Tuesday, June 10, 2008

210 Ancient Civilizations

Final: June 16th, Monday

Study Guide:

History Detectives: Chapter 1:

Vocabulary: Geographers, Historians, Archaeologists, Artifacts, Prehistoric, and Rituals.

Ideas: How do history detectives find clues from the past?

Hominids: Chapter 2:

Vocabulary: Anthropologists, Remains, Biped, Land Bridges and Migrate.

Ideas: Compare & Contrast hominids to other hominids and humans

a) Australopithecus Afarensis: "LUCY"
b) Homo Habilis: "Handy Man"
c) Homo Erectus: "Upright Man"
d) Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis "Neanderthals"
e) Homo Sapiens Sapiens "Wise Man/Early Modern Humans"

From Hunters & Nomads to Farmers: Chapter 3

Vocabulary Words: Stone Age, Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age, Agriculture, Ore & Trade.

Ideas: How did development of Agriculture changed the world from Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age?

Sumer: Chapter 4:

Vocabulary Words: Irrigation, Sumerians, Levees & Dams.

Ideas: How did Sumerians adapt to their environment? Where is modern day Sumer & Mesopotamia? What are city-states?

Characteristics of Civilization: Chapter 5:

Vocabulary Words: Social Structure, Technology, Status, Chariot, Scribe, Zigurat, Arch, Cuneiform and Pictograph.

Ideas: What are the characteristics of a civilization? Was Sumer a civilization?

Four Empires of Mesopotamia: Chapter 6:

Vocabulary: Capital (as in city), Tribute, Siege, Aqueduct, Bas relief, and Astronomy.

Ideas: Who was the world's first emperor? What was the Hammurabi Code? What were some of the inventions and contributions made by Mesopotamia )such as the wheel and irrigation)?

Geography: Tigris & Euphrates Rivers.

Geography of Egypt, Kush & Canaan: Chapter 7:

Pharaohs: Chapter 8

Vocabulary: Pyramids & Delta.

Ideas: Why do civilizations start near rivers?

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt: Chapter 9

Vocabulary: Artisans, Peasants, Viziers, Alliance, Embalm, Sarcophagus, Hieroglyph, Census & Famine.

Ideas: Was Egypt a fair society for all of its people? Could poor people (people in the bottom of the Egyptian Social Pyramid) become rich (In other words was Egypt a rigid society)?

Geography: Nile River & Mediterranean Sea.

Kush: Chapter 10

Vocabulary: Archer, Dynasty, Kandake & Treaty.

Ideas: What was the relationship in between Egypt & Kush? Who was more fair towards its women, Egypt or Kush?

Geography: Where was Kush located in relationship to Egypt?

Ancient Hebrews & Judaism: Chapter 11

Vocabulary: Covenant, Descendant, Sacrifice, Prophet, Plague, Exodus, Ten Commandments, Sabbath, Monotheism, Polytheism & Arch of the Covenant.

Ideas: What were the contributions made by Abraham, Moses, David & Solomon?

Jewish Diaspora: Chapter 12

Vocabulary: Monotheism, Rabbi, Talmud, Execute, Old & New testament, Gentile & Synagogue.

Ideas: How makes Christians and Jews different? Why is Israel important to Hebrews?

Ancient Greek Geography: Chapter 25

Vocabulary: Settlement, Shelter, Colony, Colonists, Merchant, Maritime & Isolation.

Ideas: What environmental factor made the ancient Greeks so isolated from each other?

Government: Chapter 26

Vocabulary: Monarch, Aristocrat, Oligarch, Tyrant, Dictator, Citizen & Assembly.

Ideas: Compare & Contrast Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny & Democracy.

Athens Vs. Sparta: Chapter 27

Vocabulary: Peloponnesus, Agora, Priestess.

Ideas: Compare & Contrast how Sparta & Athens treated their women and slaves, had education (who could go to school, what did they learn) and forms of government.

Persian Wars: Chapter 28:

Vocabulary: Calvary & Hellespont.

Ideas: How did Sparta and Athens managed to defeat the powerful Persian Empire? What were some of the most important battles?

Geography: Where is modern day Persia? What seas are located near Greece? Where was Hellespont?

Golden Age of Athens: Chapter 29:

Vocabulary: Acropolis, Parthenon, Myth, Architecture, Drama, Sculpture & Philosophy.

Ideas: Describe Athens' acropolis.

Alexander The Great: Chapter 30:

Vocabulary: Ally & Appoint.

Ideas: How did Alexander become the king of Macedonia? What was Alexander's plan to conquer the world? Why did Alexander's empire collapsed?

Geography: Macedonia and India.

Legacies of Ancient Greece: Chapter 31:

Vocabulary: Greco-Romain, Geometry, Longitude & Latitude, Renaissance, Vault & Dome.

Ideas: The Greeks gave us the example of democracy. Why is democracy important?

Rome Introduction: Chapter 32

Vocabulary: Latin, Palatine, Cuniculus & Gladiator.

Ideas: Explain the Romulus & Remus myth. How did Etruscans & Greeks influenced Rome?

Geography: Look up the major rivers and seas in and around Rome.

Roman Republic: Chapter 33

Vocabulary: Senate, Consul, Veto & Tribune.

Ideas: Compare & Contrast Patricians & Plebeians. In your opinion was the Roman Republic fair?

Roman Empire: Chapter 34

Vocabulary: Civil War, Punic Wars, Carthage, General Hannibal, Pompey, Senator Cato, General Marc Anthony, Pharaoh Cleopatra & reforms.

Ideas: Compare & Contrast Republic & Empire. Compare & Contrast Julius Caesar & Octavian Augustus.

Geography: Look up the territories gained by the Roman expansions.

Daily Life in the Roman Empire: Chapter 35

Vocabulary: Stylus & Villa.

Ideas: Was Rome a fair city for all of its people? Of all the civilizations that we have studied, which was the most fair? Best culture? Which one would you rather have lived?

Jesus & the Spread of Christianity: Chapter 36

Just know that Romans killed Jesus & that later took Christianity as its official religion (We will do this chapter after the final).

The Legacy of Ancient Rome: Chapter 37

Ideas: What are the legacies of the Roman Republic? The United States is a republic today along most nations of the world. What is a republic and why is it important?

P.S. Phoenicia is credit with creating the world's first alphabet, which the Greeks "borrowed" later!

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