Friday, October 17, 2008

7A: World Geography: Spatial Inequality and Mayas of MesoAmerica

Part A: Chapter 9: Spatial Inequality in Mexico City: From Cardboard to Castles.

1. What causes rural decline? ¿Qué causa “rural decline”?
2. What is spatial inequality? ¿Qué es “spatial inequality”?
3. What do you think that the government of Mexico should do to help its poor urban population like Anna Romero and Rosa (the woman who lives with her son at a house made of cardboard, plastic and other cheap materials)? ¿Qué usted piensa que el gobierno de México deberia hacer para ayudar a su población urbana pobre como Ana Romero y Rosa (la mujer que vive con su hijo en una casa hecha de la cartón, del plástico y de otros materiales baratos)?

Part B: Chapter 10: Indigenous Cultures: The Survival of the Maya of Mesoamerica.

4. What does subsistence farming means? Why is it so important to the indigenous peoples of Guatemala? ¿Qué significa “subsitence farming”? ¿Por qué “subsistence farming” es tan importante para la población indígena de Guatemala?
5. Why do you think is important to keep our traditions, religion and celebrations? ¿Porqué usted piensas que es importante guardar y mantener nuestras tradiciones, religión y celebraciones?


Anonymous said...

1. There is no school close to rural area, Their childrens have to stay home to help their mom to work and get water, And there is no job.

2.Spatial inequality is the difference between poor and rich people in the same place or the same city.

3. I think that it (the government) should try to help the poor peolple in mexico and to make an urban area where there is a rural area.

4. I think they are important to Guatemala because the indegenous are part of them.

5. I think we should keep our tradition, religion and celebration because we need to used what we like and almost all the celebration are the same in other countries.

Carlos Compres

Anonymous said...

1. There aren't enough schools and small farmers loose treir lands to banks. 2. The difference en the standar 'd of living of poor and rich people. 3. Construir varias casas o apartamentos especialmente para esas personas y darle cupones para su alimentacion algo de dinero para sus necesidades y construir una escuela para las personas de esa area.

4. significa sobrevivir juntos en una asienda poque no tienen recursos y es tan importante parala poblacion indigena de guatemala por que lo que le sobra es decir el extra lo venden para ganar dinero.

5. Para mi es importante porque pienso que las tradiciones, celebraciones, cuentos, musicas y religiones son parte de el pais en que se usa por eso yo pienso que es importante guardar nuestras tradiciones.

Jerson Steve Familia.

Anonymous said...

1) Cuandolos gefas de empresas no produce mucho dinero y tiene que desepedir empleados.
2) Cuando Rico y Pobres viben en una misma ciudad.
3) People working together to share food.
4) Because they need to work in group.
5) Es para recordar nuestro pasado y para saber mas de nosotros.

Joermar Garcia

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You wrote your comment on the wrong section!!!

Here it is:

1 RURAL DECLINE: is when happens when people loose their jobs,there arent enough schools and small farmers loose their lands to banks.

2 SPATIAL INEQUALITY: is the difference in the standard of living of poor and rich people so is that no is equal in the same place.

3 Talvez si tienen tieras que no tenga nada de cosecha que hagan vegetales o si no que el govierno diera trabajo y que trabajaran o que el govierno les diera comida.

4 SUBSISTENCE FARMING: people working together to share food and sell.

5 Para que nuestro paiz se mantenga contento y representando sus cosas tradicionales para que los Guatemaltecos estemos orgullosos de sus costumbres.

ATT:Morelia Morales.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The plural of child is not childrens, but children. I am not sure about number 4. You should explain it to me! I really do not understand it! Can you also explain why traditions are important?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


hacienda es con h. Good job on your first time! Continue a trabajar!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


This was very rushed and I know that you can do better! If you do not re-do it, you will most likely receive a poor grade. Check your grade online.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Your best work yet! Keep it up!