd.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the effort and results of the Curley mock election. Yes we can! Change is on the way!
Best Wishes, Professor Murphy, Camnbridge College

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Who wrote the last two comments? Let me know!


Anonymous said...

sdsd was frank....frank

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job. Just pay attention to two things:

1. The past tense of say is said and not sayed (irregular past tense)
2. When you say cause you mean because, so write BECAUSE.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


we do use "water power" to help us produce energy. It is called hydroelectric power!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


1. It was late.
2. Write in complete sentences.
3. Take more time and give more details.