Thursday, November 20, 2008

8th Grade Civics & U.S. History: Separation of Powers

Three Branches

Part A: Executive:

1. What is the executive branch most important job?
2. List three specific duties of the executive branch.
3. Who is in charged of the executive?
4. How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch?
5. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch?

Part B: Legislative:

1. What is the legislative branch most important job?
2. List three specific duties of the legislative.
3. What are two houses of Congress called?
4. How does the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch?
5. What are two ways that the legislative branch check the power of the executive branch?

Part C: Judicial:

1. What is the judicial branch most important job?
2. In your opinion should Supreme Court justices be elected by the citizens or continue to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate?
3. How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and legislative branches?

Part D: Thinking

Background: We have learned that the Framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to represent an equilateral triangle.

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle? Or is it an isosceles triangle? Or is it a scalene triangle? Make sure to explain which branch of government you believe has the most power if scalene, the two that have the most power if isosceles or why you believe that they have equal powers if equilateral. Support your arguments with details and evidence!

It is due by next Sunday, November 30th.


Anonymous said...

~Part A: The Executive Branch

1. The Executive branch most important job is…The branch of government is responsible for executing, or carrying out, the law.

2. Three specific duties of the Executive branch are…

-The President can use executive agreements and executive privilege to act with out consulting with other branches of the government. Some Executive agreements lead to treaties that need approval by senate.
-The president appoints the heads of the executive departments. With other executive officials they make up the Cabinet.
-The President must seek a balance between the need for immediate action and the Constitutional need to consult with Congress.

3. The person who is in charged of the Executive Branch is…
The President is in charged of the Executive Branch.

Questions 4 and 5 are represented by the chart below:
~Checks on the Legislature:

-Veto power
-Vice President is President of the Senate
-Commander in chief of the military
-Recess appointments

-Checks on the Judiciary:
-Power to appoint judges

~Part B: The Legislative Branch

1. The Legislative branch most important job is…
-To make laws

2. Three Specific duties of the legislative branch are…
-Declares War: The president has the power to declare war.
-Congress has the “power of the purse” because it has a final approval of the government’s budget or plan for raising and spending money.
-Collect Taxes: The power to collect taxes.

3. Two houses of Congress are called…
The legislative branch of the federal government consists of the Congress, which is divided into two chambers -- the Senate and the House of Representatives.

4 and 5. The Legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch and the Executive Branch by…
The Charts Shown Below:

~Checks on the Executive:

-Impeachment power (House)
-Trial of impeachments (Senate)
-Selection of the President (House) and Vice President (Senate) in the case of no majority of electoral votes
-May override Presidential vetoes
-Senate approves departmental appointments
-Senate approves treaties and ambassadors
-Approval of replacement Vice President
-Power to declare war
-Power to enact taxes and allocate funds
-President must, from time-to-time, deliver a State of the Union address

~Checks on the Judiciary:
-Senate approves federal judges
-Impeachment power (House)
-Trial of impeachments (Senate)
-Power to initiate constitutional amendments
-Power to set courts inferior to the Supreme Court
-Power to set jurisdiction of courts
-Power to alter the size of the Supreme Court

~Part C: The Judicial Branch
1. The Judicial branch most important job is…
To interpret the laws.

2. In my Opinion I think that the Supreme Court justices should be elected by the Citizens because, Wouldn’t it be great if Citizens would vote for your/my Court Justices? Just as Citizens vote for a President?

3. The Judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and “judicial”?/“Executive”? branches by…
Question 3 is Shown in the Chart Below:

~Checks on the Legislature:
-Judicial review
-Seats are held on good behavior
-Compensation cannot be diminished

~Checks on the Executive
-Judicial review
-Chief Justice sits as President of the Senate during presidential impeachment

~Part D: Thinking! Brainstorming?!

[Message] In my opinion I think is correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an Equilateral Triangle. Because I believe that all three branches have equal powers. Or else “Why would all three branches Check Each others powers”? isn’t it because they want to have equal powers they check on each others powers? To have “Balanced” powers? The “System Of Checks and Balances” “Can Prove This Message!”

P.S Mr. Dilley I was wondering if in Part C on question 3 you if you meant “How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and legislature branches?” Or “How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and judicial branches?” because I wrote how it checks the powers of the Executive and Legislature, not “Judicial”? Please tell me which of the two questions you meant because I have no Idea or what so ever the judicial branch checks the power of the judicial branches.

“Hello My Name Is Curly Brea, and Today November 24th, I Approve This Message!” "Slackers UpRising"!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You are right! I made a mistake. It was supposed to be executive and legislative! I have fixed the mistakes! It looks good, but as usual I will read it very carefully and send you feedback.


Anonymous said...

Part A: Executive:

1. What is the executive branch most important job?
The executive branch most important job is to carry out the laws
2. List three specific duties of the executive branch.
1.) Separation of power
2.) Marines, army, navy, air force
3.)carry out the laws

3. Who is in charged of the executive?
The president is in charge of the executive

4. How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch?
The executive checks the power of the judicial by
5. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch?

Part B: Legislative:

1. What is the legislative branch most important job?
The most important job of the legislative branch is to make laws.
2. List three specific duties of the legislative.

3. What are two houses of Congress called?
The senate and the house of representatives.

4. How does the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch?
The legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch by using veto.

5. What are two ways that the legislative branch check the power of the executive branch?
One way the legislative checks the power of the executive branch is by using the supreme court and jurisdiction.

C: Judicial:

1. What is the judicial branch most important job?
The most important job of the judicial branch is to review the power of the government.

2. In your opinion should Supreme Court justices be elected by the citizens or continue to
be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate?
I think the supreme court justices should be elected by the president and the senate because the might not know about the judges and the citizens might select somebody that does not have any experience or somebody that is dump, and the senate knows more and will peek somebody more responsible and less dump.

3. How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and legislative branches?
The judicial checks the power of the executive branch by reviewing that the branch disobey what the Constitution. The judicial branch check the power of the

Part D: Thinking

Background: We have learned that the Framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to represent an equilateral triangle.

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle?
Or is it an isosceles triangle? Or is it a scalene triangle? Make sure to explain which branch of government you believe has the most power if scalene, the two that have the most power if isosceles or why you believe that they have equal powers if equilateral. Support your arguments with details and evidence!

Ariana Simancas

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You did not do part D. I will give you and Kenny on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona
1.What is the executive branch most important job?
The Executive branch most important job is, The branch of government responsible for carrying out the law.

2. List three specific duties of the executive branch.

1. carry out the laws.
2. Separation of power.
3. air force, army, Marines.

3.Who is in charged of the executive?
The The president is in charge of the executive in charged of the Ececutive branch.

4. How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch?
The executive checks the power of the judicial by

5. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch?

1. What is the legislative branch most important job?
The legislative branch most important job is to To make laws.

2. List three specific duties of the legislative.

1. Collect Taxes
2. Declares War
3. bicameral

3. What are two houses of Congress called?
The two houses of congress are called The senate and the house of representatives.

4. How does the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch?
The legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch by using veto.

5. What are two ways that the legislative branch check the power of the executive branch?
the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch by using the supreme court and jurisdiction.


1. What is the judicial branch most important job?
To interpret the laws.

2. In your opinion should Supreme Court justices be elected by the citizens or continue to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate?
I think that the Supreme Court justices should be elected by the senate, because the senate can check the information of a judge nominated by the president, because most of the senate are not slackers like the majority of the citizens. The citizen are to lazy to check the judge information or maybe even to vote. ( sorry if this is short but this question u put it for homework but you didn’t give it back)

3. How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and legislative branches?
The judicial branch checks the power of the executive branch by reviewing that the branch disobey what the Constitution.

1. Background: We have learned that the Framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to represent an equilateral triangle.

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle? Or is it an isosceles triangle? Or is it a scalene triangle? Make sure to explain which branch of government you believe has the most power if scalene, the two that have the most power if isosceles or why you believe that they have equal powers if equilateral. Support your arguments with details and evidence!

I think is correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an Equilateral Triangle. Because

(mr. Dj I don’t get the question)

P.S have a very good thanksgiving with your family espetiolly with your brother whois back from Iraq.

Sorry for not having your thanksgiving without yourfather,
now I’m in the same situation,so I don’t think I would assioly have a very good vacation. Man… I hate thanksgiving just for what I havetogo throw.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Have a wonderful thanksgiving. Be thankful for the happy moments and memories. In the end it will workout! Be strong and give your mom some support!

I will give you three feedback tomorrow! Today is a family day for me... but I will help you out with part D.

Which branch do you think is the most powerful? Why? If you tell me that you believe that the three of them are equally powerful, then it is an equilateral triangle. If you think two of them have more power than the third, then you believe it is an isosceles triangle. If you believe that one is more power and the second is more powerful than the third, then you believe that it is a scalene triangle.


1. Explain which branches you believe is the most important.
2. Support your argument with details and facts.
3. Pick the appropriate triangle!

Happy Thanksgiving


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kenny "Curls" Brea,

Thank you for being the first to submit your answer!

Part A: The Executive Brach

This is an amazing work. Once again you show commitment to excellence! Being good is simply not enough for you! Just one thing... Although the Vice-President acts as the "president" of the senate. The only thing that he can do is to cast a tie breaking vote on a bill or act of the senate!

Part B: The Legislative Branch

The President does not have the power to declare wars! Congress has such power!

Question 1: Which of the several checks an balances that you listed is the legislative branches most powerful way to:

a. Check the power of the Executive? Why?
b. Check the power of the judicial? Why?

Part C: The Judicial Branch

Question 2: Can you think of one possible negative consequence of allowing the citizens to vote for Supreme Court Justices?

Question 3: What does Jurisdiction mean?

Question 4: What do you mean by:

a. "Seats are held on good behavior"?
b. "Compensation cannot be diminished"?

Part D: Thinking!

I agree with you. It is supposed to be an equilateral triangle.

Question 5: Now, using your knowledge of the three branches do you think that the last eight years under the George W. Bush Administration is still an example of an equilateral triangle? Why or why not?

P.S. If you complete by Monday, I will give you ten extra points on the exam!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


This seems a little rushed and there are several incomplete answers!

Part A: Executive:

Separation of power is NOT a specific duty of the executive branch!

Question 1: What do you mean by " Marines, army, navy, air force"? Explain!

Question 2: Can you think of one more specific executive duty and explain it?

Question 3: How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch (YOU NEVER ANSWERED THIS QUESTION)?

Question 4. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch (YOU NEVER ANSWERED THIS QUESTION)?

Part B: Legislative:

You did not explain any specific duty of the legislative. Bicameral means that Congress has two houses. But it is not a duty!

Question 5: List three specific duties of the legislative branch and explain each of them.

In my question 4, you said that the Legislative checks the power of the judicial by veto. This is incorrect! A veto is used by the executive (president) against the legislative (Congress).

Question 6: How can Congress overturn a presidential veto?

Question 7: How can Congress check the Commander-in-Chief power of the president?

Question 8: How can Congress influence the Supreme Court?

Part C: Judicial:

Question 9: What does Unconstitutional mean?

Your answer to question 2 is your best work. This is the work that I am accustom to reading from you! Now, to dump means to throw away (idiot or ignorant means dumB)

Part D: Thinking

You did not respond part D!

If you do not understand the question send me an email or a post and I will help you!



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Jean Villalona,

Thank you for submitting your work so promptly (fast manner)

Part A: Executive:

Question 1: What do you mean by "air force, army, Marines (and you forgot the navy)"?

Separation of powers is not a specific duty of the executive branch.

Question 2: What does chief diplomat mean?

Question 3: Who sets domestic policy?

Question 4. How does the president check the power of the judicial (try to influence the Supreme Court)?

Question 5: How does the president check the power of the executive Branch in relationship to making laws (not a hard question)?

Part B:

Bicameral is not a duty. It is just the system of having two houses.

Question 6: Besides collect taxes and declare wars what is another specific duty of the legislative branch?

It is INCORRECT to say that the legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch by using veto. That is one way that Executive branch checks the power of the LEGISLATIVE.

Question 7: What is a veto?

Question 8: What does Congress (legislative) have to do to overturn a presidential veto?

Your answer for question 5 is also INCORRECT. The legislative branch cannot either use the Supreme Court or the JUDICIAL Branch's power of JURISDICTION!

Question 9:

How can the legislative (The Senate) check the power of the judicial branch (influence the Supreme Court)?

Part C: Judicial Branch

Jean, I am sorry for not returning that specific homework yet. But don't be sorry, the answer is very well written and answers my question completely! I am not looking for quantity! I am looking for quality! There is no feedback for Part C! It was your best work! Just make sure that you know what JURISDICTION mean for the exam!

Part D: Thinking

Look at my previous feedback for part D. If you still need more help: email me, send me a post or ask me on Monday!

P.S. This is not your best work! Let's focus a little more on academics and a little less or runescape.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hi Class,

Don't forget that the posting is due by Homeroom on Monday! There will be a 25 point penalty for late assignments!

On Monday we will review checks and balances for the last time and the second chance exam has been moved to Tuesday. On Wednesday to Friday we will finish the Bill of Rights!


Anonymous said...

hey did i got any answer right?

jean villalona

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You got part 3 perfectly! There are mistakes and incomplete answers on the remaining parts. Don't worry about the first try. Answer my questions and part D and your grade will improve. That's why I give you feedback. We are here to learn and sometimes it takes two or three feedbacks!

You have quite some time!

P.S. How was your Thanksgiving?


Anonymous said...


THrEE bRaNcHes;*

Part A: Executive:


-the executive branch is the branch that makes the laws and enforces all laws that are made in the United States.


-To approve the laws
-veto laws
-federal trade commission


-the president is in charged of the executive branch.


-By determining whether actions of the executive branch violate applicable constitutional or statutory law.


-Well it's like this the congress writes a law, the president veto's it, congress overturns him, the president appoints a judge, the judicial branch declares it unconstitutional, the president says screw you I'm not enforcing that, Congress impeaches the president....

There you have your checks and balances. All In Fighting All the Time.

Part B: Legislative:


-The most important job of the legislative branch is to make laws.




-House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.


-The judicial branch of the government is unable to make laws, and is therefore bound to the legislature to create laws to govern the people for them to rule on.
Congress has one direct role in checking the power of the judicial: the function of approving -- or rejecting -- the president's nominations for new justices.


-they can impeach the judge and they can reject the appointment of them .

Part C: Judicial:


-The judicial branch interprets laws


-In my opinion supreme court justices continue to be nominate by the president and confirmed by the senate.


-by turn on the person who gave them their job..but he can retaliate by firing them..which would be a very stupid thing to do..because that is unconstitutional.

Part D: Thinking

Background: We have learned that the Framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to represent an equilateral triangle.

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle? Or is it an isosceles triangle? Or is it a scalene triangle? Make sure to explain which branch of government you believe has the most power if scalene, the two that have the most power if isosceles or why you believe that they have equal powers if equilateral. Support your arguments with details and evidence!

In my opinion i will define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle and a scalene triangle because they 3 have common things like they are important in the government. they 3 support each other; and the scalene because they 3 have different things like are different branch and they 3 have different jobs,duties,roles and responsibilities.

cutelittlefrancys said...

Part A

What is the executive branch most important job?
The most important job for executive branches is carryout laws.
List three specific duties of the executive branch.
1. Carry out laws
2. Air force, army, Marines.
3. Separation of power.
Who is in charged of the executive?
The president is in charge of the executive branch.
How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch?
The executive checks the power of the judicial by
How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch?
The executive checks the power of the legislative by

Part B

What is the legislative branch most important job?
The legislative most important job is to make laws.
List three specific duties of the legislative.
1. Declare war
2. Senate
3. Collect taxes
What are two houses of Congress called?
The two-house congress is called the senate and the House of Representatives.
What are two ways that the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch?
The legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch by using veto.

Part C

What is the judicial branch most important job?
The most import job for the judicial branch is to interpret the laws.
In your opinion should Supreme Court justices be elected by the citizens or continue to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate?
In my opinion I will say to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate because like always most of the citizens vote and they vote for the worse what will happen or if the citizen might vote wrong like please we don’t want another “Brutico”.
How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and legislative branches?
The judicial checks the power of both by interpreting the laws.

Part D
In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle?
In my opinion it is correct to define the three branches separation of power as an equilateral triangle because all three branches have equal power. Like if is not equal how come they check each branch power.

Hey mr.ppd im like lost in the last part in part d because i like get it but i dont get it im in the middle so can you explain it to me.

And also in some of them i dont know them that good because like i forgot my notebook at school and i dont remember all of it and sorry i did it on friday it was because i was sick and like my computer wasnt working that good...bye...

Anonymous said...

Rochely sanchez

Part a:
1: The Executive branch most important job is carry out the laws.

2: separation of power
Carry out the law
Air force, army, marine

3: the person that is charge of the executive branch is the president.

4: The executive checks the power of the judicial by determining whether actions of the executive branch violate applicable constitutional.

5: the executive check the power of the legislative branch is veto power and Commander in chief of the military.
Part B:

1: the legislative branch most important job is to make the law.

2: Declares War
Collect Taxes

3: the two houses of Congress are called house of representative and the senate.

4: the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch is by using the veto.

5: the two ways that the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch is by using the Supreme Court and jurisdiction.

Part C:

1: the judicial branch most important job is to interpret the laws.

2: In my opinion I think the Supreme Court justices should be elected by the president and the senate because the senate can check the information of a judge nominated by the president and continue confirmed by the senate.

3: the judicial branch checks the power of the executive branch by reviewing that the branch disobeys what the Constitution. The judicial branch checks the power of the legislative branch judicial review, Seats are held on good behavior.

Part D:

In my opinion I think that the three branches as a rights triangle because the three branches might have almost the same amount of power but the one that should have the most power is the president because the president “govierna” the united state. The house of representative should have a minimum of the power. And the Supreme Court has the other minimum of power.

President: 50%

Supreme Court: 15%

The house representative: 35%

Anonymous said...

Frank Perez

Part A:

1. The most important power is to execute laws.
2. three important duties are
• execute laws
• commander in chief
• cabinet

3. The president is in charge of the executive.
4. How the executive checks the power of the judicial is by appointing judges.
5. How the executive checks the power of the legislative is by veto.

Part B

1. The most important job of the legislative is to make laws.
2. three important duties are
• make laws
• declare war
• nominate judges

3. the tow houses of congress are call
• Senate
• House of representative

4. Trial of impeachment.
5. May override Presidential vetoes by wining 2/3 and by impeachment power.

Part C

1. The most important power is to review laws.
2. In my opinion I think that the Supreme Court Justices should be elected by the president, because we elected the president to run our country the right way that means we could thrust him to pick the best judges and but then in the supreme court.
3. the Judicial check the power of the legislative
• Judicial review

4. the Judicial checks the power of the Executive
• Judicial review

Part D

I think the three branches should be consider as an equilateral, because they all have the same amount of power, none of them has more power then the other, that is why they check the power of each other to make sure no one has more power than the other, and that is why we have checks and balance.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Veronica, Francys, Rochely and Frank,

I will give you feedback at some point tomorrow.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny, Luis, and Karina???


Anonymous said...

Thank you for being the first to submit your answer!
(My Pleasure Sir!)

Part A: The Executive Brach

This is an amazing work. Once again you show commitment to excellence! Being good is simply not enough for you! Just one thing... Although the Vice-President acts as the "president" of the senate. The only thing that he can do is to cast a tie breaking vote on a bill or act of the senate!
(Thank you I will keep in that In mind for tomorrow!)

Part B: The Legislative Branch

The President does not have the power to declare wars! Congress has such power! (Yeah! I knew it) (I’ll will keep that in mind as well)

Question 1: Which of the several checks an balances that you listed is the legislative branches most powerful way to:

a. Check the power of the Executive? Why?
( -May override Presidential vetoes)
(To overturn the governor's veto by a 2/3 vote of the members present in both the House and the Senate)

b. Check the power of the judicial? Why?
(-President appoints judges.)

Part C: The Judicial Branch

Question 2: Can you think of one possible negative consequence of allowing the citizens to vote for Supreme Court Justices?
(Judges would have bias opinions)?

Question 3: What does Jurisdiction mean?
(the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law)

Question 4: What do you mean by:

a. "Seats are held on good behavior"?
b. "Compensation cannot be diminished"?

Part D: Thinking!

I agree with you. It is supposed to be an equilateral triangle.

Question 5: Now, using your knowledge of the three branches do you think that the last eight years under the George W. Bush Administration is still an example of an equilateral triangle? Why or why not?
(I’m not sure because I don’t really know much about what happened eight years ago (only been here 3), but in my opinion I think there wasn’t any balance between powers.

Answers/comments are in parenthesis ( ANSWER )

Kenny Brea
Novermber 30th 2008 Sunday 10:01 PM

Anonymous said...


Mr.Dilley how does the executive checks the power of judicial??

private question.. kidding

Anonymous said...

Section 11.1: Cornell Notes what page are this Mr.Dilley..

that is one of the homeworks i'm missing..


Anonymous said...


check this out

Anonymous said...


i'm here waitting...i have all day long

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The only way the executive has any influence over the judicial (check the powers of the judicial) is the ability of the president to nominate federal judges and Supreme Court justices.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Section 11.1 are pages 294 to 297.


Anonymous said...


ok the page i put to check out says that

Anonymous said...



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thank you! The website that you posted makes understanding checks and balances very easy.

There will be some extra points in your exam!


Anonymous said...


i'll give you that homework on wenesday because i have to study

cutelittlefrancys said...

Part A

1.What is the executive branch most important job?
The most important job for executive branches is carryout laws.

2.List three specific duties of the executive branch.
1. Carry out laws
2. Air force, army, Marines.
3. Separation of power.

3.Who is in charged of the executive?
The president is in charge of the executive branch.

4.How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch?
The executive checks the power of the judicial by appointing judges.

5.How does the executive checks the power of the legislative branch?
The executive checks the power of the legislative by veto and also they can check the power by voting like if you get 2/3 three wins.

Part B

What is the legislative branch most important job?
The legislative most important job is to make laws.

List three specific duties of the legislative.
1. Declare war
2. Senate
3. Collect taxes

What are two houses of Congress called?
The two-house congress is called the senate and the House of Representatives.

What are two ways that the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch?
The legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch by using veto.

Part C

What is the judicial branch most important job?
The most import job for the judicial branch is to interpret the laws.

In your opinion should Supreme Court justices be elected by the citizens or continue to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate?

In my opinion I will say to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate because like always most of the citizens vote and they vote for the worse what will happen or if the citizen might vote wrong like please we don’t want another “Brutico”.

How does the judicial branch checks the power of both the executive and legislative branches?
The judicial checks the power of both by interpreting the laws.

Part D

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle?

In my opinion it is correct to define the three branches separation of power as an equilateral triangle because all three branches have equal power the same amount of power. Like if is not equal how come they check each branch power.

Mr. DJ I mad changes like that questions that were in blank I answer them and also if I don’t see you feedback today I will do it tomorrow…bye good night…

Anonymous said...

5. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch? Accepting or rejecting the bills.

 Part B: Legislative:

1. What is the legislative branch most important job?
 Making laws

 2. List three specific duties of the legislative.
 to declare war
 is in charge of taxation
Bicameral: Are two houses of legislatures.

3. What are two houses of Congress called?
House of representatives and the senate.

4. How does the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch? By impeaching the laws

5. What are two ways that the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch?

karina santana

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thank you for doing your work. It has some really strong points, but there a couple of things that we need to keep working on.
Part A: Executive:

Question 1: What is the “federal trade commission”?
Isn’t approving or not and veto, the same thing?
Question 2: What is meant by commander-in-chief?

You wrote that “by determining whether actions of the executive branch violate applicable constitutional or statutory law”. The question is not how the judicial checks the power of the executive, but how the executive checks the power of the judicial. However, you later correct that on part 5. It was quite funny (“the president says screw you I'm not enforcing that…, there you have your checks and balances. All In Fighting All the Time”).

Part B: Legislative:

Elections, candidates and senate are not specific duties of the legislative.
Question 3: Check your notebook and list three specific duties of the Legislatives besides the major responsibility of making laws and explain each of them..

You wrote that the legislative “can impeach the judge and they can reject the appointment of them”.
Question 4: What can both houses of Congress do to overturn a presidential veto?

Part C: Judicial:

You wrote “In my opinion supreme court justices continue to be nominate by the president and confirmed by the senate.”
Question 5: Why?

Question 6: Can you explain to me about what you mean by “by turn on the person who gave them their job...but he can retaliate by firing them...which would be a very stupid thing to do...because that is unconstitutional.”?

Part D: Thinking

Very Well done! Very good answer, for a very abstract question!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms. Rochely Sanchez,

Part A:

Separation of power is not a specific job to any branch of government. It is the idea that established limited government and checks and balances. You had also already mentioned “Carry out the law”.

Question 1: What do you mean by “Air force, army, marine (and navy)?

Question 2: What is foreign policy?

Question 3: What is a veto?

You wrote “The executive checks the power of the judicial by determining whether actions of the executive branch violate applicable constitutional”. That is actually how the judicial branch checks the power of the executive.

Question (simple) 4: Who nominates Supreme Court justices and federal judges?

Part B: Legislative:

Declare war and collect taxes are important duties of the legislative and they do not need any explanation. But being a bicameral house only means that Congress has two Houses. You also wrote that “the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch is by using the veto”. The executive makes vetoes!

There was also a problem with “the two ways that the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch is by using the Supreme Court and jurisdiction”, since the Supreme Court and Jurisdiction are part of the judicial branch’s power.

Question 5: Who confirms (approves or disapproves) Supreme Court Justices?

Question 6: How can Congress overturn a presidential veto?

Part C: Judicial

Great explanation for parts 1 and 2.

Part D: Thinking:

“govierna” is govern. It is right to describe it as a right angle (which is also a scalene). I liked how not only you describe why the president (executive) needs more power, but also what percentage. The only point that I will make is that you said that the House of Representatives should have 35% of the power. Don’t forget that the legislative (Congress) has two houses! Also, pay attention to the spelling of “United States”.

Good job…

Feedback is due by Friday at the latest


Anonymous said...


Part A: Executive:

Question 1: What is the “federal trade commission”?

*FTC works to eliminate unfair or deceptive marketplace practices

Isn’t approving or not and veto, the same thing?

*yes it's the same thing .

Question 2: What is meant by commander-in-chief?

*is the commander of a nation's military forces or significant element of those forces.

You wrote that “by determining whether actions of the executive branch violate applicable constitutional or statutory law”. The question is not how the judicial checks the power of the executive, but how the executive checks the power of the judicial. However, you later correct that on part 5. It was quite funny (“the president says screw you I'm not enforcing that…, there you have your checks and balances. All In Fighting All the Time”).

jejeje yes i wrote it i was looking on the internet about the 3 branches y yo pense sobre poner ese ejemplo .

Part B: Legislative:

Elections, candidates and senate are not specific duties of the legislative.
Question 3: Check your notebook and list three specific duties of the Legislatives besides the major responsibility of making laws and explain each of them..

* Collect Taxes
* Declares War
* bicameral

You wrote that the legislative “can impeach the judge and they can reject the appointment of them”.

Question 4: What can both houses of Congress do to overturn a presidential veto?

*In order to overturn a presidential veto both houses in Congress must vote to ... party as the president they may do all they can to uphold the veto.

Part C: Judicial:

You wrote “In my opinion supreme court justices continue to be nominate by the president and confirmed by the senate.”
Question 5: Why?

I wrote it because if the persons nominate the supreme court justices it probably don't work like in this moment man may be the persons they don't know about supreme courts and they nominate other person that don't work well.

Question 6: Can you explain to me about what you mean by “by turn on the person who gave them their job...but he can retaliate by firing them...which would be a very stupid thing to do...because that is unconstitutional.”?

I mean like change the person who gave them their job. because it is unconstitutional.

Part D: Thinking

Very Well done! Very good answer, for a very abstract question!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thank you for submitting your answer and then trying to complete what you did not know. Here is the feedback for both of your postings.

Part A: Executive

You had already state “carry out laws” as the major role of the executive branch. So I am expecting a different specific duty, since carrying out laws is not specific. Separation of powers is the idea that lead to three branches and checks and balances and it is not a duty of any of the branches.

Question 1: What do you mean by “Air force, army, Marines (and navy)?

Question 2: What is meant by the president as the chief diplomat?

Question 3: What is domestic policy?

You are right to say that “the executive checks the power of the legislative by veto”. But the legislative is the one that can “also they can check the power by voting like if you get 2/3 three wins (in both houses to override the veto)

Part B: Legislative:

You are right to list declaration of war and collection of taxes as specific legislative duties. But the U.S. Senate is not a third duty.

You were correct to state that “the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch by using veto”. It also can impeach federal executive officials such as the president.

Question 4: What does impeachment mean?

Question 5: What is one way that the legislative check the power of the Supreme Court?

Part C: Judicial

Great point on the “Brutico”. We cannot afford to have less than fair and well qualified people as Supreme Court Justices. We cannot afford to have less than well qualified people as the president neither… we both know a great example of a less than qualified president!

You said that the “judicial checks the power of both (executive and legislative) by interpreting the laws.

Question 6: What does unconstitutional mean?

Part D: Thinking:

Good job on part D.

Feedback is due by Friday at the latest.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Frank Perez,

Part A: Executive

Executing or carrying out laws is a major role and not a specific duty.

Question 1: What is meant by the president as the chief diplomat?

Question 2: What is the cabinet?

Pretty good job on questions 3-5!

Part B: Legislative:

Making laws is the major role and not a specific responsibility. Also the legislative confirms (approves or disapproves) federal judges and Supreme Court justices.

Question 3: List two additional specific duties of the legislative and explain if needed.

Questions 3-5 are correct!

Part C: Judicial

You wrote “In my opinion I think that the Supreme Court Justices should be elected by the president, because we elected the president to run our country the right way that means we could thrust him to pick the best judges and but then in the supreme court”.

Question 4: Can you think about why a person such as Michael More and Mr. Pitts-Dilley might have a problem with your belief”? Explain.

This was a very good work in this section. I just want to put “test” your knowledge on question 4!

Part D: Thinking

Excellent way to support your point of view!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Brea,

If you want the 10 extra points in the exam, you have to answer all of the feedback questions!

Part B: The Legislative Branch

You said that you believe that the legislative’s ability to override a presidential veto “by a 2/3 vote of the members present in both the House and the Senate is their most important way to check the power of the president.

Question 1: Why?

Part C: The Judicial Branch

Excellent point. If judges were to be elected by citizens they might “have bias opinions”.

Question 2: Keeping this answer in mind, do you still think that Supreme Court justices and federal judges should be elected by citizens? Why or why not?

Question 3: What do you mean by?

a. "Seats are held on good behavior”.
b. "Compensation cannot be diminished”.

Great job overall!

The 10 extra points will come your way when you answer these three questions!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You need to answer to finish the online question!


Anonymous said...


i did very good....thank you for feedback..been waitting all nigth

Frank said...

Question 1: what does the president as the chief diplomat mean? That the president is our representative when his out of the country.

Question 2: What is the cabinet? People that work for the president and give him information on any given subject he requires.

Question 3: List two additional specific duties of the legislative and explain if needed.
Collect taxes
Budget: is another word for money.

Part C: Judicial

You wrote “In my opinion I think that the Supreme Court Justices should be elected by the president, because we elected the president to run our country the right way that means we could thrust him to pick the best judges and but then in the supreme court”.

Question 4: Can you think about why a person such as Michael More and Mr. Pitts-Dilley might have a problem with your belief”? you may have problem with my believe because president Bush has been in for 8 years and everything has gone bad, and because Bush is not a very smart person.

Anonymous said...

5. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch? Accepting or rejecting the bills.

 Part B: Legislative:

1. What is the legislative branch most important job?
 Making laws

 2. List three specific duties of the legislative.
 To declare war
 is in charge of taxation
Bicameral: Are two houses of legislatures.

3. What are two houses of Congress called?
House of representatives and the senate.

4. How does the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch?
By impeaching the laws

5. What are two ways that the legislative branch checks the power of the executive branch?
 One way is:
Vetoing the bills (laws that are yet approval through the executive branch)

 Another way is impeaching the president to tell the president to “get out”.

Part C: Judicial:

1. What is the judicial branch most important job? Review the laws

2. In your opinion should Supreme Court justices be elected by the citizens or continue to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate? I think Supreme Court justices should be nominate by the citizens because sometimes the president nominate supreme court justice that the citizens do not like.

3. How does the judicial branch check the power of both the executive and legislative branches?
Executive branch: is by reviewing the actions of the executive
Legislative branch: by reviewing the laws.

Part D. Thinking

Background: We have learned that the Framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to represent an equilateral triangle.

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle?
Or is it an isosceles triangle? Or is it a scalene triangle? Make sure to explain which branch of government you believe has the most power if scalene, the two that have the most power if isosceles or why you believe that they have equal powers if equilateral. Support your arguments with details and evidence!
No because the three branches do not have the same power one its more powerful then the other one think legislative is the most powerful one because is the one the makes the law.

karina santana

cutelittlefrancys said...

so of the questions you ask me i dont know them that good but im going to try to do them =]

Anonymous said...


Question 1: what does the president as the chief diplomat mean? That the president is our representative when his out of the country.

Question 2: What is the cabinet? People that work for the president and give him information on any given subject he requires.

Question 3: List two additional specific duties of the legislative and explain if needed.
Collect taxes
Budget: is another word for money.

Part C: Judicial

You wrote “In my opinion I think that the Supreme Court Justices should be elected by the president, because we elected the president to run our country the right way that means we could thrust him to pick the best judges and but then in the supreme court”.

Question 4: Can you think about why a person such as Michael More and Mr. Pitts-Dilley might have a problem with your belief”? you may have problem with my believe because president Bush has been in for 8 years and everything has gone bad, and because Bush is not a very smart person.

Anonymous said...

Can i have my feedback plz...


Anonymous said...


Part A: Executive:

Separation of power is NOT a specific duty of the executive branch!

Question 1: What do you mean by " Marines, army, navy, air force"? Explain!
I mean that the president is in charge of the military he is the commander-in-chief.

Question 2: Can you think of one more specific executive duty and explain it?
One more specific duty of the executive branch is when the president appoints the representatives.

Question 3: How does the executive check the power of the judicial branch ?
The executive checks the power of the judicial by appointing judges.

Question 4. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch ?
The executive check the power of the legislative by veto power.

Part B: Legislative:

Question 5: List three specific duties of the legislative branch and explain each of them.
1. Make a bill
2. Declare war
3. Collect taxes

Question 6: How can Congress overturn a presidential veto?
The congress can overturn the presidential opinion by voting. I mean the members of the congress can vote for that veto to become a law.

Question 7: How can Congress check the Commander-in-Chief power of the president?
Congress check the Commander-in-Chief power of the president by declaring a war.

Question 8: How can Congress influence the Supreme Court?
The Congress can influence the Supreme Court by giving better laws.

Part C: Judicial:

Question 9: What does Unconstitutional mean?
Unconstitutional means not constitutional

Part D: Thinking
I do have problems on part D

Ariana Simancas

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Budget is not just another word for money. It is how much money the federal government plans to spend during one year. Example: How much money for the Iraq War or how much money for education help for Massachusetts.

You are done with this question.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


There was a problem loading your comment. So I copy and pasted it from my email.

Veronica Wrote,

Part A: Executive:

Question 1: What is the “federal trade commission”?

*FTC works to eliminate unfair or deceptive marketplace practices

Isn’t approving or not and veto, the same thing?

*yes it's the same thing .

Question 2: What is meant by commander-in-chief?

*is the commander of a nation's military forces or significant element of those forces.

You wrote that “by determining whether actions of the executive branch violate applicable constitutional or statutory law”. The question is not how the judicial checks the power of the executive, but how the executive checks the power of the judicial. However, you later correct that on part 5. It was quite funny (“the president says screw you I'm not enforcing that…, there you have your checks and balances. All In Fighting All the Time”).

jejeje yes i wrote it i was looking on the internet about the 3 branches y yo pense sobre poner ese ejemplo .

Part B: Legislative:

Elections, candidates and senate are not specific duties of the legislative.
Question 3: Check your notebook and list three specific duties of the Legislatives besides the major responsibility of making laws and explain each of them..

* Collect Taxes
* Declares War
* bicameral

You wrote that the legislative “can impeach the judge and they can reject the appointment of them”.

Question 4: What can both houses of Congress do to overturn a presidential veto?

*In order to overturn a presidential veto both houses in Congress must vote to ... party as the president they may do all they can to uphold the veto.

Part C: Judicial:

You wrote “In my opinion supreme court justices continue to be nominate by the president and confirmed by the senate.”
Question 5: Why?

I wrote it because if the persons nominate the supreme court justices it probably don't work like in this moment man may be the persons they don't know about supreme courts and they nominate other person that don't work well.

Question 6: Can you explain to me about what you mean by “by turn on the person who gave them their job...but he can retaliate by firing them...which would be a very stupid thing to do...because that is unconstitutional.”?

I mean like change the person who gave them their job. because it is unconstitutional.

Veronica Arango

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms. Karina Santana,

Once again you waited until the last possible moment. You were actually extremely late.
I need you to become more independent. If you do not become more independent, you will struggle next year in High School.

You are missing four questions for the executive and there are some mistakes. You do not need to respond, but please don’t wait until the very last possible second for the online question on the Bill of Rights!


Questions 1 to 4?

Part B: Legislative:

Bicameral is not a specific duty. As you wrote it only means that there are two house of Congress.

Karina, the legislative branch cannot impeach the laws! The House and the Senate can only impeach people such as the president or Cabinet members. If you meant how the legislative branch checks the power of the judicial, they can only reject or approve Supreme Court Justices or federal judges. The legislative branch cannot veto bills either! It is the job of the executive. What the legislative can do it to override a presidential veto by a 2/3 vote in both houses!

Part C: Judicial:

On part 2 you defended your position well. It is a plausible idea! This was your best section!

Part D. Thinking

You wrote “No because the three branches do not have the same power one its more powerful then the other one think legislative is the most powerful one because is the one the makes the law.”

So you think it is scalene or isosceles? I am confused!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You do not need to respond anymore. Here is my final feedback!

Part B: Legislative:

Bicameral is not a specific duty of the legislative just like having a vice-president is not a specific duty of the executive! It only means that Congress has two houses!

You explained what both houses of Congress can do to overturn a presidential veto. But you forgot to state that both houses need to override the veto with 2/3 of the votes!

Part C: Judicial:

Good explanation!

Question 6: I am still confused!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Part A: Executive:

Question 2: Can you think of one more specific executive duty and explain it? You wrote “One more specific duty of the executive branch is when the president appoints the representatives.” Representatives from the House of Representatives? If that is what you meant, that is wrong! Now, the president does appoint all new ambassadors and cabinet members.

Part B: Legislative:

Question 5: List three specific duties of the legislative branch and explain each of them.

Making a bill is part of the major responsibility! But you are correct about declaring war and collecting taxes! The Senate must approve foreign trades made by the president!

Question 6: How can Congress overturn a presidential veto? You wrote, that “the congress can overturn the presidential opinion by voting. I mean the members of the congress can vote for that veto to become a law.” But you forgot to tell me that both houses need a 2/3 majority to override the veto!

Question 8: How can Congress influence the Supreme Court? You wrote that “the Congress can influence the Supreme Court by giving better laws.” Ok… but the major and perhaps only way is to approve or reject all candidates for the Supreme Court and federal judges!

Part D: Thinking
I do have problems on part D. Ok, do you need help?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...



Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona 8th grade

Part A: Executive:

Question 1:

What do you mean by "air force, army, Marines (and you forgot the navy)"? Because the president is in commander in chief.

Question 2:

What does chief diplomat mean? Chief diplomat means the negotiations between representatives of groups or states.

Question 3:

Who sets domestic policy? The president set domestic policy.

Question 4.

How does the president check the power of the judicial (try to influence the Supreme Court)? The president checks the power of the judicial by appointing judges.

Question 5:

How does the president check the power of the executive Branch in relationship to making laws (not a hard question)? The president checks the power of the executive Branch in relationship to making laws Trial of impeachment.

Part B:

Question 6:

Besides collect taxes and declare wars what is another specific duty of the legislative branch? Another specific duty of the legislative branch is to nominate judges.

Question 7:

What is a veto? A veto is when the president refuses to sigh a law.

Question 8:

What does Congress (legislative) have to do to overturn a presidential veto? The congress has to have at least 2/3 of the votes, of the two houses to over right a veto.

Question 9:

How can the legislative (The Senate) check the power of the judicial branch (influence the Supreme Court)? The legislative checks the power of the judicial branch by accepting or rejecting the judge the president appoints.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Villalona,

Part A: Executive:

Question 2:

Don't forget that the chief diplomat is the President and the Secretary of State usually represents the country in such affairs.

Question 5:

I made a typo. It was supposed to be how the legislative checks the power of the executive.

Part B:

Question 6:

The legislative does not nominated judges. The Senate confirms or rejects the Supreme Court justices and federal judges. Harriet Miers was not rejected, but since there was almost ZERO chance of her getting enough votes, President Bush withdrew her nomination. President Bush claims that it was Ms. Meirs decision.

Great job! But this is way too late! Let's focus more on the work ahead of us and less on Runescape!


Anonymous said...

5. How does the executive check the power of the legislative branch? Accepting or rejecting the bills.

 Part B: Legislative:

1. What is the legislative branch most important job?
 Make laws

 2. List three specific duties of the legislative.
 To declare war
 is in charge of taxation
 They also have to approve foreign treaties.

Part D. Thinking

Background: We have learned that the Framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to represent an equilateral triangle.

In your opinion is it correct to define the three branches separation of powers as an equilateral triangle?
Or is it an isosceles triangle? Or is it a scalene triangle? Make sure to explain which branch of government you believe has the most power if scalene, the two that have the most power if isosceles or why you believe that they have equal powers if equilateral. Support your arguments with details and evidence!

I think is scalene because the three branches are different one of them is more powerful than the others like I think legislative is more powerful than the others because is the one the make the laws.
karina santana