Wednesday, May 14, 2008

210 Ancient Civilizations

1st Part: Define the following vocabulary words. Remember to use your own words! Senate, Consul, Tribunes, Council of Plebs, Twelve Tables and veto.

2nd Part: Compare and contrast Patricians and Plebeians.

3rd Part: What was the "Conflict of the Orders"? Why were the plebeians unhappy? What did the Patricians feared?

4th Part: In your opinion, do you think that Patricians and Plebeians became equal by the end of the republic? Why or why not? Use "evidence" from the readings to support your position.


100%dominican said...

Sente is 300 men that were elected to be part of the govermen of the Roman republic. Consul is one of the two leaders that are part of the Roman republic.Tribunes is a king that was elected because the king is not a lawful that dom't give to mush oders.Veto is to refuse or appove an goverment made by a sente.
this is the first part
by wilmer

la nina inteligente said...

1.Senate is 300 men elected by the
Patricians.Consul is two elected people who are one Plebeian and one Patricians.Tribunes is like a judge to the Plebeians.Consul of plebs is the person who only made the laws for the Plebeians.Twelve table is were the Patricians wrote down their laws.Veto is to refuse to say its okay to have government made by the senate.

3l DuRo said...

1st part: Senate is 300 men elected by the Patricians. Consul is two elected leaders who lead Rome Empire. Tribunes are Plebeians elected in Rome. Council of plebs is the person who only made the laws for the plebeians. Twelve Tables is were the patricians written down their laws. Veto is to refuse to say its okay to have government made by the Senate.

el duro said...

2nd part:

One thing that the Patricians and Plebeians have the same is that they are both a Roman civility.They do have one thing in differences is that the Plebeians have less power than the Patricians. Another thing is that the Plabaians couldnt be part of the senate. The plebeians couldnt even be generals but they did had to fight in the wars because they were soldiers.

3rd part:

The conflict of orders was the fight between patricians and plebeians. This conflict was fought so that the plebeians and patricians would get the same laws. The plebeians were unhappy because the patricians held all the power and they couldnt become part of the senate. They were unhappy too because the couldnt become generals of the army. The patricians feared that the plebeians werent going to fight in the wars because the plebeians were so mad that they moved to a hill far from the city. They feared that the other places were going to conquered their city.

4th part:

I do think that the patricians and plebeians became equal by the end of the Republic. I think that because in the book said that in the senate one of the chief should be a plebeian. I think so because in the book says that the plebeians got to be part of a citizen assembly that only maded laws for the plebeians.

By: Andy Herrera

Mr.Dilley:I would send the first part friday.

el duro said...

2nd part:

One thing that the Patricians and Plebeians have the same is that they are both a Roman civility.They do have one thing in differences is that the Plebeians have less power than the Patricians. Another thing is that the Plabaians couldnt be part of the senate. The plebeians couldnt even be generals but they did had to fight in the wars because they were soldiers.

3rd part:

The conflict of orders was the fight between patricians and plebeians. This conflict was fought so that the plebeians and patricians would get the same laws. The plebeians were unhappy because the patricians held all the power and they couldnt become part of the senate. They were unhappy too because the couldnt become generals of the army. The patricians feared that the plebeians werent going to fight in the wars because the plebeians were so mad that they moved to a hill far from the city. They feared that the other places were going to conquered their city.

4th part:

I do think that the patricians and plebeians became equal by the end of the Republic. I think that because in the book said that in the senate one of the chief should be a plebeian. I think so because in the book says that the plebeians got to be part of a citizen assembly that only maded laws for the plebeians.

By: Andy Herrera

Mr.Dilley:I would send the first part friday.

el duro said...

First Part

The word senates are 300 men that were elected by the citizens to govern during the Roman republic. Consul is one of the 2 chief that were elected in the Roman Republic. Tribune is an official of the republic of Rome that was elected by the plebeians. The Council of Plebs is a “Lawmaking body” elected by the plebeians; these laws were only for Plebeians not for Patricians. The 12 tablets are where the y writes the laws. The word Veto is to refuse to say its okay to take orders by the senate.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Great job. It looks like you put lots of time onto this assignment. I will give you detailed feedback later on tonight.

See you tomorrow


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Wilmer, Brenda, Haiker and Cristian? Where are your assignments? They are late!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Who were rich and poor? Which group was nearly 95% of the population?
Your third part is excellent. Bravo! Andy, I am alittle confused. Who do you think was the most powerful group?


Well Done

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ok Wilmer,

Your definition fortribunes is incorrect. Please fix it! You also forgot to explain what the COUNCIL OF PLEBS and TWELVE TABLES were!


Add these to your next three parts!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ok Brenda,

I will read your written online post and give you ONLINE feedback!


100%dominican said...

1st Senate is a group of 300 men that were elected to be part of the government, Council is one of two leaders of Rome Republic, Tribunes is like a layer but the was an special layer elected by the plebeians to protect their rights, Veto is to approve or to refuse a rule made from a Senate, Consul of plebs is the person who only made the laws for the Plebeians.

2nd Consuls is one Plebeians and one Patricians,
Senators is 150 Plebeians and 150 Patricians,
Tribunes is the Plebeians only [10 person]
Citizen assemblies are Plebeians and Patricians: Adult male citizens. The plebeians are 95%of the people and the patricians are 5% of the people, for me the Patricians are more powerful than the Plebeians because the Plebeians could have more right than the Patricians but the Patricians have more money than the Plebeians.

3td The Plebeians were unhappy because the Patricians were unfair with the Plebeians because the Plebeians were suppose to fight ether if the Patricians wanted or not and the Patricians get to sit and wit to see if they won or not.
The Patricians feared that the Plebeians weren’t going to fight so the mains that any empire could attack and conquer Rome the situation that they had.

4th I think that yes they might became equal because the Plebeians could strike and if they strike the Patricians wont be able to stop them because the Plebeians are 95% of the people and the Patricians are 5% of the people that mains that the Patricians cant with the Plebeians so the Patricians need to make the Plebeians happy because the Plebeians could do what I said. I think that the Plebeians deserve more power because the Plebeians could attack the Patricians for right

lil_dominichulo said...

1st part: Senate is 300 men elected by the Patricians. Consul is two elected leaders who lead Rome Empire. Tribunes are Plebeians elected in Rome. Council of plebs is the person who only made the laws for the plebeians. Twelve Tables is were the patricians written down their laws. Veto is to refuse to say its okay to have government made by the Senate.


The patricians and the Plebians are Romes civility.Something else that they got in comment is that they are both Consul,Senator and Citizens assemblies.


The Plebeians are 5% of people.The patricians feared that the plebeians weren't going to fight in the wars because the plebeians were so mad that they moved to a hill far from the city.The Patricians had less power the the Plebeians but the Patricians had more money then the Plebeians.


The Plebeians had more rights then the patricians.The Plabaians couldn't be part of the senate. The plebeians couldnt be generals but they did had to fight in the wars because they were soldiers.Plebeians could have more right than the Patricians but the Patricians have more money than the Plebeians.

3Part: The conflict is the fight between the patricians and the plebeians. This battle happened because the the plebeians were unhappy because the patricians had all the power and they couldn't become senate,general or the army.The Patricians feared the Plebeians because the Plebeians were mad that they moved to hill far from the city. They were afraid that the other places were going to conquered their city.The Patricians feared that the Plebeians weren’t going to fight so the mains that any empire could attack and conquer Rome the situation that they had.

4Part: I think NO because the Plebeians had 95% of the people and the Patricians 5% of the people, so the Plebeians just can't give peple to the patricians so they could be equal. I think the Plebeians should have more power than thee Patricians because they got more people and if u got more people almost all the time you win in the battles.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


By civility I believe you mean citizens. Late but well done


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The plebeian could go on strike (the word strike alone could mean to hit someone)

Well done but a little late