Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6A Ancient Civilization: History Detectives

On Questions are based on chapter 1.

Part 1: Vocabulary

What do the following words mean?

1. Ancient
2. Artifact
3. Prehistoric
4. Ritual
5. Spear
6. Sculpture

Part 2: Thinking Questions

7. Why do you think ancient humans painted on caves and made decorations?
8. What are some examples of ancient paintings?
9. What are some examples of decorations?

Part 3: History Detectives

10. What does an archeologist do?
11. What does a geographer do?
12. What does a historian do?
13. Why do we call archeologists, geographers and historians, history detectives?
14. If you had to be one for a day, which history detective would you like to be? Why?


Anonymous said...

1.Ancient es una cosa antigua que paso hace mucho tiempo.

2.Artifact es un elmento usado hace mucho tiempo.

3.Prehistoric es algo que paso cuando los humanos no sabian leer ni escribrir.

4.Ritual es un encuentro religioso.

5.Spear es un elemento que se usa para matar animales.

6.Sculpture son obras elaboradas por el hombre para manifestar la presencia humana y de otros elementos.

7. Yo creo que los humanos antepasadsos pintaban y decoraban la casas y cuevas para que viera mas bonitas y mas representativas.

8. Los dibujos en las cuevas etc.

Las hueyas de las manos etc.

Los huesos,Las rocas etc.

9. Los estatuas y bastones etc.

10. Buscar las pistas escabando.

11. Buscar las pistas en buscar las pistas en mapas.

12. Buscar pistas en libros.

13. Por que ellos se encargan de averiguar casos siguiendo las pistas del caso.

14. Escojeria geografos por que ellos estudian los mapas y a mi me gusta estudiar mapas.

Jhonnael Sosa Suarez

Anonymous said...

Part 1:

1. Ancient is an old thing that past a long time ago.
2. Artifact are things that the humans Pre-historic use.
3. Pre-historic are some thing that old humans could read and write.
4. Rituals are when somebody dies their family.
5. Spear is a weapon like that is how you kill animals.
6. Sculpture is like a big rock that looks like animals.

Albert Pena.

Anonymous said...

Part 1:

1-Ancient mean that sometime is very old.

2-Artifact mean that things use by ancient humans.

3-Prehistoric mean that before hummans learn hoe to read and write

4-Ritual mean that a ceremony that a serious scared event.

5-Spear mean that a weapon una arma.

6-Sculpture mean that three dimensional art.

Part 2:

7.Yo creo q los humanos pintaban las cuevas porque ellos querian que bieran linda.

8-Ejemplo 1

9-Ejemplo 2
la marca de las manos

Part 3

10-Archeologist is who look for clues digging.

11-Geographers is who looks clues and by maps.

12-Historians is who look for clues in books

13-I think that we call archeologist goegraphers and historians may be bacause they detictive and they have to know or
get more information.

14-I will like ot be a archeologists bacause they look for clues.

Keila Albino.

Anonymous said...

1.Acient mean somthing old.
2.Artifact mean an object mode or used by pople in the past.
3.Prehistory mean before writen history.
4.Ritual mean relating to ceremony ,such as arelagion.
5.Spear mean some people throw something that mean.
6.Sculpture mean escultura es algo que se hace de yeso,bronde y plata

Part 2:

7) I think they beacause they humans before they do not how to write ana read they sing with the hand.
8)They painting like animals and handprints
9)They decoration the cave with spear thrower and statues of bulls.

Part 3:

10)History detective who look for clues by digging.
11)History detectives who look for maps.
12)History detectives who look for clues by looking in books, diaries and letters.

Marileyni Molina.

Anonymous said...

1.Ancient is a old thing that past
a long time ago.
2.Artifact is something that ancient
human used.
3.Prehistory is before ancient humans
could write and read.
4.Ritual means religious or godly
5.Spear is a weapon that ancient
human used before.
6.Sculpture it means a figure.

Part 2:

7.They want to remember something
or someone or to have fun.
8.They drew animals, hand prints and people.
9.their decoration are sculptures and spheres.

George Perez

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job. Number two sounds like a dictionary definition. Much better, but your thinking question could be better!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You need to finish parts 2 and 3 tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Number 9 is incorrect! Not drawings, but sculptures and spears! #14 is not clear. Todos ellos buscan por pistas! All of them look for clues!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You need to do part 3 tomorrow!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You need to finish part 3 tomorrow. Also, you have to remember to hit anonymous and publish it!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kendry and Kenddy,

Las dos tienen que venir a class listas con sus trabajos para que puedan hacer sus trabajos en la internet!


Anonymous said...

13.We call archeologists, geographers and historians because they look for clues in maps, books and digging artifacts like that.
14. I will like to be archeoligist because the detectives can digging some in secret.

Marileyni Molina

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Great job! We just need to start talikng a little more in English! THE BEST ONE SO FAR!!!



Anonymous said...

10. Archeologists look for clues by
11. Geographers look for clues by looking in ancient maps.
12.Historian look for clues by
looking in ancient books.
13.Because they look for ancient
things by looking for clues.
14.I will be an archeologist because
I could look for bones by digging.

George Perez

Anonymous said...

Part 2:

7. Because when they are a ceremony they like to painted.
8. Some examples is hand prints and the animals that are sprint on the cave.
9. Some examples are the spear thrower and the clay sculptures.

Part 3:

10. Archeologist looks for clues by digging like bones.
11. Geographers look for old maps.
12. Historians look for clues in old books
13. Some ones look for bone others for maps and old book.
14. I will like to be geographers because I like maps.

By: Albert Pena

Anonymous said...

Part 1:

1. Ancient. Lo Antiguo lo pasado is study of the write past

2. Un artifact or artefacto is object made or modified by a human culture and often one later recovered by some archaeological endeauor

3.prehistoric. Is a term often used to describe the period before written history

4. Ritual. Es una religion una ceremonia una boda un bauztismo

5. Spear is pole weapon `used for hunting an war cosisting of a shaft usuallly of wood , with a shapened head.

6. Sculpture. is three – dimensional artwor created by shapinp hap or plastic material, stone.

Part 2 :thiking questions

7.I think that, because they did everi thing at that time
8.Handprint and dibujo de pest
9.Spear thrower

Part 3
10Escabar para buscar pista como bones
11Los que hacen los map
12 Lee cartas y libros ylos cuenta
13 Because ellos descubren huesos y ellos investigan sobre eso y escaban y descubren muchas cosas enteradas
14 Me gustaria ser una historiadora because ellos isvestigan sobre la vida de los ancianos y leen muchos libros.

Kendry E. Diaz

Anonymous said...

Part 1:

1. Ancient: Anciano ancient history , historia antigua old viejo.

2. Artifact: Actefato, objeto que los humanos usaro Y que utilizaro en el pasado.

3. Pre-historic: Preistoria, preistorico.

4. Ritual: Conjunto de normas prescrita para la Realizacion de una seremonia
especiamente religiosa.

5. Spear: Hatrabesa una lanza,lanza.

6. Sculture: Arte de escribir parte de esculpir obra de escultor.

Parte 2:

7. Para si iban muy lejos y se perdian ellos regresaban por las decoraciones.

8. Las decoracione en piedra y dibujaban las manos en las cuebas.

9. Decoraban piedras con animales y figuras humanas.

10. Son los que estudian antiguos por medio de analiscis de los vestigios
y de las abvidades humanas.

11. Estudian y describe lo fisico y humano de la tierra buscando en mapas.

12. Estudian libros ancianos.

13. Porque nesecitan escabar, leer, y otras cosas para poder encontrar lo que
estan buncando osea es una conbinacion de lo seres humanos.

14. Historiadora, porque utilisan todo lo se nesecitan, osea las cualidades que de
una persona encontrar las cosas mas faciles.

Kenddy Margarita Diaz S.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kenddy Margarita,

Good job for most part. Usted escribio la mayoria de las palabras de vocabulario en sus proprias palabras, pero la definicion de "RITUAL" es de diccionario!

# 14 no hace sentido. No explica porque tu quiere ser una historiadora por un dia.

Usted uso muy de forma muy buena las reglas de capitalizacion, pero en el futuro tenemos que hablar que las oraciones necesitan de sujetos y verbos.

Good try!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kendry Elizabeth,

Good first try! But remember to use capital letters when needed!

Algunas de sus respuestas vienen directamente del diccionario! Yo quiero que usted use sus proprias palabras.

Numeros 2, 3, 5 y 6 son definiciones de diccionario.

But, part 3 is excellent! Su habilidad de piensar y contestar preguntas dificeles es extra-ordinaria!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Fantastic job writing in English and using proper capitalization (letras mayusculas). Now...

You did not answer question 13. We call archeologists, geographers and history detectives, because they need to look for clues from the past just like real detectives.

Question 3 is incorrect. Pre-history is the period of time where humans could not read or write.

I do not understand your answer to question number 4. You wrote "rituals are when somebody dies their family". What does this mean? Do you mean when someone pays respect to a dead family member or friend in the forms of funeral and burials?

Question number six does not have to be just statues of animals. The Curley has one of a woman (Mary E. Curley) in the front entrance. Also think of the Statue of Liberty.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The very best. Great use of English, capitalization rules and great job on the vocabulary and especially on the thinking questions.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Great job writing in English and using capital letters when needed! Now, what type of a figure is a statue? Animal, human...

Part 3:

We need a little more work on the thinking questions!