Part 1: Vocabulary: Define the following in your own words:
Oil Reserves
Crude Oil
Impermeable Rock
Life expectancy
Gross Domestic Product
Per Capita GDP
Human Development Index
Infant Mortality Rate
Part 2: Explain how fossil fuels are made by nature. Step by step. Use your notes and the illustrations to guide you.
Part 3: Explain the difference in between renewable and non-renewable resources and give examples.
Part 4: Why is Per Capita GDP not the best way to evaluate how well people’s lives are? What is a better way? Why? What other factors not listed in the book (section 24.4 on page 363) can you think of?
- This assignment is due on Thusrday.
- There will be no other homework on Monday and Tuesday.
- Each part must have at least four complete sentences.
- This assignment is worth 300 points.
- Use a word processor before you publish your comment.
- Question? Ask for help!
making sure the account works
There has been a change in the points for this assignment. Instead of 300 points, it will be worth 200 in the projects portion of your grade. 50 points per section (4 parts).
Mr. Pitts-Dilley
You need to publish your comments where they belong. This is a 7th grade section.
Mr. pitts-Dilley
Part 1:
Oil reserve - oil reserve are the people who save oil for the future.
Crude oil – is oil that hasn’t been made into a product.
Impermeable Rock – a layer of rocks witch protect the oil and natural gas.
Life expectancy – the average age for a person in that country dies.
Gross Domestic Product – the money that a country has.
Per Capita GDP – add all the money that country makes and divide by the number of people.
Human Development Index – is the normalized measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, and GDP per capita for countries worldwide.
Infant Mortality Rate – all the children who die under the age of 1.
Part 2: step 1 all the dead plants and animals remains go to the floor of the ocean.
Step 2 all the sand started to cover the remains and the heat and pressure start to turn remains to oil and natural gas.
Step 3 a layer of cap rock start to form over the oil and natural gas.
Step 4 the oil companies drill threw the cap rock and take natural gas and oil.
Part 3: renewable resource can be made again or recycled metal if you stop using a metal part u sell it to a metal company and they melt the metal and turn it into a car part or anything.
Nonrenewable are some things that take a long time to make and can’t be made over and over again from 1 of it for example oil takes millions of years to make and it is made naturally so it can’t be made over and over again.
Part 4: it is not a good way because it really doesn’t tell you much for example in a country you have 2 people 1 has 20,000,000,000 and the other has 1,000 add it up 20,000,001,000 then divide by 2 = 10,000,000,500 that is a great GDP but person number 2 is not very rich.
A better way is to look at the standard of living of people you can see the number of people who live well and the number of people who don’t and then you can calculate how many people have good and bad or just to count the normal amount of money it makes to do GDP per capita but don’t count the very poor and very rich people
Mr. Dilley is it late
plz feed back
mR.ppD I cOUlDnT fInIsH thE onLinE qUeStIIoN sO i sAvE it In MY cOmPutER bUt tOmorRow I WiLL BeCaUse My nOTebOokk iTS aT sChOOl bUT wHeN i GeT it I wIll FiniSh It...
Only use caps for capital letters. Its okay. You have until Thursday morning.
The infant mortality rate is not accurate. It the total number of children who die before the age of one to the over the total number of children who survive past the age of 1 (ratio).
Can you give me some examples of energy that are renewable and nonrenewable? Can you also come up with some factors for the GDI not listed in the book such as the percentage of people with running clean water at home? That will increase your grade.
P.S. Amazing part 4! Your are ready for Microeconomics theory (COLLEGE)
Mr. Dilley
Some examples of HDI not mentioned in the Book is that people who live a good life and people live a happy life but that doesn’t mean that the country is rich or there are country that are rich in oil and have million dollar people and have a good GDP but the country might be having wars and lots of dead people like the middle east that is why HDI is a better way then GDP.
Also there are many example of nonrenewable and renewable for example if you have a can of soda and you drink it that doesn’t mean that it should be thrown away in the trash you can throw it in a recycle bin or box to be renewed into another metal part or can of soda.
Also there are many examples of nonrenewable for example solar energy is non renewable because it is produced by the sun and you can not maintain it and keep on using the same one
P.S. here is a link for a picture of some nonrenewable sourses
please feed back
Good job on the feedback... Yet, solar energy is the most classical example of renewable energy (the sun is a continuos explosion, when it stops all living things on Earth will die).
1. An oil reserve means oil that is fond but remains unused.
2. Crude oil means oil that comes out of the ground and before the burnet.
3. Impermeable rock means a layer of rock that doesn’t allow liquid or gas to pass throw it.
4. Life expectancy: the age a person is expected to live.
5. GDP means the amount of money a country make in a year.
6. Human development index is the measure of literacy, life expectancy, and infant mortality rate.
7. Infant mortality rate means the percentage of kids that die before reaching the age of 1.
When tiny plants and animals die in the ocean, after they die the remains seeks to the bottom of the ocean. Most of the remains turn to rock. But some of the remains don’t turn to rock the weight of the water heat from the earth core and chemical changes combine to transformed some of remain to oil. The remains get trapped under the layer of impermeable rock. Then human make an oil-drilling ring to drill thrown the impermeable rock to pump crude oil to the surface.
The differences between renewable and non-renewable is that renewable means that can’t be used up. Two examples are sunlight and wood. And non-renewable means that it take long to form. For example oil it take millions of years to form. And natural gas because its form with oil.
Per capital is not the best way to evaluate how well people’s live are because its math it doesn’t show the number of people that know how to read and write it only show the money that country is making per year. A better way is HDI because it tells the literacy, life expectancy and infant mortality rate. Another factor is literacy, infant mortality rate, and life expectancy, and people that have a house with water and have food to eat and feed they’re children.
Part 1:
OIL RESSERVES MEANS oil that has been discovered but remains unused in the ground.
CRUDE OIL MEANS petroleum as it comes out of the ground and before it has been refined.
LIFE EXPECTANCY MEANS the average age that a person in a given population can expect to live.
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUTS MEANS how much a Country make per a year.
PER CAPITA GDP MEANS to add all the money that country makes and divide by the number of people.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX MEANS the measurement of literacy, life expectancy, and infant mortality rate.
INFANT MORTALITY RATE MEANS the percentage (%) of kids who die before they turn one year old.
Part 2:
STEP 1: long ago, the remains of tiny plats and animals when they die their body go to the Ocean floor. The remains of plants and animals changed over time.
STEP 2: layer of sand built up over the remains pressure and heat changed the remains into oil and natural gas.
STEP 3: a layer of cap rock kept most oil and natural gas trapped deep inside the earth. And some animals bones changed into rock.
STEP 4: today, oil companies make drill through the cap rock and pump oil to the surface.
THE DIFFERENCE IN BETWEEN RE-NEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES is that re-neweble resources can be used more than ounces and non-renewable resources can’t be use more than ounces.
Some examples of renewable energy are hydroelectric power, solar, wind, geothermal and Oxygen (O2). Some examples of non-renewable are fossil fuels such as gasoline, oil, petroleum and natural gas.
Per capital GDP is not the best way to evaluate how well people’s live are because in math it doesn’t show the number of people that know how to read and write. PER CAPITA GDP
It only shows the money that country is making per year. A better way to find per capita GDP of the evaluate hoe well people’s lives is by using HDI because it tells the literacy, life expectancy and infant mortality rate.
Part 1:
OIL RESSERVES MEANS oil that has been discovered but remains unused in the ground.
CRUDE OIL MEANS petroleum as it comes out of the ground and before it has been refined.
LIFE EXPECTANCY MEANS the average age that a person in a given population can expect to live.
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUTS MEANS how much a Country make per a year.
PER CAPITA GDP MEANS to add all the money that country makes and divide by the number of people.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX MEANS the measurement of literacy, life expectancy, and infant mortality rate.
INFANT MORTALITY RATE MEANS the percentage (%) of kids who die before they turn one year old.
Part 2:
STEP 1: long ago, the remains of tiny plats and animals when they die their body go to the Ocean floor. The remains of plants and animals changed over time.
STEP 2: layer of sand built up over the remains pressure and heat changed the remains into oil and natural gas.
STEP 3: a layer of cap rock kept most oil and natural gas trapped deep inside the earth. And some animals bones changed into rock.
STEP 4: today, oil companies make drill through the cap rock and pump oil to the surface.
THE DIFFERENCE IN BETWEEN RE-NEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES is that re-neweble resources can be used more than ounces and non-renewable resources can’t be use more than ounces.
Some examples of renewable energy are hydroelectric power, solar, wind, geothermal and Oxygen (O2). Some examples of non-renewable are fossil fuels such as gasoline, oil, petroleum and natural gas.
Per capital GDP is not the best way to evaluate how well people’s live are because in math it doesn’t show the number of people that know how to read and write. PER CAPITA GDP
It only shows the money that country is making per year. A better way to find per capita GDP of the evaluate hoe well people’s lives is by using HDI because it tells the literacy, life expectancy and infant mortality rate.
Life Expectancy-How long a person live in a country.
Gross Domestic Product-Is the amount of money a country makes in a year.
Infant Mortality Rate- The percent of kids who die before the reach I year.
Crude Oil- a name for petroleum that is found in the ground.
Per Capita GDP-Gross Domestic Product.
Oil Reserves- oil that is discovered but is remain unused in the ground.
Impermeable Rock- preventing the passage of liquid or gas.
Human Development Index-how well, how good or how bad people develop.
PART #2....
Fossil Fuels is made ...when animals fall to the ocean floor. Then they die and like for a while they come and they form in to bones. Then they become a cap rock. Into they become natural gas and oil.
The different between non-renewable and renewable. Non-renewable mean that once you use it you cant use it again. Renewable mean that it can be use again.Example for non-renewable gasolina, oil,petroleum,natural gas is non-renewable because it can’t be use again.Example for renewable hydrelectric,solan,wind,"oxygen" and geothernal. That stuff can be use again.
Per capita is not the best way because it really doesn’t tell that much. Like if you have two people I has 1,000,000,000,000 and the other one has 3,000,000 then add it is 1,000,003,000,000then you divide by two = 500,001,500,000 that a really good GDP but the second person doesn’t have as much as the first one. A better way is the HDI because if you look in the data you can see the life expectancy and the literacy. Another factor is literacy, and life expectancy.
pPd I dId ThE oNlINe qUeStIoN BuT i Got SoMe IdEAs fRoM jOsE aNd FrAnK bUt I dId NoT cOPy ThEm I jUsT tOOk IdEaS ......sEE yoU ToMoRRoW ......bYe....
St.croxi is comming look for 18 of april to go to st croxi
nice shirts
hi mr. dilley i will do the online question tomorrow
Why not? Looking at how other people solve problems and looking for ideas from others is key to a learning community.
April 20!
I loved the shirts also
Francys and Jean you will get feedback tomorrow!
You will get feedback tomorrow!
mr.dilley i don't understand part 4..... can u help me please =(
No problem. Let's talk in class!
hANNy<33 CruSz
1.Oil Reserves:means oil that has been discovered but remains unused in the ground.
2.Crude Oil:means oil that comes out of the ground.
3.Impermeable Rock:means a layer of rock that doesn’t allow liquid or gas Pass inside of it.
4.Life Expectancy:means how long the person had live in a country.
5.Gross Domestic Product:means the amount of money a country make in a year.
6.Per capita GDP:means to measure the good services amount of money.
7.Human Development Index:is the measure of literacy, life expectancy rate.
8.Infant Mortality Rate:means the number of kid the died before they turn One Year.
all the dead plants and animals remains go to the floor of the ocean.all the sand started to cover the remains and the heat and pressure start to turn remains to oil and natural gas.
Renewable is when something is new and renewable is when something is able to reuse.that can be used for many thing.for example.Oil because the oil can be use for many stuff.another example the oil can be used to cook and for heat your house.
non-renewable is when you can not use something for lot of time is something when you just don't really use it because is like old.
Mr. Dilley
I NeeD HelP
iiN Part 4.
So TomOrrOw
I WiLL Go early
So you can ExPlain
iit tO Me Ok bye.
hAve A gOOd Niight.
alright but i was waitting for you to explain the part 4 of the online question but you didn't explain it......... can you explain it......pleases.....
Mr.ppd i dont understand your question???????????
It wasn't a question. I was saying that there is nothing wrong with looking for ideas from other people.
Part 4: Why is Per Capita GDP not the best way to evaluate how well people’s lives are? What is a better way? Why? What other factors not listed in the book (section 24.4 on page 363) can you think of?
Look at your notebook! Look at when we used the example of Carlod Slim (The world's richest man from Mexico) and Ana Romero (who makes $6 a day). We added how much money they made and divided by two (GDP per capita). Get it? Let me know!
Part 1:
oil reserve: oil that is discovered but they saved for the future.
Crude oil: Petroleum that is found.
Impermeable rock: A rock that protects the oil of blowing up.
Life expectancy: how long a person lives in a country.
Gross domestic product : the amount of money a country ,makes in a year.
Per capita GDP: add all the money that people make in a year and divided the amount of people you count.
Human development index: how good or how bad people develop.
Infant mortality rate: the amount of kinds that die before they turn 1.
Part 2
Step 1: animals and plants in the ocean die.
Step 2: the minerals from the animals and plants go to the bottom of the ocean
Step 3:t he minerals from the dead animals become rocks.
Step 4: those rocks become oil and a cap of rocks protects the oil , therefore it don't blow up.
Step 5: companies of oil put tubes under the ocean to get the oil.
Part 3:
The differences is that renewable you can use something over and over but with nnon- renewable you can't use things over and over only ones. Example:
Renewable: electricity, hydroelectric power...
Non-renewable: petroleum (oil), diesel...
Part 4:
Is not the best way because if there is a rich person and a poor person the GDP is going to be high , and it don't tell how well the peoples live.
The best way is by getting the GDP of the rich people apart and the poor people apart . because that's hoe you will know how the poor people live.
The five richest people in the world with their net worth
1. Mukesh Ambani ($63.2 billion, India)
2. Carlos Slim Helu ($62.2993 billion, Mexico)
3. William (Bill) Gates ($62.29 billion, USA)
4. Warren Buffett ($55.9 billion, USA)
5. Lakshmi Mittal ($50.9 billion, India)
What do you guys think?
P.S. Osama Bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia!!!
The life expectancy is the average age a person is expected to live in a country. The HDI includes many more factors, but you got the picture! Unfortunately, wood might become a non-renewable energy soon! We seem to like to destroy our planet!
I thought that your explanation of fossil fuels are brilliant. What a great way to summarize it! The HDI vs. GDP section is even better!
Hard work and dedication are rare qualities. You have BOTH! I don't know what to say? Youu work makes me proud to be a teacher!
A+ (I can't give you a higher grade)!
Part 1: GDP per capita and life expectancy are based on the average of a person of a given population.
Part 2: A little incomplete. Accumulation of bones become layers of rocks... a few steps missing... maybe you should try this part again!
Parts 3 and 4 were amazing! But don't use words like "other stuff" please...
Well done!
1) Life Expectancy is how long the average person can be expected to live in a country.
2) Per capita GDP: GDp divide by the total population.
3) Human Development Index: factors such as literacy rate and infant mortality rate that measure how well or poor a population lives.
4) Infant Mortality Rate: is ratio (number of kids who die before the age of 1 over the number of kids who survive)
Part 2 is a little to simple and incomplete and could do better.
Part 3: Hanny, oil and fossil fuels are non-renewable! Once is done is done! Examples of renewable (energy that will most likely never run up)? Part 3 also needs some polishment!
Part 4: I see you tomorrow!
Ariana, Rochely, Kenny, Joshua, Adrianid?
what you mean by saying ariana rochely kenny adrianid joshua?
Part 1:
oil reserve: oil that is discovered but they saved for the future.
Crude oil: Petroleum that is found.
Impermeable rock: A rock that protects the oil of blowing up.
Life expectancy: how long a person lives in a country.
Gross domestic product : the amount of money a country ,makes in a year.
Per capita GDP: add all the money that people make in a year and divided the amount of people you count.
Human development index: how good or how bad people develop.
Infant mortality rate: the amount of kinds that die before they turn 1.
Part 2
Step 1: animals and plants in the ocean die.
Step 2: the minerals from the animals and plants go to the bottom of the ocean
Step 3:t he minerals from the dead animals become rocks.
Step 4: those rocks become oil and a cap of rocks protects the oil , therefore it don't blow up.
Step 5: companies of oil put tubes under the ocean to get the oil.
Part 3:
The differences is that renewable you can use something over and over but with nnon- renewable you can't use things over and over only ones. Example:
Renewable: electricity, hydroelectric power...
Non-renewable: petroleum (oil), diesel...
Part 4:
Is not the best way because if there is a rich person and a poor person the GDP is going to be high , and it don't tell how well the peoples live.
The best way is by getting the GDP of the rich people apart and the poor people apart . because that's hoe you will know how the poor people live.
Ariana Simancas
I meant people who hadn't posted their comments. You are not one of them!
Part 1: Infant mortality rate is a ratio. It is the number of children who die before the age of 1 divided by the total number of children.
2. Not the minerals... the bones! Don't forget that it takes millions of years. You might want to do this part again! I know you can do better!
ARIANA PART 4 IS OUT OF THIS WORLD. I LOVE YOUR IDEA. WE SHOULD MEASURE THE GDP OF POOR PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Part 1:
Oil Reserves - oil reserves are people who save their oil.
Crude Oil - Crude oil is the mixture of petroleum liquids and gases.
Impermeable Rock - a rock that will not allow water to pass through it.
Life Expectancy - The life expectancy is the average age a person is expected to live in a country.
Gross Domestic Product - The total dollar value of all final goods and services produced in the country in a year.
Per Capita GDP - The GDP of a country divided by its total population yields per capita GDP.
Human Development Index - Human development index is the measure of literacy and life expectancy.
Infant Mortality Rate - Infant mortality rate is the percentage of kids that die before getting to age 1.
Part 2:
Step 1 all the dead plants and animals remains go to the floor of the ocean.
Step 2 all the sand started to cover the remains and the heat and pressure start to turn remains to oil and natural gas.
Step 3 a layer of cap rock start to form over the oil and natural gas.
Step 4 the oil companies drill threw the cap rock and take natural gas and oil.
Part 3:
The differences of Re-Newable and Non-re-Newable is that renewable is that renewable is things that acnt be used. An example is Solar light. Non-renewable is things that takes along time to form. an example is oil and natural gas it takes a long time to form.
Part 4:
I think that GDP per capita is not the best way to evaluate how well people's lives are because if there is a rich rich person adn u are very poor the GDP per capita is gona be good but th poor wont have much money. an example is on mexico the richest person has 20,000,000,000 and ana romero gets about 1,000 divide by 2 equal 10,000,000,500 good GDP but ana is very poor :(.
I think that a better way to measure the GDP per capita is count the people that are very rich and add it up then devide it by the number of rich people. the you count the number of poor people and devide it by the number of poor people. they can have different GDP per capita.
You will get feedback tomorrow! I am going to bed!
The HDI has several more factors, but I think that you got the picture. Your second part jumps a few steps such as the accumluation of the remains of dead plants and animals.
You definitions for renewable and non-renewable are incorrect. Look at our compare and contrast from yesterday! You need to do this part again! Your last part is your best part, but this is not text messages "U" or "YOU"!!!!
p.s. remember to improve part 3!
Part 2 and 3.
Part 2:
Step 1:The remains of tiny plants and animals fell to the ocean floor.
Step 2:Layers of sand built up over the remains.
Step 3:Pressure and heat changed the remains into oil and natural gas.
Step 4:A layer of cap rock kept most oil and natural trapped deep inside the earth.
Step 5:
oil companies drill through the cap rock and pump crude oil/petroleum to the surface.
Step 6: Oil refineries heat the crude oil to produce fuels, oils, and chemicals.
Then you can make products out of oil like plastic bags ect..
Part 3:
The differences between renewable and non renewable is that renewable is things that you can use over and over. no renewable is things that you can no longer use them anymore. An example of renewable is Solar energy and Hydroelectric power. an example of non renewable is Oil,natural gas and petroleum.
Half of this class needs to learn from your dedication!
Check your new grade!
Well done!
Name: Joshua L. Perez
Date: 4/9/08
PART# 1!!! 1. oil reserves are some where were countries hide there oil/petroleun. 2. crude oil is oil that just come out of the ground and is very new. 3.impermeable rock are the rock that protect oil/ petroleum from coming out of the ground or going every where. expectancy is the average of how long a person live. 5.gross domestic product isis defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a given country in a given period of time usually a calendar year. 6. The Human Development Index (HDI) is the normalized measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standard of living, and GDP per capita for countries worldwide. 7. Infant mortality is the number of deaths of infants (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births.
PART# 2!!! fossil fuels are made by nature When small plant and animal die in the ocean after they die the remains seeks to the bottom of the ocean. Most of the remains turn to rock. But some of the remains don’t turn to rock the weight of the water heat from the earth core and chemical changes combine to transformed some of remain to oil. The remains get trapped under the layer of impermeable rock. Then human make an oil-drilling ring to drill thrown the impermeable rock to pump crude oil to the surface.
PART# 3!!! the difference in between renewable and non-renewable resources is that renewable is a source of energy that humans can use over over and over.and non-renewable is another source of energy btu is different because this type of energy is un nable to be used again.Thats the different between renewable and non-renewable resources.
PART# 4!!! Per Capita GDP not the best way to evaluate how well people’s lives because you can see how people live by looking at the way they live the way they eat and alot of other ways.the better way of evaluate how well people’s lives is by looking at then the way they dress and living around them so you can see there culture and maners. thats the best way because you going to be aroung them and see what they realy are.i can think os now other factor that is not in the book in section 24.4 on page 363.
Name: Joshua L. Perez
Date: 4/9/08
Date: 4/8/08
Name: Rochely Sanchez
Part 1.Vocabulary
.Oil Reserves: oil that is found but remains unused.
.crude oil: Is that hasn’t being made in to a product
. Impermeable rock: a layer of rock that protect the oil and the natural gas.
.Life expectancy: mean age a person is expected to live.
. Gross Domestic Product: the money that a country makes in a year.
.human development index: is the measure of literacy, life expectancy, and infant mortality rate.
.Infant mortality rate: number of kids who die before the age of 1.
Part 2: step 1 the remain of tiny plant and animals fell to the ocean floor. step 2the layer of the sand built up to cover the remain pressure and heat changed the remain in to oil and natural gas. Step 3 a layer of rock kept most oil and natural gas. Step 4 oil companies drill through cap rock and pump crude oil.
Part 3. The different between renewable and non-renewable is that non- renewable is not to use it again once used its over like gasoline,oil,petrolium,natural gasS.And renewble is to that can be use over and over like solar,hydroelectric power, and geothermal,wind.
Part 4. GDP per capita is not the best way to evaluate how well the people live is because it doesn’t tell you the exact number how many people are rich and the other people that are poor and the number of people that know how to read and write and the only thing that show is how many money a country make in a year.
I try my best to explan number 4 but i don't know if i explain it well................
Part 1:
oil reserve: oil that is discovered but they saved for the future.
Crude oil: Petroleum that is found.
Impermeable rock: A rock that protects the oil of blowing up.
Life expectancy: how long a person lives in a country.
Gross domestic product : the amount of money a country ,makes in a year.
Per capita GDP: add all the money that people make in a year and divided the amount of people you count.
Human development index: how good or how bad people develop.
Infant mortality rate: the amount of kinds that die before they turn 1 divided by the total number of children.
Part 2
Step 1: animals and plants in the ocean die.
Step 2: the bones from the animals and plants that it takes millions of years go to the bottom of the ocean
Step 3:t he minerals from the dead animals become rocks.
Step 4: those rocks become oil and a cap of rocks protects the oil , therefore it don't blow up.
Step 5: companies of oil put tubes under the ocean to get the oil.
Part 3:
The differences is that renewable you can use something over and over but with Non- renewable you can't use things over and over only ones. Example:
Renewable: electricity, hydroelectric power...
Non-renewable: petroleum (oil), diesel...
Part 4:
Is not the best way because if there is a rich person and a poor person the GDP is going to be high , and it don't tell how well the peoples live.
The best way is by getting the GDP of the rich people apart and the poor people apart . because that's hoe you will know how the poor people live.
Your definitons for GDP, HDI and infant mortality rate came directly from the book! You need use your own words when defining vocabulary! That's how you will remember new vocabulary words. You did not give any examples of either renewable or non-renewable sources of energy.
For the last part it was your strongest part. You did give examples not given in the book such as to look at what people are eating and what they are wearing (clothes). Now... This was late!
Parts 1 and 2 sounds a little like the book. Part 4 was a great example. You explained it very well, although you forget to thnk about HDI factors not listed in the reading.
Great but late
Great job looking at the feedback and improving your work!
Check you grade online...
good look at st. croix mr dilley and say hi to every one there
if you have your labtop
Thanks Frank... St. Croix was a beautiful place. It is also a great example of how colonialism and slavery has shaped a region of the world.
See you tomorrow!
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