Thursday, September 11, 2008

8th Grade Civics & U.S. History: 9-11 Attacks

Today marks the 7th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks.


1. What happened on September 11th, 2001?
2. Why do you think some people commit such acts of violence?
3. Some people believe that the best way to deal with Middle Eastern terrorism is to destroy "evil" by force, some other people believe that the best way to deal with terrorism is to negotiate (talk) and others believe that the best way to deal with Middle Eastern terrorism is to leave the Middle East (Troops out of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan). What do you think is the best solution (you can come up with another solution)? Why?

Each part must be at least four sentences long.

This assignment is due by next Friday.


Anonymous said...

mr.dilley i dont understand the twps that we was suposeto do it in class can you explain it to me please???????????

Rochely sanchez


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


[[by veronica]]
-On September 11, 2001, there was an attack on America. they hijacked four planes and attacked America in a terrible way.Two of the airplanes were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City.
The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The last plane was going to crash into another building in Washington, D.C., Thousands of people lost their lives through these attacks. Hundreds of people were on the planes. Thousands died in the buildings that were hit by those planes.
The men that arranged this terrible attack want Americans to feel afraid and disorganized. They want to make people who live in this country do what they say by threatening us. Basically they’re big bullies.

-I think some people commit such acts of violence porque hay mucha gente que siente venganza asia otra persona y comenten estos actos de biolencia que no tiene van pa ningun lado . otras personas que cometen atakes de violencia es porque les paso algo en la juventud o tiienen problemas.

-I think the best solution to deal with terrorism is by the communication because the person who have a problem can find the solution of the problem but if this person start to do acts of violence they cannot find the way of deal with the problem so for me the best way is to communication.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Question #1: "Why is it inaccurate to think that the United States is a melting pot?"

What I am asking is why it is not true that the United States is a melting pot?

Question # 2: "Is your home country a melting pot? Why or why not?"

What I am asking is if you think the Dominican Republic is a melting pot?

Hint: Go to your notes and look the definitions of melting pot and cultural mosaic again.

Hint: Remember when we said that a Mac and Cheese that has five different types of cheese that melt together is like a bunch a different cultures that become totally American and stop listening to their home country's music, stop eating their home countries food, etc... (melting pot)

Hint: Remember when we said that when people have their own parades in the United States such as Dominican Parade, Brazilian Parade and Puerto Rican Parade instead of a United States Parade (Cultural Mosaic).

I hope that helps... if not you can always ask more questions.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Great job doing most of it in English and using Spanish to help your work! I love when you said that the terrorist try to act like big bullies.

It sounds very detail, but I have some feedback questions for you...

1) Who hijacked the planes?
2) Where were the planes coming from?
3) Where were the planes supposed to go?
4) Where was the last plane supposed to crash? What happened to that plane?

Good job...

Answer my questions for an A!


Frank said...

Frank Perez

Online question

1. What happen on September 11 2001 what happen was that 2 planes that were leaving from Boston to Los Angeles were hack Jake by terrorist and they crash 2 of them to the world trade center and they felt, it all started in the morning of that Tuesday when they 4 planes weren’t responding and a couple of 1hours later they crash to one of the towers, the airport saw the towers in flame and from that moment on the knee that something was going on, all the firefighters were off to the world trade center there were a lot of paper flying around a lot of people die then the second plane hit it some people thought the second plane was send by the military but 1 minute later it crash and it exploded. Many people are still alive because they missed they’re key, because the traffic, but that day would never be forgotten.

2. People comic act of violence because they want to send a message or they are trying to tell them to stop doing something. People are mean in the world many people kill other for no reason, but attacking one of the most important building is bad and they even attack the pentagon but it didn’t do that much damage. In this attack they were trying to send a message.

3. I think the best way is to talk and leave the middle east because if e do the same thing to them that means that we are as bad as them, they should talk about what they did and if there someone that doesn’t want to talk and he doesn’t care about the people that die we should kill him to see how it feels.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You still own me feedback for the last question!!!



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for doing a great job! Where is your application for Boston Latin, Boston Latin Academy and the O'Bryant Math & Science? Go Celtics!


"Hijacked" the planes.

Past Tense! Use the past tense in all verbs: "sent", "crashed" and "knew"! But you did a fantastic job of using the regular and irregular past tense of the other verbs!

Part 1: Questions:

1. What happened to the third plan? 2. Where did it hit?
3. Why did the fourth plan did not hit the White House?
4. How many people lost their lives during those attacks?

Part 2 & Part 3:

Pay attention to the spellings of "committed (commit)" acts of violence and the Middle East is a proper noun! Besides that... AMAZING WORK!


Anonymous said...

Frank Perez

application for Boston Latin, Boston Latin Academy and the O'Bryant Math & Science? tommorrow

Frank said...

1. What happened to the third plan? Where did it hit? The third plane hit the pentagon it didn’t do that much damage but it hit it.

2. Why the fourth plan did not hit the White House? The fourth plane didn’t hit anything because “the people in the plane fought the terrorist and they crashed the plane in the middle of a forest.”

3. How many people lost their lives during those attacks? A lot of people die 2974 die I that day and the 19 hijackers.

Anonymous said...

~Question 1
On September 11, 2001, On that morning, nineteen Islamic terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda and hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the building, causing both buildings to collapse within two hours, destroying at least two nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanks Ville in rural Summerset County, Pennsylvania after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. About 2,900 people died in the attacks.
~Question 2

I Think that people commit such attacks because, they are either looking for vengeance, revenge or they might have a” Belief(s)” Ex. Some people thought that by doing this they would have gone to heaven! This is how religious people think, if your country gets attacked most people want revenge.
~Question 3

The best way to work things out would be negotiating, talking to them about making peace. Because I think that everything shouldn’t be solved by “violence”, And also by leaving the middle east can be worst! They might attack you. So yeah negotiate first E-Z way, And hey if that doesn’t work ill go with Destroying “EVIL” by force since they don’t listen.

Anonymous said...

on september 11 the twins towers felt because there were terrorism in a airplane.they chose the airplane that were going from boston to los angeles because to go from los angeles its far away and it gets to use a lot of gasoline and when a air plane doesn't have the much gass, it doesn't explote and some people can be a live.and this one had a lot of gass so it explote and everybody died.

I think some people commit such acts of violence because sometimes they want money from the government. or sometimes terrorists want revenge of something or it could be a sign for ex. this is just the bigining but next time would be worst.

a forth solution that I will chose is to stop the war first ,and then a least talk with them and tell them that we do not hate them and ask them what they want from us?

Karina Santana

P.S. Karina will fix it later!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Keny and Karina,

Thanks for submitting your work. I will give you feedback later tonight.


Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona


On September 11th, 2001, the New York City Twins towers were collapse. The twins tower collapse, because of some terrorist attack. They crash the twins with two air plane one air plane on each. The two air plane that crash with the twins tower were hijacked from Los Angeles air-port by terrorist that had plenty of experience flying air plane, Then two air more air plane were hijacked one of them crash on the pentagon the other one were supposed to go to the white house, but it was destroy before it got there. Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died in the attacks. Another 24 are missing and presumed dead.


I think some people commit terrorist attack is, because they are pay very good to cause problems to the government or to a society. Maybe some people commit terrorist attack, because they probably want revenge. Maybe is because the want to send a message to the government or society (message: don’t mess with our people). Many people kill other for no reason.


I think the best solution to deal with Middle Eastern terrorism is to leave the Middle East, because many innocent people are dying on the war. Many familiars of troopers from the Middle East war are dying inside them, cause of the thousands of people that die in the war. And they should talk about what they did and if there someone that doesn’t want to talk and he don’t care about the people that die they should kill his family one by one in till he says we will stop the war, that way he will know how the people fell when their familiars die.

cutelittlefrancys said...

On september 11th 2001 what happen was that the tween tower felt. They felf because the were most likely attack by the terrict people. Those bad people were on the plain and they die just to hit the tween tower many people die. actually two plains hit the tween tower. Still people still in life but most of the people did not wanted to die by the terrict so the just jump outof the tower. The terrict that hit the plian die but they did the work for nothing.

I think people commit such acts of violence because they dont have a heart. Maybe because they dont know how to loose a person on your life. They maybe just want others to feel how they feel. Maybe because they like trying to tell them like a messege or they like killing because they want to. They might not be thinking what are they doing that why there doing it. Or maybe they just think that violence its good for then but its not.

I think the best way is to kill them because if we like try to talk they might no listen. Like if i someone got to talk to them and like just because he or she told them to stop they kill he or she and like their family just because he or she tried to stop them. I think even if they talk to them the wont listen because maybe they just want all this people dead. Or another posability is that they can move a way from there or just try to communicate.

BY: Francys perez

Anonymous said...

On September 11th 2001 the twin towers felt down because the terrorist, some airplanes got lost in the pentagon, and the terrorist send some people to the with house to attack and the people in the white house attack them back.
I think they commit those acts of violence because they want revenge because maybe someone did something bad to their family or to them or because the terrorists obligate them to do that because they think that they are their god and if they don’t do it they will not go to havens.
I think that the terrorist should negotiate because negotiating is the best way to solve a problem not killing each other they can share what they are fading fore and stop hating each other. This is what I think terrorist should do.


Anonymous said...


1.What happen on September 11 was there was 2 plane living boston going to los Angeles.both of plane one crash on one of the twin towers. then the tower started destroying.people the were inside the building working. the people were trying to run and get out of the there. because there air plane were inside the building and lot of people died.there were to couple the jump together that very sad and the people the were in the fist floor they did save their life because they started runing when they saw does to plane destroying the towels. there were many firefighters trowing water trying to save people lives .Thousands of people lost their lives through these attacks not only their lives they lost their family sons daughters they lost many thing in their lives.and those plane were going to Washington DC.but September 12.2001 NEVER Will be forgotten of our heart. =[[[ =[[

2.i think the people commit such acts of violence like this one because maybe they want to have something and they can not have it so they are [DESQUITANDOSELA] with people.or maybe they want to send a message or maybe just being [BAD]and trying to destroy peoples lives. or maybe when does people were little maybe they saw something or they have many thing thing going in their lives so that why maybe they commit such acts attack or violence like that.

3.the best solution to deal with terrorism is to be negotiating, talking to them about why they do that and ask them equations about how they feel when whn they do that???

cutelittlefrancys said...

mR. PpD wERe ItS mII fEEd bAcK!!!!

cutelittlefrancys said...

wErE ItS mY fEEd BaCk!!!

cutelittlefrancys said...

i do my feed back tomorrow cuz i wait so much and you never got in!!!!!

cutelittlefrancys said...


cutelittlefrancys said...

too much waiting...bye...

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Sorry Francys,

I just got home from soccer practice (coaching our boys team)! I am going to do your first!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Part 1:

Don't forget to use capital letters for the first letter of months and days of the week in English such as "September". Also pay attention to the spelling of "terrorists" and "Twin Towers".


1. How many people died all together?
2. Who ordered the attacks?
3. Where did the planes come from and where were the planes supposed to go?
4. What happened to the other two plans?

Part 2:

Simply put: What an amazing job! Your best work yet! You gave me four to five possible reasons! Francys rule!

Part 3:

Pay special attention to the spelling of the word "possibility". Good reasoning, but here comes a hard question!

Question: If we choose to try to kill all the terrorists, would their families want to attack us back? Would the innocent victims of our attacks (their neighbors) become terrorists also? Or it is a necessary evil (hard thing to do)?

What do you think?


P.S. Is this the picture of your nephew? What's his name?

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for the quality and prompt work! Check your grade online!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Part 1:


1. Where did you get your information?
2. What does hijackers mean?
3. What does affiliated mean?
4. Where did the planes come from and where were they supposed to go (cities and airport names)?

Part 2:

Great job on part two and plenty of your own words;)

Answer these hard questions:

Do two wrongs make a right (revenge)?
Do you think all Muslims think that by dying in the name of terrorism that they will go to heaven?

Part 3:

The "Middle East" is a proper noun and should be capitalized! Part 3 is superb! I am only asking myself why couldn't you work for the Bush Administration as Secretary of State!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Karina Santana,

Ok. I know that for some reason computer 1 was not working and you could not have used Microsoft Word. But you need to follow capitalization rules such as...

1. Capitalize all proper nouns: Names, Cities and specific places such as Twin Towers.
2. Months and Days of the week in English (no en espanol).
3. First letter of a sentence.

So you need to copy the whole assignment, capitalize when need it and then paste it and submit your new post along with the rest of the feedback.

Part 1:

Good job explaining why the terrorist selected the flights (airplanes).


1. What happened to the other two plans?
2. How many people died in total?

Part 2:

What do you mean when you said "it could be a sign for ex"? I do not get it. Good explanations otherwise! Good job! Also pay attention to the spelling of "beginning".

Part 3:

I like you solution! Do you think is too late for that? Or do you think we still have time for your plan?

Great job "Russian"!

Let's see what you can do next


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...



Great summary, but don't forget that Pentagon, White House and Twin Towers are proper nouns and should be capitalized. Now, the planes were supposed to go to Los Angeles. They did not come from Los Angeles.


1. Where did the planes come from (airport)?
2. Why did they choose those four flights (planes)?
3. Why did the fourth plane did not hit the White House?

Part 2:

Well done! Many good reasons!

Part 3:

I am a little confused about part 3. Do you mean American troopers of troopers from Iraq and Afghanistan?

I really do not get this part: "Many familiars of troopers from the Middle East war are dying inside them, cause of the thousands of people that die in the war." Can you please explain what you mean?

Now, your last part... Do you really believe in that? Is that justice? Is that freedom? Is that fair? You don't have to answer these questions...

But here is a tough question...

If we did what you suggest, then who would be more evil? The terrorists or us? Or do we have to be that evil to win an evil war? What do you think?


P.S. Great job!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ariana and Hanny,

In case you are waiting for your feedback, it will be posted before 9:30.



Anonymous said...


ii'M WAitiiNq
But i hAve tO qOOO i have tO qO tO the shOWERR ThEN qO tO SLEEp iiM sO TiiRED!!! SEE yOu&& the CRAzy FRiieNDS tOmOrrOWW =]]]

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


We need to work on part 1. The airplanes were not "lost" and the terrorists never got to the White House. Also, "Twin Towers", "White House" and the "Pentagon" are proper nouns.


1. What does the word hijack means? The planes were hijacked by terrorists!
2. Where did the planes come from (what city)?
3. Where were the flights (planes) supposed to go to?
4. Why did the the terrorist choose to hijack these planes?
5. What happened to the plane that was supposed to go to the White House?
6. How many people died during the attacks?

Part 2:

Part 2 is much better. Now here goes a tough question...

Question: Do two wrongs make a right (revenge)?

Part 3:

"Not fading for" or not fighting for? What do you think the United States government and military should do?


Anonymous said...

Name: Rochely Sanchez
Date: 9-18-09

9-11 Attacks

1. What happen on September 11 2001 what happen was that two airplanes. The two airplanes they collided with tower twin and that makes the twin tower fall down with thousand of people inside of the big tower. And many people died. And some of then get toxic with this smoke. And does people in many year they died because the smoke affect many organism in side of their body. Baby, father, mother, and more person died that they .and many of then was jumping put of the window. It was terrible.

2. I think some people commit such acts of violence because they are trying to take control of everything. But they don’t let them take what they want and does people commit such as violence. Many people kill other people for thing that they will do to them in the past. Maybe some people commit terrorist attack, because they probably want revenge. Or they trying to send them a message to the government to tell them that they want something from them but the government don’t want to give them what they want and that why people commit many violence.

3. In my opinion the better way to destroy the terrorism is talking because they can put some ideas together. Leave the Middle East along because many innocent people are dying for the “curpa” of the terrorism because they don’t have anything to do with the problem. I think talking is the better way to solve this problem to destroy “evil”.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny Cruz,

Part 1:

Your work was beautifully completed. Grammatically, you need to capitalize all proper nouns such as "B"oston, "L"os "A"ngeles, "T"win "T"owers and Pentagon. I would also recommend to break into two smaller paragraphs in the future.


1. How many people died exactly?
2. What happened to the flight that was hijacked and supposed to hit the White House?

Part 2:

Well done! Many good reasons! Aquellos son Those!

Part 3:

Question: What would you do if the terrorists refused to talk? Would you leave the Middle East or would you send troops? Why?


I am going to bed!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms. Sanchez,

I will give feedback tomorrow mourning!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for completing your work. But as I said before stop trying to wait until the last possible moment to do your work! You need to change this habit!

Part 1:

"Torre Twin" (las torres gemelas) are the Twin towers! Both towers had thousands of people! They didn't die because of the smoke! Many rescue workers are sick today because of the snow! People died in the explosion or the collapsed of the building! Looks like rushed work!


1. How many people died in all?
2. What does hijack mean?
3. Where were the flights (planes) comming from and where were the flights supposed to go?
4. Why did the terrorists select these flights?
5. How many planes were there and what happened to each one of them?
6. What heroic act happened in one of the planes? Explain!

Part 2.

"Aquellos" son THOSE and not does!

This part is much better, but still a little rushed! Were you using Microsoft Word or another writing program to help you?

Question: Should the government listen to terrorists? Why or why not?

Part 3:

"La mejor manera" is the best way! Part 3 is also a good work, but a little rushed! Get the theme (stop rushing)?

Communication seems like a good way along your second idea of living the Middle East! Now...

Question: What if the terrorists don't listen? What should the government do? Attack or ask the local people for help? Or both? Or something else?

What do you think?

I am awaiting for the feedback answers! I know that you will take your time!


Anonymous said...

On September 11 the Twins Towers felt.It felt because there were terrorism in a airplane.They chose the airplane that were going from Boston to Los Angeles because to go from los Angeles its far away and it gets to use a lot of gasoline and when a airplane doesn't have the much gass, it doesn't explote and some people can be a live.And this one had a lot of gass so it explote and everybody died.

I think some people commit such acts of violence because sometimes they want money from the government. Or sometimes terrorists want revenge of something or it could be a sign for ex. This is just the bigining but next time would be worst.

A forth solution that I will chose is to stop the war first ,and then a least talk with them and tell them that we do not hate them and ask them what they want from us?

Karina Santana=]

Anonymous said...


Part 1:

1. from Boston to Los Angeles.

2. because, from Boston to Los Angeles the air planes have to take more gasoline and more gasoline means a bigger explosion.

3. Because, It was crashed into a field near shanks Ville in the country, Pennsylvania after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane. (The hijackers just got hijack LOL!)

Part 3:

I think the best solution to deal with terrorism is by the communication, and by to leave the Middle East because, the person who has a problem can find the solution by talking about it. And if they don’t want to talk about it, they should take out the United States troopers out of the Middle East because, if we do the same or similar thing to them that means that we are as bad as them.( I know some are the same as them *president bush* people!!)

Anonymous said...

Mr.Brea Productions Presents/Shows!
A Seconday Online Question!

1. Oh oh 0.o, I’m sorry Mr. Dilley I forgot to write down my resources, I forgot, Got it for next time =(.

2. Hijackers E-Z: Hijackers/Hijacking means to take something by force! Ex. The Airliners were taken by “force”.

3. Affiliated: Affiliated is just like saying “ally”, or a group of people that got united or associated with each other.

4. The four commercial planes were in route to San Francisco to Los Angeles. They picked to “Hijack” these planes because it takes a lot of gas from San Francisco to Los Angeles (Smart People).

5. Two Wrongs do “NOT” make a right, because if a person lies about something or the same problem why shouldn’t you? the person would do the same thing to him/her.

6. I know am “Catholic” and I don’t think that way, so in my opinion I would say no, they wont go to heaven for committing such an act. Or I don’t think your “religion” has to do anything with this because everyone knows that killing people is bad!

Mr. Brea

Anonymous said...

Part 1.
#1. The word hijack means to take control of a public transport.
#2. I think the planes came from boston.
#3. they were supposed to go to the white house, pentagon and New York to the twin towers.
#4. The terrorist chose to hijack because they did not want the people to know they were terrorists.
#5. The plain that was supposed to go to the white was crush by the US army.
#6. During those 3 attacks 2,974 people die and 24 where missing.

Part 2.
Two wrongs make and do not make a right because in math two negatives equal to a right but revenge is to right because of revenge to many innocent die.

Part 3.
I think that the that the United States government and military should have more protection in this country they need to see who they are letting come to this country and who is going anywhere.


Anonymous said...

Mr.dilley I forgat my notebook in my locker can i give u the hw on tuesday


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Brea,

I loved the humor! You and your production company have a future!

Part 1: Not your resources, your sources. Let me know when you remember.

Good job on the definitions of hijackers and affiliation. Now the air planes were scheduled to go to Los Angeles. BUT WHERE WERE THEY COMING FROM? THEY WERE NOT COMING FROM SAN FRANCISCO.

Mr. Brea, parts 5 and 6 of your response to the feedback are so outstanding that I need to start calling Dr. Brea!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


No problem. Give me the homework on Tuesday. Also, look at my comments at previuos homework that you wrote in the notebook (you can also read those comments online at the snapgrade) and make the corrections to get you grade back where it is supposed to be!

Have a wondeful weekend!


P.S. The team that beat the Brazilian team I don't like is called LDU (Liga Desporiva?)

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Don't forget to capitalize all proper nouns such as Boston, New York, White House, Pentagon and Twin Towers. You know that!

Questions 1-3 and 6 are correct. The planes did come from Logan Airport in Boston. You need to re-do questions 4 and 5. Do little reserach or talk to me during homeroom.

Part 2: I loved the math analogy (comparing something real to something abstract such as an object or math concept/idea)! Well done!

Part 3: Good point. One more question, should the government close the borders with Canada and Mexico, do a better job at airports or both?


Part 1: Re-do questions 4 and 5.
Part 3: question

Do that for an A+!


South Americans do it better;)

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Pelludo,

Part 1:

Great job! All the questions are correct. Now, I agree that is a bit funny that the hijackers got hijacked liked you said. But lets remember that those crew members and passangers sacrificed their own lives in order to save others!

Part 3:

Jean, I was and I am never going to tell you how to think! We all have freedom of speech and please used it! I was just wanted you to really think and elaborate (write and explain more) about your opinion! My poingt is that two wrongs do not make a right.


What do you think I mean by "two wrongs" do not make a right?

If you could save the lives of 100,000 people by taking away the rights, freedom and liberty of a few, WOULD YOU DO IT? Why or why not?

Answer these two questions for an A+!


Great job!

Anonymous said...

The terrorist chose to hijack because they did not want the Americans to know that they were going to attack them.
The plane that was supposed to get to the White House was shootdown.
Part 3.
I think they should not close the borders because if they let the people come they can define who are Mexican and who are Canadians and because the people need jobs also because the economy will go down and there will be no more international business.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for responding so quickly! Now, let me rephrase one of my questions...

Why do you think the terrorists chose planes (flights) that were supposed to go from Boston to Los Angeles?

Talk to me on Monday during homeroom.

Also, the plane that was hijacked and supposed to be used against the White House was not shot down! Talk to me on Monday!

I loved your response in regards to closing the Mexican and Canadian borders! It was very clever and you were able to explain possible consequences such as economic factors! Well done!


Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona

1. Yes I understand, because if you put George w. bush with devil they wont make a right they will be worst. (-1 + -1 = -2)

2. Yes, because if 100,000 people are about to die including myself and few others I will rather save the 100,000 of people because, since we are about to die anyways is better to safe 100,000 then more than 100.

cutelittlefrancys said...

1. How many people died all together?
2. Who ordered the attacks?
3. Where did the planes come from and where were the planes supposed to go?
4. What happened to the other two plans?

1# In 9 11 about 3,400.

2# If I would it know the people or the person would be in gill.

3# The planes came from boston and they were supposed to go to the white house and the other one to the tween tower.

4# Will it was only two palne and both went to the tween towers.

Question: If we choose to try to kill all the terrorists, would their families want to attack us back? Would the innocent victims of our attacks (their neighbors) become terrorists also? Or it is a necessary evil (hard thing to do)?

What do you think?

I think they will attack beck beuse there are a lot of them and like I think my people would be evil because like i think this people in usa like they want that all this terrorists stop and like stop the violence.

YES, PPD thet my nephew his name is Aneudy Darnell....

Anonymous said...


1. How many people died exactly?Thousands of people died.

What happened to the flight that was hijacked and supposed to hit the White House? The third plane the was supposed hit the white house it didn't hit the white house it crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

What would you do if the terrorists refused to talk? i would keep talking to them in till they respond to me Because i have the right to get a respond from them.

Would you leave the Middle East or would you send troops? Why? i Will leave the middle East and don't sent troops because i wouldn't want nothing to happen to my family .

OMq Mr Dilley i Try Try My BESt
iiN THE FEEDBACk i dONt knOw iiF iS Riight ..

Anonymous said...

1) Who hijacked the planes?
the person who hijacked the planes was a terrorist group.
2) Where were the planes coming from?
those planes that attack las torres gemelas coming from Miami.
3) Where were the planes supposed to go?new york but the airport no to the edifice .
4) Where was the last plane supposed to crash? What happened to that plane?it was supposed to go to new york but it destroy the pentagon .

[[by veronica]]

Anonymous said...

My feedback

Rochely Sanchez


Part 1.

1. Thousand of people died in the twin tower.
2. when they take a plain over.

3.the two airplanes come from Boston and the airplanes was supposed to go to los Angeles.

4.does airplanes didn’t have enough of gasoline.

5. there were two airplane when they hit the twin tower. September 11 one of the planes got taking over by terrorist and was navigated into one of the tower.

Part 2.

Yes the government should listen to terrorist just in case their plotting another terrorist attempt against the united state.

Part 3.

The government should act against terrorist if they don’t listen and follow the law.

I think the government should help keep the country save doing whatever it takes to keep terrorist from attacking the country.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You didn't really answer my questions! LOOK AT THEM again very carefully.

Reading your first part, it sounds like there was only one plan. There were two planes that crashed in New York, one in the Pentagon and one in Pennsylvania that was supposed to hit the White House...



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You did not answer all my questions. Exactly how many people died? You seem to have forgotten that there were four airplanes.

You rushed again!

Also, pay attention to the spelling of United States.


Anonymous said...

1. what happened to the other two plans? They crashed because We they were flying front by frontby the same direction.

2. How many people died in total? Like2,999
karina santana

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The planes did not come from Boston. The planes were supposed to go to Los Angeles. The last plane was supposed to crash over the White House in Washington D.C. The passengers of that flight decided to sacrifice their lives so the plane would not kill anymore people. The plane crashed in the middle of woods in Pennsylvania.

Rushed feedback response!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Your number of deaths is a little off. Osama Bin Laden order the attacks (you did not answer this question). You are right when you say that the planes came from "B"oston (capital letter), but they were not meant by American companies to land (crash) the White House, Twin Towers and the Pentagon. They were supposed to go to Los Angeles. There were four plans!!!!!!!!

The response to the feedback was very rushed! Not nearly as good as the original!!!!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


1. How many people died exactly? Thousands of people is not an EXACT number! The third plane hit the Pentagon! The fourth plane was supposed to hit the White House, but the passengers fought back and crashed the plane on a forest in Pennsylvania.

The thinking questions needed a little more thinking.


Frank said... visited