Thursday, October 23, 2008

8th Grade Civics & U.S. History: Political Parties & Vote

Background: Most people in the United States do not vote. On November 7th of 2007 only 13.6% Bostonians voted in Boston. Most African Americans and Latino who are U.S. citizens did not vote in the Boston Municipal (city) elections and in previous general elections for president and vice-president.

Assignment Directions:

1. In your opinion why most minority groups such as Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote? Your answer must be at least one paragraph long.

2. After you finish with the first part, your job is to develop a plan that will encourage poor people and minorities to come out and vote. Your answer must be at least one paragraph long.

Part B:

Background: We have been studying the history of political parties in the United States and the roles and their platforms and planks: Democrats, Republicans and third parties.

Question: Imagine that you are tired of both Democrats and Republicans and you want to establish (start) a new political party. You have to come up with a name and then a political platform of at least three planks.

Remember to explain each issue: Why is it important for you and what you want to do about it? Your answer must be at least three paragraphs long! Be creative and thoughtful. Take your time. Write your answer on Microsoft Word. When you are finished then copy and paste it to the comments section. DETAILS!!!

This question is due by Friday October 30th during the morning homeroom!


Anonymous said...

In my opinion latinos, such as poor people dont vote because of so many reasons. One reason is because some latinos dont care about voting. Another reason is that Latinos think that the president and vise-precident because they might think that non of them will not help them. Third reason is that they think that they just said thet because they want to be precident like for example if John McCain said oooh Im going to support people such as poor will latinos just be like i dont believe him so that why they dont vote.Four reason is that maybe porr and citizens think that voting is boring. That are some of my opinion why latinos dont vote.

I dont get two can you like make it more essay so i can answer it.

Part B.
A. My political party name is going to be DFA it means Difference For All.
B. My first plan is free college for poor people.
My second plan is more respect to each culture so this will reduce violence.
My third plan is make life different in Unated States. Like help the teen girls with their babys, no more drugs, no more violence, and even help poor people.
C.My planks are important because it helps people.First my first plan is free college and its important because like poor eople want to got tot college and they cant because their poor. So this plan is really important because it help kids that are really smart and that should be able to go to a good place to learn. This helps in someny way but one of the best way is by letting poor to go in an let rich donate money for them so like that United States can have good workers.

My second plan is respect each culture so this will reduce violence. This plan is my second important to me because I want peace in the United States. Or like if people die i want them to die for a reason not to die like just people killing them because they hating on them or because of girls. I also want to stop the violence. I want to meke United States different. I want new things for United States.

My third plan is make life different. For example I want to stop all the bad things. I dont want to what like fight in street i want to see love, peace, and kids working at school study. Another example no drugs in the street, because like with bush it went down. I want to help poor people. This is why i pick this plans i want to make shore that happens.

By:Francys Perez

Anonymous said...

was number 2 a question....

francys perez

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Number two is a question. What can we or the government do to make sure more Latinos, African-Americans and poor people vote? I want at least three ideas!

I hope this help

You are always welcome to ask more question!


Anonymous said...

I think that to make sure the latinos and poor people vote iscan be done in many ways. One way is like for example if the precident said oooo im going to gime money to alll poor people that has to happen and can just said it and not happen. Second reason I think we can also meka sure that they get good informations like use new paper, phone calls, and even canvass. Third but not last we can also make sure that they get good support and also that they get all the information about presidents do or not do. Also we can tell them what to do how to vote and like make sure if there Democrat, Republican or Independent. Thats how we can make sure that the latinos vote.

Anonymous said...

~Part A:

1. In my opinion most minority groups such as Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote because, they are disillusioned with our government. The fact is, no matter who we put in office, we're all still financial slaves to wealthy bankers. No matter who we put in office, we still silently and slowly loose more of our rights. And one more thing, Citizens of United States don’t care about politics, Or they are just lazy so they will say “I’m independent”. By saying that, you’re making a big mistake, Whole point of voting is to give you/us Citizens the right to choose whose best to lead you/me and how well that person takes care of your/our country.

2. Well I would say, not to encourage them but to make those who don’t vote feel pressured. So hey, Why not making “Voting” a duty. The polls where people vote should have a list of all of the United States Citizens that were assigned to vote there, if someone missed it, You will have to pay a fee for not voting or you will be given a punishment; like making them write a 5 page letter for the president about why they didn’t vote, that letter has to be accepted by the president or else the president will have to decide something to do with them, jail? Now if you don’t do the letter, your going straight to jail, so voting is like a law that shouldn’t be violated.

~Part B:

1. My name for my new political party is “American Synthesis Party” (A.S.P).

My first plank would be Wars! Why? Now in United States we are having a big loss of money, because of wars. So my point here is STOP WARS! Specially the Iraq(e) war. United States should have troops to protect us from an incoming attack(s), My point here is wars are bad for our economy.

My second plank would be Taxes! I don’t think the government should benefit from those who are poor, So in a point; Make those who are at a high level of wealth, make them pay higher taxes. Now those who are under high wealth should pay low taxes. So in a point; Not being selfish! Why would the governor have the same amount of taxes for rich people and poor people when poor people get their money (nobody knows doing what) they probably rush and work hard. While rich people get it in an office sitting down getting air attending people.

My third plank would be College! I want to give poor people a chance to have a life. Now to obtain that chance you must take a test. If you pass that test you will be given free scholarship, so even though they are poor and they want to make their life better and they want to try for it, I want to give them that chance, So that means you will have to start studying hard so that you can pass the test.

~Last Part (Importance of Planks)

Plank 1: Ok, So why is “stopping the wars” important? As I said, wars damage our economy and affects people, You are not going to college? Then you will be sent to the Army of be killed! So why not stop it? Why not protect our country from any attacks?

Plank 2: My 2nd plank is important because it just doesn’t look alright that the government is beneficiating from poor people as from rich people. There should be a change on that, You don’t know how I get the money? Or If I need it for my family?

Plank 3: My 3rd plank is important because those who are poor that think they don’t exist in this world I want to give them a chance to try out for life, is like giving your self a chance. But now I already made my part of the plan, now is your part, making that chance worth it. You are responsible to pass that test.

P.S i thought i was going to be like the fourth one,cuz i was having a life, chilen wit friends BUT I WAS WRONG! IM NOT LATE!

~Love Kenny Brea
~2nd one Oh Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Part A.
I think that they do not vote because they might not know were to go to vote or they might live far away and is to far for them to come vote or they might not care about voting or about who is going to be the next president.

To encourage the poor people and the minorities I will make canvas to tell them how important is to vote and tell them were they can vote and how to vote and I will tell them that if they don’t vote they will be letting other people decide for them.

Part B.
The name for my new party will be (DPP) Different Political Party.
1. War:
I will stop the war and brig the troops back home therefore they will be no more people dying because of the war and the government will have more money and the economy might go up.
2. Oil
I will tell the scientist to create or tell the government to buy renewal stuff therefore the army would stay here and they will not be in a war in other counties, and seen the troops are going to be here the government will have more money to buy the renewal stuff.

3. Violence
I will stop the violence by putting more squire in the streets and by offering the people that are provoking the violence something that they will like to have. I will offer them a good life and I will give them a chance but if they do something bad again they will pay.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Francys, Kenny and Ariana,

I will give all three of you feedback as soon as I get home. All three of you got extra points because of your prompt responses!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Fantastic job being the very first person to complete the assignment.

Parts A: # 1 & 2: American Ethnic groups should be always capitalize such as Latinos, Asian Americans and African American. Also, president in English and Spanish has a "s". Most important of all, always capitalize the "I" (yo). The spelling could be better. Perhaps, you rushed a little too much trying to be first. Take your time now!


1. Why do you think "some latinos dont care about voting"?

2. Why do you think minorities and the poor do not trust political candidates?

3. Who do you think it helps the most, when poor people and minorities do not vote?

Part B:

I loved the name. DFA all the way! You actually have six planks! I might just have to write in FrancYs Perez for president! Is Ariana the vice-president candidate? Remember, the name of our country is United States! They are poor (ellos son), not their poor.


4. I love the idea of getting rich people to donate money. But how are you going to raise the money to pay for the program if that is not enough?

5. How are you going to stop violence? How are you going to stop drugs? Great work, but lets work for a A++!!!


Getting better kido!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. "Iamfunny" Brea,

Part A: Questions 1 & 2:

What a great line "disillusioned with our government"!


1. What do you mean by this "the fact is, no matter who we put in office, we're all still financial slaves to wealthy bankers."?

2. The letter and possible punishment is very powerful tool! It would be a lote of reading on the part of the president. In 2004 alone, 15 million African-Americans did not vote. Now the question: Can we make citizens have to vote and still be considered a democracy? Why or why not?

Part B:

3. What do you mean by "Synthesis" in ASP? Let me know!

4. Your first plank makes a whole lot of sense. Bravo! What about Afghanistan? Do you think that war is worth the money?

5. What do you mean by "nobody knows doing what"?).

6. Sarah Palin argued this week that Obama wants to raise taxes and begin a socialist America. She explained that if we tax the rich so much more, people will not want work as hard to be rich anymore. Do you agree or diagree with her? Why?


Honestly, this is some of the best work that I have ever seen! Keep working this hard and you will find yourself with tough questions such as where you should go to high school (Boston Latin, Boston Latin Academy, and O'Brien) and college (Harvard, Stanford, Oxford).

Send the feedback!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


I will give you extra point in the homework section for the feedback!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for doing your work so promptly. Let's see how you did.

Part A: Questions:

1. I think most people who care enough, know where they have to go to vote. But why do you think so many people just don't care about voting?

2. Your plan about making a massive canvass project to inform voters is brilliant. But how are you going to get so many people to help with the canvass?

Part B.

Only if political parties were as honest and hard working as Kenny, Francys and you. Great word renewable! But it is renewable energy! Francys and Simancas 2040!

3. Why do you think the United States should not be in Iraq?

4. What do you mean by squire?

5. Can you give one or two examples about what people might want?

Great job!


Frank said...

1. Many Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote because maybe Latino and African Americans and poor people think that they are going to lose their rights like the right to feel safe and the right of being treated with equally, whether you are male or female. Another reason is that they do not have time and they do not care if their votes effect the election, but a vote could effect the election because the candidate could lose by one vote and that vote may be you. I think that they do not vote because they don’t care who they pick for candidate or president because the people think that nothing is going to change but if the took they’re time and saw the issues that the candidate are tried to fix and make they could see that things are going to change. Moreover, people should vote because when you vote you are picking the people that are going to run our courts, schools, towns, counties, states, and nation.

2. There are many ways you can do to make people vote. One of them is make a canvass, but only go to the independent people and tell them your ideas of what you want to do. For the poor people, you should give them free food and give the food to them your self and at the end, you should talk to all of them about your ideas. Talk to people in a holiday people they are not going to be working they may have time to go to a special event.

3. Problem solving party (PSP)

• Global Warning because we should start taking care of the world because we only have one we do not have two. and Global warning is having a big effect on weather for example in winter one day I was outside something estrange happen I was working with my dad and it stated raining hard, then it was snowing, then the sun came out and it was like 66 decrees outside I never saw that in my 3 years here. Climate change can peak oil, scarce water, diminishing food production.

• Lowe gas prices because some people do not have enough money to pay the bills, taxes and gas for they’re cars, only people that work hard to get they’re money, but you are not going to be killing your sell to pay all that at the same time, people spend at least thousands or millions of dollars on gas. We buy most of our oil from Saudi Arabia the united states should negotiate with them to lower gas prices, they should send a bunnies leader are powerful bunnies man.

• Wars is another problem we should solve because we are sending all of our troops to Iraq but who is protecting us, united states has spend a lot of money on this war, they should be using the money to help poor people and middle class people because they can be paying everything by themselves. At least 1,527 American soldiers have died during the military operation. We can be losing that much soldier what about if they all die in the war, who is going to protect us? Moreover, 26% of Americans think that this is the biggest problem facing America.

Anonymous said...

hANNy Cruz!!

1.The reason why most minority groups such as Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote is because they think their vote doesnt count, another reason is that they may not like the candidates but also they dont have time to go to vote and rather to stay home.

2.There are many ways of how to encourage people to vote by making many plans. First, one way is to go canvas. Second, the candidates should send letter to the people so that they know their goal to get. Third, a good way to encourage people is by making the day of elections a holiday.

American problems political party.

fist plan is to help stop the illegal immigration to the United this the government will have the chance to help the immigrant poor people .and also those people who needs help will have it because the government have the chance to help the poor people.

second paln is the Wars is another problem we should solve because we are sending all of our troops to Iraq but who is protecting us.and also we are westing lot of money sending people and troops to the Iraq war.

third problem is to have free college for people people because there are people the don't have money to pay college and maybe they dont have money to by food and then look for money to pay collage so that why i think the government should pay or have free college to the poor people.

cutelittlefrancys said...

1. I think that latinos dont care about voting because they feel like their vote dont count and because they believe that no matter what they are considered a minority therefore their voices will not be heard and their needs wont be met.

2.Minorities and the poor do not trust the political candidates because they dont do anything that they promise to do. They always say that they will help the working class and they never do or they never complete their goals as presidents.

3.When poor people and minorities dont vote it helps the high class and it helps the rich people gain what they truly want which is for them no to pay taxes. When poor people and the minorities dont vote it shows their lack of care of the country and also the high class gets more advantages.

4.I think that if is not enought we tell the goverment to like help us too even if they give us all tthe give is like a 5% of it to complete if not we think of something.

5.Im going to stop the violence by doing a lot of stuff for ex. we are going to put more police in the streets, we are going to watch teens go to schools and three were going to take all gangs off and make them stop being bad. Im going to stopp grugs by not selling them. I will also stop the urned the factory thats making drugs.

Francys Perez

Anonymous said...

I think most minority groups such as Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote because maybe like almost always when person that run for president wins and is a president never does what they say. Or maybe because in the past many white people were racist so maybemany latino and African Amaricans and poor people don't vote.Or maybe is that never in this whole history have being in a latino,African American nor very poor people and they think that are not going to vote.
If my job is to develop a plan that will encourage poor people and minorities to come out and vote will be that tell them to vote that them vote will be very usefull. And I'll put it more simple so they can vote. like send the e-mail and and put them names and to put who they want to vote and just live it in your house and some people are going to pass by your house and you give it to that person.
tired of both Democrats and Republicans and you want to establish a new political party will be:
1.W.D.P.P(Working with Diverse Political Party)
Decrease Taxes:I will decraese taxes because theirs people in the United States that they get pay an a few smallquantity of money and and they have kids and sometimes they dont get to feed them kids right.
2.Stop the war with Iraq:I will go to Iraq to see what they want from us, and if they want money I will give them what they want but something that's fair.
3.let illegal immigrants come to the United States people from other countries to come to have a better life for their kids and to their family.

by:Karina Santana =]

Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona
Part A:


In my opinion, Latinos, Black and poor people who are citizens don’t vote, because some Latinos, blanks and poor people don’t care about voting. Maybe they think that voting is boring or stupid, that there is no use for voting.
Maybe they are they don’t fill right wasting time to vote if their party don’t win. Maybe is because they might not know were to go to vote or they might live far from where to vote, sense is to far for them to vote they might not even care about voting. Maybe they do not vote because they don’t care who they pick for candidate or president. ( plx read this like an idiot)(Ohhhh… who care about stupid election, is better stay at home an eat some rice with black beans made from my mom and then do some stupid work to keep my job).


I would say, to the government to put a law that every citizen has to fallow and the law is to vote and if you don’t vote you most have a pretty good reason why you didn’t, and if government don’t like your answer the government will take and break yours citizens card (visa) in front of your face and then, you are going to have to wait for at least five years to make/get a new citizen card (visa).

Part B:

PARTY name: saving economic party

1st plank: people wage

People wage should be $10 an hour without kinds, $20 with one kind, and $30 with 2 kids. A person should earn $10 plus every kid they have. (m = $10k).

2nd plank: war

No war, that way we could save our economics and with some money we could put solar energy on really high buildings and on giants companies.

3rd plank: Global Warming

Global warming because we should start taking care of our (the people) planet. Because we only have one beautiful earth we do not have two. Global warning is having a big effect on weather for example in Alaska the polar bears are in danger of extinction, one of these days we won’t even have polar bears they all will we gone and who kill them we did!! That’s only one of the reason why we should save our planet because if global warming goes out of control the polar bears or animal won’t be the only thing dead we (the humans) will be dead too.

cutelittlefrancys said...

I think that to make sure the latinos and poor people vote can be done in many ways. One way is like for example if the precident said oooo im going to gime money to alll poor people that has to happen and can just said it and not happen. Second reason I think we can also meka sure that they get good informations like use new paper, phone calls, and even canvass. Third but not last we can also make sure that they get good support and also that they get all the information about presidents do or not do. Also we can tell them what to do how to vote and like make sure if there Democrat, Republican or Independent. Thats how we can make sure that the latinos vote. sory this question #2 By: Francys Perez....

Anonymous said...

Mr. Paul Pitts Dilley

The Feedback from the Feedback!



By saying, "the fact is, no matter who we put in office, we're all still financial slaves to wealthy bankers", I meant to say that citizens think that who ever wins the election wont matter to them because banks will still take advantage from people’s money.


Ok we have a problem, I don’t understand the question L, so please Mr. Dilley would you be so king enough to break that down in the feed back, or explain me in class.

Part B:


A Synthesis is an evaluation or analysis of research evidence and expert opinion on a specific topic to aid in decision-making or help decision.
~So by saying Synthesis in my Political Party name, I meant that I wanted to make United States better taking decisions with help of the citizens on how to have a better society.


No, I don’t think Afghanistan is worth the money.


By saying “Nobody knows doing what” I meant that you don’t know how poor people get their money, so I used those words rather than saying “Cleaning Toilets!”.

I disagree with her, because, if you were born to be rich and you don’t really care weather to pay more or less taxes, then why care? also rich people have their easy ways of getting money and a lot!

Honestly Mr. Dilley, This was the first feedback that took me hours to finish it, and I was going “Democrazy” doing it!

Mr. Dilley, Go check out the window, there should me a Tsunami coming any moment! Ahh! Hint: “I went Democrazy on feedback for first time!”

~Kenny most known as Director,Mr,iamfunny ect Brea~

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hi Class,

Everyone will get feedback on Saturday! Francys and Kenny you will get the second feedback! Also, start studying for the midterm.

Happy Halloween


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Here it comes… The FEEDBACK (about time, don’t you think?).

Part A:

1. Can you explain to me about what you mean by “ Many Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote because maybe Latino and African Americans and poor people think that they are going to lose their rights like the right to feel safe and the right of being treated with equally”

I agree with you. Every votes count and these people are going to run “our courts, schools, towns, counties, states, and nation.”

Pay attention to the use of THEIR. They’re or they are means ellos son. Their means belongs to them!

2. Should Election Day be a holiday? Why or why not? I like your idea. Canvass is a very important way to promote your message. But it requires lots of planning and volunteers.

Part B:

3. Only if political parties actually solved problems! We can dream!

Global Warming: This is a very important issue. Look at hurricanes! They need warm ocean water and moist air and that’s precisely what global warming is given the hurricanes. But you did not tell me how the PSP is going to fix the problem. Give me one or two proposals.

Millions of Americans are worried about gas problems. Just pay attention to the proper use of their and remember that the United States is a proper noun and the “U” and the “S” should be capitalized.


It is very expensive! We could have used that money to give every American free health care. You cited EVIDENCE! Bravo! Now, listen to this number: 1,284,015 Iraqis have died since the beginning of the war! Question: If you were the next president, would you remove the troops? Why or why not? And how fast?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Dear Ms. Cruz,

Part A:

1. It sounds great. You gave three very plausible reasons. Why do you think minorities and poor people dislike politicians so much?

2. I agree with you: Election Day should be a holiday! 85% of European and Latin American countries vote on the weekend or during a national holiday. Question: Voting is a responsibility and not a duty. Do you think it should become compulsory (duty, mandatory)? Why or why not?

Part B:

Great Name: American problems political party, but since this would be a real party, you would need to capitalize the first letter of each of the four words.

I need you to help me understand the first plank. How would stopping illegal immigration give the government a greater chance to help poor immigrant people? Please, explain.

According to Frank Perez 26% of Americans believe that the Iraq War is the biggest American problem. Question: If you were president, would you bring the troops home? Why or why not?

I agree with you. The government ought to help the poor go to college. Obama wants to raise taxes to the rich so the government can help the poor and the middle class. McCain is calling Obama and maybe you too a SOCIALIST. Question: What does socialism mean?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms. Santana,

Part A:

1. You are right. Millions of Americans do not trust our politicians! I need you to explain to me two things:

a. What do you mean by “Or maybe because in the past many white people were racist so maybe many Latino and African Americans and poor people don't vote”?
b. .What do you mean by “Or maybe is that never in this whole history have being in a Latino, African American or very poor people and they think that are not going to vote.”?

2. To send emails you need to get the emails from people. How would you get their emails? What about the people who do not have Internet?\

Part B:

Great name! Let’s look at each plank.

Decrease Taxes:

Would you also decrease taxes to the rich people?

Stop the war with Iraq:

Who are the they in "I will go to Iraq to see what they?. Also, do you know what was the reason given by President Bush decide to invade Iraq?

Illegal Immigration:

How many illegal immigrants would you let in the United States? Ralph Nader is opposed to illegal immigration, but he wants the United States to help poor countries so their people can have a better life at home. What do you think about Ralph Nader’s idea?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Villalona,

Soccer on Thursday!

Part A:

1. It was very detail. I understood that you wanted to read not as your opinion, but the opinion of someone who doesn’t care about voting. Question: In your opinion is voting important? Why or why not?

2. Jean, your idea is a bit harsh! Can you explain to me what this citizen card is? A Visa card for citizens? I am very curious to read more about this. Also, can you think of something less harsh?

Part B:

It is a good name, but don’t forget to capitalize the first letter of each word since political parties are proper nouns. Also, perhaps it would be better as Saving the Economy Party. The economy needs to be saved!

People Wages

The minimal wage is too low. I agree with you. But I believe that many Americans and John McCain would call you a socialist! Question: What does socialism mean?


Do you mean both the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War? Would you stop both or just one? Explain.

Global Warming

Earth is a proper noun so the e should be capitalized. I saw an add for an environmentalist agency fighting to save wild life and specially polar bears:

Question: If people could stop global warming by stop using their television remotes, would you think that they would stop using the remotes? Why or why not?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Veronica and Rochely,

Where are your comments?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Remember that the word president is spelled with a s and not c. I have one more question about your work, but I will ask you in person tomorrow! Your writing is quite exceptional!

I will put your work up in the bulletin board (the wall outside the classroom) next Monday!

Well done,


Anonymous said...


1.Why do you think minorities and poor people dislike politicians so much? maybe because they don't like the politicians maybe they don't like the change those people are going to made and they may want something and if the poor people and the minority don't want what they going to made.

2.Voting is a responsibility and not a duty. Do you think it should become compulsory (duty, mandatory)? Why or why not?
i think yes and no. yes i think voting should be a mandatory duty because there might be people the really want to vote and have in mind the there vote help the candidate decide how many vote they got.and i think no because there might be people the don't like the politician the are running for president so they may think the their vote don't count.

PARt B. APPP American problems political party.

If you were president, would you bring the troops home? Why or why not? if i were the president i would not bring the troops home because if i do that there is going to be so much killing. and people are going to die.

What does socialism mean?Socialism means that society.that the government takes care of the individual. and i think it means High taxes to support a large government that makes many decisions for us the people.

hi;* Mr dilley =] i try my best to DOO My FEEDBACk i dONt knOw iif it's qOOd yOu tell Me !! SEe yOU tOmOrrOw bye =]]]

Anonymous said...


1.In my opinion the minor part of Latin-American people and poor people do not vote because they do not believe in people that promises things to be a president but when they made this goal to be a president they do not expire with the word.
Example X person say " If I am a president i end with the war " but when X person come to be a president He forgets everything what he said about it.

2. To encourage the poor people and the minorities I will make canvas to tell people that vote is a right to share the opinion and to tell them why is important to vote and i will put information about when how and for who vote in the newspapers in Spanish and in English because some old person don't know how to read in English

Part B:

I will establish a new political party a name"NAPP" it mean "NORTH AMERICANS POLITICAL PARTY" and then a platform of three planks:

1-Economy: low taxes for the poor and those who earn more of a quantity of money since they have to pay more taxes that the persons who have fewer opportunities.
Stop wasting money in a war that does not make sense, and stop affecting people and families.

2-Education:all people who are young of 17 years old have to go to a school and the government have to help the families of them.
the government have to pay the teachers and hours extras because when the teachers stay after school is to still working ,and
this political party will make student study the same time in all school of united states.

3-exportation:this political party will send and accept products from another country but whit security because maybe some countries will export bad things like cocaine e.t.c , but i will accept food from another countries because in United States live people from different tapes of cultures .

Mr. Pitts-Dilley

perdon que hice el trabajo un poco tarde lo que paso fue que me quede sin internet en mi casa por par de dias im sorry ..

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for the great work and for the definition of synthesis. The writing and critical thinking is far beyond of an eighth grader. I will put your work along Francy’s work on the bulletin board.

Question 2:

2. The letter and possible punishment is very powerful tool! It would be a lote of reading on the part of the president, so we better vote for a president who likes and can read.

In 2004 alone, 15 million African-Americans did not vote.

Now the question: Can we make citizens have to vote and still be considered a democracy? Why or why not?

• Think about the definition of democracy
• Would make voting compulsory (mandatory, duty) be a necessary “evil”?
• We talked about this in class, but feel free to ask me again.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


No problem. I will consider it on time. Just let me know next time!


Anonymous said...


1.In my opinion the minor part of Latin-American people and poor people do not vote because they do not believe in people that promises things to be a president but when they made this goal to be a president they do not expire with the word.
Example X person say " If I am a president i end with the war " but when X person come to be a president He forgets everything what he said about it.

2.To encourage the poor people and the minorities I will make canvas to tell people that vote is a right to share the opinion and to tell them why is important to vote and i will put information about when how and for who vote in the newspapers in Spanish and in English because some old person don't know how to read in English.

part B:
-I will establish a new political party with a name "NAAP" it mean (NORTH AMERICANS POLITICAL PARTY)
Whit the three following planks :

1-economy :
low taxes to poor people and more taxes to people who have more opportunities . i will end wasting money in a war Stop wasting money in a war that does not make sense and affecting people and families with the war .and don't wast money doing unnecessary things.

2-ducation :
all boys and girls younger of 17 years have to go to school and the government have to help the families of them , and the government have to pay the teachers all hours extras of work because when the stay after school they still working . and i will make a rule that all students of public schools have to study the same hours (7am to 1pm) .

3-my last planks will be about exportation because in United States live people from different cultures so i accept the trade of free commerce with any country and i will send products to another countries so the people who live in United States can eat they food. but i will use security to do this because some people will use this method to export drugs .

Mr. Pitts-Dilley
-im sorry que hice el trabajo un poco tarde lo que paso fue que me quede un tiempo sin internet en mi casa y no habia tenido la oportunidad de hacer este trabajo y no se si envie este dos veces lo que paso fue que por el problema del internet se desconecto y tuve que hacer este de nuevo .

Anonymous said...


Mr. Pitts-Dilley thank you =)

Anonymous said...

Rochely Sanchez

1) In my opinion Latinos, African American poor people don’t vote because they think that they going to loose their right and they think that the government is not going to help them. And they think that voting is boring they think that the is to loose their time in that because when
They need help they don’t listen to him that why they don’t pay attention to voting for nobody.

2) To encourage the poor people and the minorities I would make a meeting in their town and telling them how is important to vote and. And giving them food and money so they support their family and help them fix their house.

Part B

A) My name of my platform will be HDKP its mean help all different kind of people.

B) Free college for poor people, culture, and economy.

C) Free college for poor people because they don’t have enough of money to pay their college because rich people go to college and poor people don’t that thing is that I want it to do is to give them the half of the money and the rich people to give them the other half so they can go to college the thing that I want is to everyone should be treated the same as human that they are and like that I will make them happy helping every body.

D) Culture I will like to everyone to represent their home culture and buy all the ingredients for their food and do a parade for every country and do activities so all the country can get mix together and make sure everything of their home country will be sealed in this country.

E) Economy is to the rich people take more taxes out and five is to the poor people so they can get almost the same amount of money to help everyone at the same time because that is not fare to take more taxes from the poor people then the rich that why I will take the rich people more money from their taxes to give it to the poor people.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Part A:

1 Oh, yes…. You are right politicans like to make several false promises. Now, can you explain to me what you meant by “president they do not expire with the word”?

2. There are two s in the word canvass. Canvass is always a great tool, but it requires lots of planning and volunteers. How are you going to convince people to volunteer to go canvassing?

Part B:

NAAP sounds great! Just pay special attention to the correct spelling of WITH (con). Let’s look at your three planks.


Can you give me two more examples of wasting money on unnecessary things? Also, Obama seems to agree with you in charging lower taxes to the poor and higher taxes to the rich. McCain and Palin have accused Obama (and perhaps you too) of being a socialist! What does socialism mean?


Yeah more money for me ;)

Are six hours (7AM to 1PM) enough? Why or why not?

Exportation (trade):

You must capitalize the pronoun I as in “yo” in English. Also, the pronoun their, means beong to them. The pronoun they means “ellos”. How are you going to use security to stop drug trafficking?

Good job,

I can’t wait to see your feedback response!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Rochely Sanchez

Part A:

1. Can you explain how by voting minorities and the poor might think that they are going to loose their rights (“In my opinion Latinos, African American poor people don’t vote because they think that they going to loose their right”)? Also, do you think voting is boring? Why or why not?

2. Can you think of two more possible ways to get minorities and the poor to vote? I like your first ideas, but remember that not all minorities are poor and many poor people are white too.

Part B

HDKP would get my vote. Just remember to capitalize the first letter of each word of titles and proper nouns such as political parties. Let’s look at your planks.

Free college for poor:

Do you mean paying half of the college tuition and fees to both rich and poor? Or do you mean something else? Please explain.


What do you mean by “make sure everything of their home country will be sealed in this country”? I agree with you that promoting diversity is very important.


As I mentioned to many of your classmates, Obama is being accused of being a socialist, because he wants to charge lower taxes to the poor and higher taxes to the rich. What does socialism mean?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You did send the work two times. But thats okay.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny Cruz,

Second Feedback:

Great job doing your work in such a timely manner! Just remember to capitalize the pronoun I as in “yo” in English and the first letter of proper nouns such as political parties.


#2: You need to work a little more on this one. Should people be forced to vote? Why or why not?

Also, how long do you think should American troops stay in Iraq? For how many more years? Are we going to have to stay there for a long, long time to protect the Iraqi people? What do you think?

Looks great so far!


Frank said...

1. Many Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote because maybe Latino and African Americans and poor people think that they are going to lose their rights like the right to feel safe and the right of being treated with equally, whether you are male or female. This is like if you vote and you vote for the candidate you agree with, but lest says he wins you are all happy and stuff but the candidate does not do what he said he what going to do for you. Another reason is that they do not have time and they do not care if their votes effect the election, but a vote could effect the election because the candidate could lose by one vote and that vote may be you. I think that they do not vote because they don’t care who they pick for candidate or president because the people think that nothing is going to change but if the took they’re time and saw the issues that the candidate are tried to fix and make they could see that things are going to change. Moreover, people should vote because when you vote you are picking the people that are going to run our courts, schools, towns, counties, states, and nation.

2. There are many ways you can do to make people vote. One of them is make a canvass, but only go to the independent people and tell them your ideas of what you want to do. For the poor people, you should give them free food and give the food to them your self and at the end, you should talk to all of them about your ideas. Talk to people in a holiday people they are not going to be working they may have time to go to a special event. Yes election day should be a holiday because the people that have to work and day and don’t have time can go and vote because they are going to have the whole day to do it.

3. Problem solving party (PSP)

• Global Warning because we should start taking care of the world because we only have one we do not have two. and Global warning is having a big effect on weather for example in winter one day I was outside something estrange happen I was working with my dad and it stated raining hard, then it was snowing, then the sun came out and it was like 66 decrees outside I never saw that in my 3 years here. Climate change can peak oil, scarce water, diminishing food production. We are going to solve this problem by using solar energy and water energy… we could make cars that are ready to use and that use those two energy and we are going to sell them cheaper. We should stop using nuclear power because it damaging our planet.

• Lowe gas prices because some people do not have enough money to pay the bills, taxes and gas for they’re cars, only people that work hard to get they’re money, but you are not going to be killing your sell to pay all that at the same time, people spend at least thousands or millions of dollars on gas. We buy most of our oil from Saudi Arabia the United States should negotiate with them to lower gas prices, they should send a bunnies leader are powerful bunnies man. If I were the president, I would remove the troops from Iraq because The United States is only spending money in Iraq. What are we doing there any ways? That money could be use for health care and to help poor people, I think we are killing innocent people 1,284,015 Iraqis have died since the beginning of the war. Therefore, after I become president I would talk to congress about it and I would tell them what is my opinion and why are we removing the troops. I want congress to understand what I am doing and why.

• Wars is another problem we should solve because we are sending all of our troops to Iraq but who is protecting us, united states has spend a lot of money on this war, they should be using the money to help poor people and middle class people because they can be paying everything by themselves. At least 1,527 American soldiers have died during the military operation. We can be losing that much soldier what about if they all die in the war, who is going to protect us? Moreover, 26% of Americans think that this is the biggest problem facing America.

Anonymous said...

need feedback......


Anonymous said...

10/31 Three Branches: Cornell Notes 0 / 300

i did this homework i email to you.
like 30 minute ago...check email

Frank Perez

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


How is this different than your first post? Let me rephrased the questions and remove the positive feedback (in other words go directly to the point).

Part A:

1. Can you explain to me about what you mean by “think that they are going to lose their rights like the right to feel safe and the right of being treated with equally”? How? Why? Please explain!

2. Should Election Day be a holiday? Why or why not?

Part B:

Global Warming: You did not tell me how the PSP is going to fix the problem. Give me one or two proposals.


If you were the next president, would you remove the troops? Why or why not? And how fast?


Anonymous said...

all the same problem need to check again..hahahaha


Anonymous said...

what is proposals?


Frank said...

1. Can you explain to me about what you mean by “think that they are going to lose their rights like the right to feel safe and the right of being treated with equally”? How? Why? Please explain!. What I meant by that was that they maybe think that if they pick a candidate the candidate would not take care of them the poor people and the candidate is going to take always they’re right and maybe his going to make life impossible for Latinos.

2. Should Election Day be a holiday? Why or why not?
I think it should be a holiday because the people that work all day to get money to take care of they’re child don’t have time to go vote because they’re working if we make election day a holiday they could have time to vote because they’re not going to have to work. Therefore, they have all day to vote.

Part B:

Global Warming: You did not tell me how the PSP is going to fix the problem. Give me one or two proposals. How we the PSP are going to fix this problem is by selling recycle product because paper comes from trees and trees give us O2. In addition, if we lose the entire trees we are probably going to die, what you want to do is Buy recycled paper products. Be sure that people are recycling at home because if you recycle you are saving a lot of carbon dioxide a year. Support renewable energy source that means that it could be replace if use for example solar energy. Solar energy could be use to stop cars with gas because when you turn it on your burning gasoline and that is bad for the world. We could make people use these things and fin new ways to make other people use it we could make poster, put them in trees, and tell people be media the TV is the best way because many people see the TV and see the sports.


If you were the next president, would you remove the troops? Why or why not? In addition, how fast? I would remove the troops because we should use the money we are spending on Iraq for something useful. Like for science or global warming there is a lot of stuff we could spend that money. The troops should come home because we haven done in Iraq and what are we doing there, or are we there to kill innocent people and spend money and that money could have gone to kid’s heath insurance, only George W. Bush could have keep all those troops on Iraq for that long. Bush is spending American money.

Anonymous said...

||*hANNy x3

Should people be forced to vote? Why or why not?

i think no people should not be forced to vote because is their opinion. or if they want to vote is alright but i think they should not be forced to vote.well i mean they should vote because that help the politician know how people are interested to vote for the people running for president.

MESTRO !! CAN yOU explain the other Question next to this one i dOnt UNDERSTAN !! PLEASE!!!!??

Anonymous said...

Part A:

1.Expire with the word mean when somebody no cumple con lo que promete.

2. I going to convince people to volunteer to go canvassing because i will tell them how important is to vote .vote is important because we can show our opinion about a person who's gonna be a president.

Part B:


Wasting money on unnecessary things is like when the president ordena buy guns to kill people in the war for something that don't make any sense.
socialism mean ?
-Socialism means a global system of social organization based on Common Ownership.


Yeah more money for me ;)

Are six hours (7AM to 1PM)are enough because we can study:
7 to 8:math
8 to 9:English
9 to 10:art
11 to 11:30 :lunch
11:40 to 12:40 history
12:40 to 1 bus n walkers .

Exportation (trade):

I going to use security to stop drug trafficking like in the airports that they make sure about what the people export to another country .

Anonymous said...

Millions of Americans do not trust our politicians the person the runs for president:
 Because sometimes they say things/plans that they know they are not going to do it, just to get the attention of voters so they can vote for them.
 Because sometimes people/voters think the country is going to stay the same and that is not going to change.
a. I’m changing my answer think most minority groups such as Latino and African Americans and poor people who are citizens do not vote because sometimes they just say: oh I know who is the one is going to be president I don’t need to vote.
For the people who do not have Internet I just have to send them papers. I will not decrease taxes to poor and increase to rich I have to be fair and decrease to both.

 “I will go to Iraq to see what they want” I mean with “they” the Iraqi people.
 No, I don’t know what was the reason given by President Bush decide to invade Iraq.
 Yes, I agree with his idea I will let illegal immigrants to come to the United States the ones are criminals.
karina santana:a president!!!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Proposals are ideas of how you or someone are going to try to fix a problem (propose a solution).


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


What kind of papers are going to send to the poor?
If you decrease taxes to everyone, how are you going to raise (get) money to plan for your planks (proposals)?
Are we fighting the entire Iraqi population?
Shouldn't you research and find the answer to the question that I have asked? What was the reason given?
I don't get the answer? Do you agree or disagree with Ralph Nader's plan about immigration?


Too rushed!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


If you want to get my vote for president, then you must do your new feedback! You have until Friday.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


thanks. but expire actually means that time has finished! Time is up! But I get you.

Thanks for answering the question about socialism, if we did not have to loose so much class time with so many different and crazy things, we would be able to read the book Animal Farm.

What about science class?

Great work!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Great job with the feedback, great job getting started on the new question already and superb job taking charge with the little kids during the K-4 mock election for president!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Are you going to answer my last question?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Rochely, Ariana and Jean?

Feedback response?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


I still do not get why minorities and the poor would loose their rights by voting. Would it be better to vote for the politician we do not like?

Thanks for explaining what we should do. But a proposal from the government would be something like this: charge less or no taxes for recycle paper and more taxes for non-recycle paper so the paper
industry would recycle more paper!

In your opinion, have we as a country messed up Iraq to the point of where it cannot be fixed? Explain.


Anonymous said...

frank perez

I think we haven mess up Iraq to the point it could be fix. Iraq could be fixing if they remove the troops now if the United States keeps the troops there, and then is going to be mess up. I got an idea before writing this of a plan that could help Iraq my plan is. One help Iraqis people with their house because a lot of them lost the house because of bombing attacks. Two send the food, water and heath care, because many of the people there where injury. Three live some of the troops and put police to put order because in Iraq savage bandit gangs. I think if we keep the troops there for a 2 years more, Iraq would be mess up for sure its going to become bloody no-man's land and people are not going to be apple o enter because the damage.

Anonymous said...


jejeje okeii Mr. Pitts-Dilley
oo and about science class on February jajaja..

Anonymous said...

obama is winning 175 to 76.......yeah go obama....


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Perez,

You probably do not know who the former Secretary of State George Marshall was, but he "fixed" Europe by using a similar plan as you proposed for Iraq. Quite good! Oh well I knew that there was a reason I voted Frank Perez for Senator (wrote in your name)!


Anonymous said...

ty MR.DILLEY..............

Frank Perez

Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona

Part A:

1. Yes, because the right to vote in the first U.S. presidential election of 1789 was restricted almost exclusively to white, but now that everybody could vote, black or tan (brown) or woman they should vote now to do something their ancestor couldn’t do (to vote). If I could vote every single day I would, because when we did the mock elections
I felt so much fun so, I think that it is a shame that so many people don't exercise one of their most important rights as Americans. Voting is one of the easiest and most important things you can do to be involved in the political process.

2. Mr. Dilley that’s the only way I could think of, to make people vote, because I think that people react more to harsh thing than a (hah please vote…). A citizen card is a card that says you where born in the United States, you where naturalized or that your parent where born here but you weren’t, is it called a visa card?

Part B:

People wage

What does socialism mean? Socialism means a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state.


I can’t answer you this question, because I don’t know what is going on the Iraq war or Afghanistan War to stop one of them or both.

Global warming

No, because some people like me or others have cable and cable have lots of channels and people can’t be changing channel every time they give announcements like me so they would stay with the remote but they would probably do something else to help the global warming.

Anonymous said...

jean i didn't have time to fix it had to live bye!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rochely Sanchez
Part A

1) I my opinion I think that voting is not boring because you vote is to choose a better president and the new president might come with good thing that you can be
interested with. That is my opinion about it.

2) To give them coupons of meal to the poor and to order him a check every month to help them to buy clothes and for fix their house.

Part B

1) No I mean something else. I mean that take more money from the rich people and give it to the poor so the poor people can go to college and we pay the half and the other half will pay it the rich person that is to help the poor.

2) I mean to sealed thing from their home country so they can think that they are in their country buying thing from their.

3)it is a politico-Economy philosophy that believe in government must direct all major economy decision by command.

Anonymous said...

1. I think they gets don’t care because they don’t care about the government and they don’t care about who is going to be the next president or maybe they don’t like does candidates.

2. I going to help people by putting in the news paper that we need somebody to this or put it on the internet therefore they can sing up for that and they can help me with the canvas.

3. I think that the Unites States should not be in Iraq because they are killing each other and many people back home are suffering for their families that are in Iraq, and also because the government is wasting a lot of money in the weapons.

4. Mr. Dilley I don’t know what squire means.

5. I think people want a better government, and no more taxes, and last no more president Bush.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Here you mean to sell (vender) not sealed. Great job!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Why do you think people do not believe in politicians or even hate them? Do you believe in politicians? Do you think Obama is actually going to help change the country? Why or why not?

Mr. PPD.

P.S. Squire: a young noble man????

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Villalona,

Fantastic job on part 1. It is really impressive! You would have gotten my vote for president over any of the two major candidates!

Many people have forgotten or simply never knew why we got to be in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Global Warming: Unfortunately, I agree with you! We have become very lazy!


Anonymous said...

Why do you think people do not believe in politicians or even hate them?
I think that the people don't belive in politicians or they hate them because some of the politicians don't do their job right they are gest like George Bush, and he make the economy go down because of the war, or maybe the people hate them because the people might think that they are bad politicians and they don't deserve to be a in the govenrment.

Do you believe in politicians?
I don't belive in all the politicians because some of them are not good people for the job and they don't really know what they are doing and they should kknow what are they doing and they should think of ways to make the economy better and how to stop the war but they think the opposite of that.
Do you think Obama is actually going to help change the country? Why or why not?
Yes I do think that Obama is going to help change the country because he is not going to think about the war and I think he is not like Geroge Bush, and i think that Obama is going to try to bring the economy up.


Anonymous said...

rochely sanchez

thanx mr.dilley

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Great job! My last feedback to you in this question is in regards to the Obama question: LET'S HOPE SO!