Tuesday, June 10, 2008

209 World Geography

Final: Monday,June 16th

Study Guide:

Geography Tools:

What are absolute and relative locations?
What is distortion?
What is map projection?
What are legend and map grid?
How to use latitude and longitude?
Get to know: equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, and International Date Line.
What are the four cardinal points?
What are hemispheres?
What do we use map scales for?
Why we have seasons?
What are rotation and revolution?
Why are some map projections better than others (pages 22 and 23)
What is the difference in between region and continents?

Thematic Maps:

When do I use: Physical Features, Political Map, Climate, Vegetation, Population Density & Economic Activity.

Latin America:


Vocabulary: spatial inequality, rural decline, and urbanization.

Ideas: What causes spatial inequality?

Geography: Where is Mexico and what are some of its physical features?


Vocabulary: El Nino, Extreme Weather, Storm Surge, Meteorology, Natural Disaster, Tropical Cyclones.

Ideas: How are hurricanes formed and how do the Caribbean people handle this situation?

Amazon Rain Forest:

Vocabulary: Biodiversity, Carbon-Oxygen Cycle, Deforestation, Sustainable Development, Indigenous People and Tropical Rain Forest.

Ideas: Who are fighting in the land conflict? Why is the Amazon Forest referred by many as the "lungs of the Earth"? How can sustainable development be practiced?

Geography: Amazon River & Basin.

Andes Mountain:

Vocabulary: Snow & Tree Line, Attitudinal Zonation, Vertical Trade.

Ideas: How do people adapt to life in high areas such as Tierra Helada?

Geography: Andes Mountains, Atacama Desert, Pampas.

Europe & Russia:

European Union:

Vocabulary: Centrifugal & Centripetal Forces, Common market & currency (money), and supranational Cooperation.

Ideas: What are some of the centripetal and centrifugal forces in Europe?

Geography: Major countries and seas.

Trans boundary Pollution in Europe:

Vocabulary: Acid Rain, Nuclear Radiation, River System & Trans boundary Pollution.

Ideas: What happened at Chernobyl (Ukraine)? What causes and what are the effects on acid rain? How did the Tisza-Danube Cyanide Spill affect Europe? How are Europeans fighting pollution?

Geography: Black Triangle Area & the Danube River.


Vocabulary: USSR, Ethnic Group, Nation, Nationalism, and Tectonic Plates (Earthquakes)

Ideas: What are the natural resources of Russia and former Soviet Republics such as Lithuania? What are some of the major Russian problems? What is terrorism?

Geography: Ural Mountains (divide Europe from Asia) and Siberia.



Vocabulary: Hydroelectric Power, Irrigation, Water Cycle, Delta & River Basin.

Ideas: How much do nations depend on rivers?

Geography: Nile River & Mediterranean Sea.


Vocabulary: Desertification, Drought, Oasis, Arid, Marginal Land and Nomads.

Ideas: How do people adapt to their environment?

Geography: Sahara & Sahel.

Women & Micro-Enterprises in Africa:

Vocabulary: Gender, Informal Economy, Micro-Enterprise, Micro-Entrepreneur, and Sexism.

Ideas: How do micro loans change and improve the lives of women in Africa?


Vocabulary: Colonialism, Cultural region, linguistic group and ethnic diversity.

ideas: How does religious conflict functions as a centrifugal force in Nigeria?

Geography: Savanna.

Southwest Asia (Middle East):

Oil & Southwest Asia:

Vocabulary: Crude Oil, nonrenewable & renewable resources, and oil reserves.

Ideas: How are fossil fuels made by nature? How does petroleum profit help and hurt the Middle East? What is HDI? What is GDP? Why is HDI better than GDP?

Geography: Red Sea, Dead Sea, Persian Gulf, & Mediterranean Sea.

Aral Sea:

Vocabulary: Environmental Degradation, Groundwater, Salinazation & Water Stress.

Ideas: How do environment degradation hurts people and farmers?

Geography: Aral Sea, Caspian Sea & the Black Sea.

Monsoon Asia:


Vocabulary: Monsoons, Rain Shadow, Orographic Effect, Slums, Shanty Towns (slums), & Cloud Seeding.

Ideas: What causes Monsoons? How do Monsoons & drought affect farmers and poor people?

Geography: Indian Ocean & Western Ghats.


Vocabulary Words: Comparative Advantage, Information Technology, Outsource, Time Zone, Linguistic Groups, Illiterate and Brain Drain.

Ideas: See online Question!


Vocabulary: Doubling Time, Famine, Rate of Natural Increase and Zero Population Growth.

Ideas: See Online Question!


Vocabulary: Economic Interdependence, Free Trade, Globalization and Multinational Corporation.

Ideas: How do multinational corporations work?

Australia (Oceania & Antarctica:

Global Warming:

Questions: What is and what causes global warming (Green House Effect)? What could be the consequences of a warmer planet?

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