Tuesday, May 27, 2008

209 World Geography

1st Part: Answer the following questions:

What are some of the comparative advantages of India? What is the primary reason that makes U.S. companies outsource their jobs to India? What is information technology (IT)? Why is it very important in the world today?

2nd Part: Answer the following questions:

What is the Indian caste system? One of our classmates called the caste system "economic racism". What do you think he or she meant by it? What is your opinion about the caste system?

3rd Part: Answer the following questions:

What are some ways China is trying to improve itself? What is the one-child policy? Do you agree or disagree with the one-child policy in the Chinese case? Explain your position.

4th Part: Answer the following questions:

Since Mao Zedong lead the "communist revolution" China has always been accused of violating human rights such as throwing innocent people on jail and torturing and killing dissidents (people who disagree and protest against the Chinese government). This summer China will be hosting the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. In your opinion should China have been allowed to host (have) the Olympic Games? Why or why not? Take your time and make sure to explain your position.

Each part must be at least four sentences long.
This assignment is due by Thursday, June 5th.


Ariana said...

1st part:
Some of the comparative advantages of India are the times zones. The primary reason why united states companies outsource their jobs in India is because India has a cheaper labor and because of the time zone. Information technology is world wide communication. Is important in the world today because with (IT) companies can make good business.
2nd part:
The Indian caste system is a something that poor people have to believe is you born poor you die poor. I think she or he meant is that because of the people that born poor they can’t have all the money they want and is like racism so is economic racism. My opinion about the caste system is that the poor people can do what ever they want and they can do their dream come true they can work hard and be reach.

3rd part:
Some ways china is trying to improve their selves is by having zero population growth or the 1 child policy. The 1 child policy is a policy to have only on child in the family. I agree and disagree because people can have as many children they want, because china is trying to improve their selves.

4th part :
I think china should have the Olympics because the problem of Mao was in the past and know we are in the year 2008 and because the Olympics have to be in different places.

Frank said...

this is a hard online question!

Frank said...

now i understand because i read ariana's is ok mr dilley i would do it by thusday.

Frank said...

go to www.c3ltics.blospot.com

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Onlinme Question is now due on Tuesday so everyone can work on their science project!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thans for working so hard. Here is my feedback to your work:

United States is a proper noun so it must be capitalized. Your first part is fabulous. Don't forget that language (common) is a third comparative advantage. Your second part is also well writen.

Part 3: Can you tell me the other two parts of the Chinese improvement plan?

Part 4: The accusations against China are not against Mao. These accusations are about things that happen today. Answer this question: Should countries who promote torture and tyranny be allowed to host the Olympics?

I am waiting for your work on parts 3 & 4!


Frank said...

Some of the comparative advantages of India are the time zone and. The primary reason why United States outsources jobs to India is because they have cheap labor. Information technology (IT) means world wide communication. It is very important in the world today because if is night here it is day time over there therefore if someone has to call the bank, they are going to be calling to India because it is day time over there, when we are sleeping they are working.

The castle system means that you are born rich you die rich, you are born poor you die poor. I think Kenny meant that people that wanted to have a life can’t because the castle system and they try to but they can’t because they need money. I think the castle system is a bad idea because you are making you country worst and you are destroying you are messing with you economy people that show be working are in there houses doing nothing.

China is trying to improve itself is by having zero population grown or the one. The one- child policy is that you could only have one child this only happen in china because they are trying to have zero population grown. And I think this is a bad Idea because what is happening to the other kids are they being kill, and if they are being kill you are decreasing the population on earth and that is a bad idea.

I think china should have the Olympics because what happen was in the past and if they make the Olympics in different places they should make it in china. They should let every country should host the Olympics, every country should have a chance. They make torture and tyranny on the past now is the present they should have a chance.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


"Some of the comparative advantages of India are the time zone and." And what? You have already mentioned cheap labor later on the first paragraph, but what is India's third comparative advantage according to the reading?


Part 2 is pretty good.

Part 3: Question: Do you think any country's government should be allowed to tell how many children people can have if that country has a population size problem such as China?

Part 4: The accusations of torture and tyranny against China are happening today. Question: In your opinion should the Dominican Republic have been allowed to host an international sports event when Trujillo was its dictator? Why or why not?


Ariana said...

4th part :
I think they should be aloud and not aloud. The reason why they should be aloud to have the Olympics is because every country should have an opportunity. The reason why this countries should not be aloud to have the Olympics is because you never know what could happen that day because of their tyranny

Ariana said...

Mr.Dilley I don't know another reson for part 3.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


For part 3 you should look at the book or your notes. The one child policy (slow population growth) is only one of the three part-plan.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Assignments are now late!


Frank said...

Some of the comparative advantages of India are the time zone, cheap labor and train workers. The primary reason why United States outsource jobs to India is because they have cheap labor. Information technology (IT) means world wide communication. It is very important in the world today because if is night here it is day time over there therefore if someone has to call the bank, they are going to be calling to India because it is day time over there, when we are sleeping they are working.

The castle system means that you are born rich you die rich, you are born poor you die poor. I think Kenny meant that people that wanted to have a life can’t because the castle system and they try to but they can’t because they need money. I think the castle system is a bad idea because you are making you country worst and you are destroying you are messing with you economy, people that show be working are in there houses doing nothing or cleaning.

China is trying to improve itself is by having zero population grown or the one. The one- child policy is that you could only have one child this only happen in china because they are trying to have zero population grown. And I think this is a bad Idea because what is happening to the other kids are they being kill, and if they are being kill you are decreasing the population on earth and that is a bad idea. I think no country should be told how many child they could have even if they have a population problem, there’s one thing they could do send some people that have more than one child to another country or don’t let anybody from other country to come in to your country people could get out but they can’t come back in. I have a question: why so many people live in china?

I think china should have the Olympics because what happen was in the past and if they make the Olympics in different places they should make it in china. They should let every country should host the Olympics, every country should have a chance. They make torture and tyranny on the past now is the present they should have a chance. No because with Trujillo was killing to many people and the country was in economy problem, and if they make allow any international sport many people could have die, and the county was in economy problems therefore how can they make the international sports without too much money.

Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona

1st part:

one comparative advantage of India is the time zones. The primary reason that makes United States companies outsource tgeir job to India is, Because in India have sheaper lavor and because, When in United States is midnight in India is sunrise so, United States pay less money by sending the phone line to India. Information technology is world wide communication. Information technology is in portant today because, Now people could get a bettler job.

2nd part:

the Indian caste system is the if you whear born poor you die poor and if you whear born rich you die rich."kenny" meant by "economic racism" is that if you was born poor you can't become rich nomattler what he do. i think caste system is wrong because, maybe if a poor person want to be someone some day maybe a high or middle class of society he won't just because their ancester were poor.

3rd part:

Some ways china is trying to improve their selves is by having 1 child policy or zero population growth.the one-child policy is that you could only have one or less than one child.I agree and disagree,agree because it will be bettler to the chinese goverment, and disagree because the people should have how many childs as they please.

4th part:

I think they should be alloud and not alloud.they should be allowed host because, If the other countries could host it so as they cold, They not allowed because, They cause to many damage to many people.

cutelittlefrancys said...


some of the comparative advantages of India are time zone, cheep labors, and that they have smart people. The primary reason that make us companies outsource their jobs is because of the cheap labor. The (IT) mean the world wide communication. The (IT) Technology is very important because it helps people in their jobs and in their education.


the caste system is when your born rich you die rich and when you die poor you die poor. I think he meant to say that like the racism between the black and the white but in this situation is between the poor and the rich. My opinion about caste system is that the poor people should have the right to go to school and do their dreams and be rich.

Part 3#

Some ways that china it’s trying to improve their self it’s by having zero population growth, one child policy. One child polices its rule that if you have two children’s one of them have to die because that’s the rule of china. I disagree because if they have two one might have to die and like it’s not fair to like one have a great feature and the other one it’s in heaven or like while one it’s with the family the other one it’s dead.

Part 4#

I think they should have the Olympics because if the other country can have it so the other country can. It’s like if you work and like 10 people work and only 50 get pay but even if the other work hard they don’t so like all should get pay and the Olympics if one swims the other ones too they all should get a chance to play and have fun.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Thanks Jean!

Good job Frank!

Go Celtics!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


1st Part

Some of the comparative advantages of India are the time zones. A second comparative advantage of India is the language. And a last comparative advantage of India is the well-trained workers. The primary reason that makes U.S. companies outsource their jobs to India because India has cheap labor. Information technology is the communication worldwide. Information technology is very important today because it helps people make business with out having to talk personally or by letter.

2nd Part

The Indian caste system is a segregation of poor and rich people. I think that I meant by economic racism that people who are rich ignore/hate poor people just because they are poor. In my opinion I would disagree about the caste system because every human in the world should be aloud to live evenly. And have a good life.

3rd Part

Some ways China is trying to improve it self is by having zero population growth (one child policy). They are also trying to provide clean energy. And Promote Economic Growth. Those are three reasons of how China is trying to improve itself. The one child policy is that you shouldn’t have more than 1 kid. I agree of the one child policy because is a good way to have zero population growth in china. And if there is a lot of people there wont be enough food to feed everyone.

4th Part

In my opinion China should not be allowed to host the Olympics. And should be allowed to host the Olympics. I think that they should be allowed because everyone in this world should be able to do anything we are all the same. But I think they should not be allowed because There’s too many violence they hurt people.

Kenny Brea...

thingy said...

#1One of the Comparative Advantage of India is that India have a lot of smart people but a third of India cannot write and read. another comperative advantage is time zones ,and another one is cheap labor.
The primary reason that makes U.S. companies outsource their jobs to India is because the cheap labor.
Information Technology is very important in the world today because it helps people in the feuture, jobs and education

#2 That of "economic racism"the students meant that the rich people doesn't want the poor people to have money just because they were born poor ,and that's not fair because the poor people can have opportunities to get rich . The "caste system" in India is that if somebody born poor that person die poor and if somebody born rich that person die rich is a traditon.they meant by that ,that those people who put those rules should give opportunities to the poor people so they can work and have they're own money and have a good future.
#3China is trying to improve it self , that they want to have less people so the food can last more to all the people in China.one child policy is that the goverment doesn't want the people of China to have many kids just one because the food.I dissagree with the one child policy because if you have a kid the is a boy but you want a girl too you cannot have another one and if you have a kid and that kid just get alive into the 5 years old but during the 5 years the governmen twas given food to the kid and it die you can't have another one.and any ways is your life you can do what ever you want with your life.
#4 In my opinion I think China should no have the olympics game.one reason is because they are not alowed to be violating human rights just because people talk about the chinesse government ,because is them lives.another reason is because the Chinesse people are no suppose to be throwing innocent people to jail.the third reason is that they are not suppose to kill people that are against the government because of their own opinion ,and if those people are against the Chinese government is because he's bad or do something that those people doesnt like.

karina santana

Jose said...

jean good part three just one comment you cant have less then 1 child ok

Jose said...

Jose M. Mauriz 6/10/08
Online Question

1st part: one comparative advantages of India is the time zone that is a primary reason why United States companies like Nike, Adidas, and ECT... those companies out source jobs to idea because of the cheap labor. And when some people say “we serve 24/7 service just call” but some times at night you think you are calling to the United States but it is Indian people with a British accent that’s how they are thought English. IT information technology is a world wide communication process IT is important today because now people have a better chance at jobs and can live a better life.

2nd part: Caste system in India is that if you are boor in a rich family probably and they will make it for you die rich or that if you born poor they will make you die poor and that is not a fair chance. I think that he or she meant that everyone should be able to study and become from poor to rich or from rich to poor it should be a free place to live and I think that he or she is right it is economic racism because you cant tell people to born poor you die poor. Everyone has the right to study and become someone in life and have a good carrier.

3rd part: one way that china is trying to improve them selves is by having zero population growth or 1 child policy but I think that the better choice for china is 1 child policy but people if they had to pick they pick the zero-population growth because you can have 2 children 1 to replace the father and 1 to replace the mother so there are no extra people. Government also many not have to choose how many children they can have that is the couples choice or people want.

4th part: I think that China should and shouldn’t have the right because by what I heard if one of the Chinese people will lose then there is a probability that the Chinese will torture them but they also be able to have it because every country gets a try at having the Olympic games and china one of the largest distributors of cloth, shoes, technology and much more so I think that china should and shouldn’t. But the Chinese should not throw them in jail just for protesting but you can warn them and threaten them but you don’t do anything about the protest and do what you think is right

FeDy A.k.a La MenOl said...

Hanny Cruz

Some of the comparative advantages if India is that they have a great time zone. The primary reason that makes U.S companies outsource their jobs to India is because they have cheap labor. Information technology (IT) is the most wide communications in the world. It is very important to the world because when people have to make phone calls of business and in the United States people are sleeping while in India people are working for us.

The Indian caste system is that if you are born rich you die rich and if you are born poor you die poor. I think she or he meant that it doesn't matter how your whole life is you will be back to what you were before. In my opinion this is true the majority of the people who are born rich always die rich and the people who are born poor die poor.

China is trying to improve itself by no increasing 0 population in the country. One-child policy is that people can just have one child because they don't want to improve the population.

China should host the Olympics because every country in the world have the chance to be a unfortunate of the hosting. The past doesn't have to affect China of having a opportunity of host the Olympics and less now that the world have a better security. The safety could be a great plan to decide China to have the chance.

**Tutii3** said...

by: >Rochely Sanchez<

Online Question

Part 1: some of the comparative advantages of India are the time zone, cheap labor. The primary reason is that the United States outsources jobs to India is because they do thing for cheaper labor. The (IT) mean the Technology is very important because that help people in their education and get a better job and the companies can make good product too.

Part 2: my opinion of caste system is like people that are poor is like “if you born rich you died rich” and if u born poor you died poor. I think she or he meant that the if you rich you only hang out with rich people because the rich people don’t like to be with the poor people. But my opinion about the caste system is the rich people and the poor people would have the same right so their dream can be came true like the rich people so all of the rich people and the poor people can work together and have the same rights.

part 3: China is trying to improve itself is by having zero population grown. Is like if u live china you only can have one child u cant have more then one because they don’t want the population to grow they want the population stay the same in zero. This is a bad idea because if they have more then one child the other child would be killed because they only have the right to have one child in china. So I think that the all country would have the same right because they can have the child that they want.

Part 4: I think that china would be aloud to have the Olympics game because other countries have the Olympic why can china can’t have it if it likes almost the same thing. If one can be paid all of does people should get paid to playing the Olympics game. So that why I think chine can have the right to play the Olympics game too. I think all country can be aloud to play host Olympics game…..

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

You did an excepitional job responding to the feedback. Really impresive!

The answer to your question is that China has been a civilization for nearly 6 thousand years and it also has a large land mass. The Dominic Republic has nearly 10 million with a history of about five hundred years and a very limited landscape. Get it?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Your work looks rushed (wrote too fast). Pay attention to the proper spellings of


Part 3:

Why is better for China to have less people?

Part 4:

I think I get it, but it is a little confusing. You should re-do part 4!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


In part 1 you said that India has "smart" people. What do you mean by that? How did these people become "smart"? "Smart" on what? Also, you forgot one important comparative advantage!

Part 2 is well wriiten, but you did not capitalize China and the first letter of sentences and paragraphs at times (rushed work).

Part 3: The one-child policy calls for higher taxes on people who break the rule (perhaphs some people may chose to abort or kill their children, especially if girls), but that technically is not the way their policy goes.

Part 4: You need to redo part 4. Look at what some of your friends wrote. I asked Frank this question so he could understand it better, "The accusations of torture and tyranny against China are happening today. Question: In your opinion should the Dominican Republic have been allowed to host an international sports event when Trujillo was its dictator? Why or why not?"


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You mentioned that language is one of India's comparative advantage. Which language?

Part 2: Your comment of "economic racism (what many people like me call the worst problem of the United States and the globalized world (classism)) was one of the highlights of the year! Thank you!

Parts 3 and 4 are very well thought (even though you forgot to capitalize some words). It seems that on the one-child policy you agree with China's policy on the base of the common greater good. Now, all you have to do is to think about a good reason why some people might disagree with you.


Well done!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Well done in part 1. Two questions:

1) You forgot to mention language as a comparative advantage. Which is the language and why is it a comparative advantage?
2) How does India help some of its people become "smart"?

Part 2 is exceptional!

Part 3 is also pretty good, but you forgot to mention two of the three plans China has chosen to improve itself. What are the other two plans?

Part 4: Exceptional!

Your best work yet! Answer my feedback for an A+!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


What's up with the image? This is a public forum and you are allowed to use it (democracy), but I am curious about why you chose such image.

Now you can have less than one child (your question to Jean), by having ZERO children!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


I am a little confused, what is the number one reason in your opinion that lead U.S. companies to outsource their jobs to India? Cheap labor or time zones? Now, India teaches British English, but remember that many Indian companies and American Multinational corporations hire teachers to teach American English pronunciation!

Part 2 is well thought and written, but I am confused with part 3. Are you in favor or against the one-child policy in the Chinese scenario? Also, this part was rushed judging by the lack of capitalization in many words!

Part 4: Well, Latin American and Africa have never hosted the Olympics. Question: Do you think the Olympics will help bring less torture and tyranny and more democracy to China? Why or why not?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny Cruz,

Part 1: What do you mean by a "great time zone"? Hanny you forgot to mention two comparative advantages. What are they?

Part 2: What is your opinion about the ChineseOne-Child policy?

Part 3: I see that you believe that the caste system is a world-wide practice. Questions: Is it fair? What can we do to change it?

Part 4: Ok... Answer this question, When Trujillo was the dictatorof the Dominic Republic, should the Dominic Republic have been allowed to host the Olympics?

Answer these questions to drastically imporve your grade!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Rochely Sanchez,

Part 1: You forgot two comparative advantages of India. What are they? What do you mean by "The primary reason is that the United States outsources jobs to India is because they do thing for cheaper labor"

Part 2: AMAZING ANSWER! "But my opinion about the caste system is the rich people and the poor people would have the same right so their dream can be came true like the rich people so all of the rich people and the poor people can work together and have the same rights".

Part 3: You only mentioned the one-child policy. What are the two other

Part 4: Answer this question: When Trujillo was the dictator of the Dominic Republic, should the Dominic Republic have been allowed to host the Olympics? Why or Why not?

Great work, but answer my questions for a great grade.


thingy said...


thingy said...

i'll answ3r ur f33d bak mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

thingy said...

1#Indian people talk English when they use Information Technology communicating to the United States.
2.india help some of its people become smart, that teaching poor people how to use the computer and read .One project in Bangalore is helping poor people in the education, but, that project is paid by some of the cities in India.
Part#3one `of the three plans is provide more cleans energy. Another of those three is promoting economic growth.

Lol u see now I’m gonna have an

Ariana said...


One of the Chinnese imrovementis that China is having a zero population growth. Another improvement that China is having is provide more clean energy. The final Chinnese improvement is that their are trying to promote economic growth.