Wednesday, December 10, 2008

7A World Geography: Europe: Challenges & Hope

Part A: European Union: Chapter 14

Vocaulary Words:

1. Centripetal Force
2. Centrigugal Force
3. Common Market
4. Trade

Thinkining & Review: European Union Challenges & Hope

Hint: 21 million people died during World War I (The Great War)
Hint: 50 million people died during World War II

1. What is the European Union?
2. Why did European nation-states wanted to create an European Union?
3. Explain one way that the European Union acts as a centripetal force.
4. Explain one way that the Europeam Union acts as a centrifugal force.
5. In your opinion will the European Union succeed or fail? Why?

Part B: Transboundary Pollution in Europe: chapter 16

Vocabulary Words:

1. Pollution
2. River System
3. Toxic
4. Urban

Thinking & Review: Chernobyl & Transboundary Pollution

1. What does transboundary pollution mean?
2. List three examples of accidental or general transboundary pollution that we have learned about on chapter 16?
3. Chernobyl:
a. In What country is Chernobyl located?
b. What is a nuclear power plant?
c. What happened on April 25th, 1986? Why?
d. How has Chernobyl been affecting the environment, animal life and the European people?

Part C: New Nation-States from the Old Soviet Union: Chapter 18


1. Ethnic Group
2. Nation
3. Nationalism
4. Dictator

Thinking & Review: Russia & the USSR (Soviet Union)

Hint: Democracy: The government where citizens have rights and for most part do not fear the government.

1. What was the Soviet Union? Was it a democracy or a dictatorship?
2. What are some of the economic and political resources that Russia have?
3. Which of these resources do you think is the most important? Why?
4. What are three problems that Russia face today?
5. Which of these problems do you think is the most important?


Anonymous said...


1.Es la union de barios paises y personas.
2.Es la desunion de paises y personas.
3.Es un grupo de paises que trabajan juntos para hacer negocios.
4.un pais que cabia productos con otros paises por dinero.

Thinking review

1.La union de barios paises europeos.
2.Porque querian tener paz y mejor economia.
3.Es centripetal por que unieron sus fuerzas.
4.Es centrifugal porque mataron personas y eran paises comunistas.
5.No porque los paises comunistas no se van a querer vorber a unirse.


1.Contaminacion del aire el agua y otras cosas.
2.Sistemas de rios que estan conectados.
3.Es un producto maligno el cual envenena.
4.Ciudades grandes .

Thinking review

1.Contaminacion que se transfiere de un pais a otro por la linea llamada frontera o border.
2.Chernobyl, acid rain y cyanide.
3.Una isla en que huvo una explocion.
a.En Ukraine.
b.Una planta que con tiene mucha energia nuclear.
c.La explocion de la planta nuclear de Chernobyl que tenia una nuve de radiacion.
d.Por la contaminacion que causo la explocion la cual deformo personas.


1.Un grupo de personas en un pais con comparaciones de culturas y identidades iguales.
2.Un pais con personas del mismo idioma y cultura.
3.La cultura de cada pesona como sus musicas dias feriados y otras cosas.
4.Una persona que dicta leyes y reglas.

Thinkin review

2.Oil or petroleun.
3.150 million people porque las personas son una de las cosas mas importantes.
4.Pollution,crime y alcohol abuse.
5.Bad indusry, pollution, crime porque las industrias son muy necesitadas por las personas la polucion por que afecta a los humanos y el crimen por que los pandilleros matan personas y animales.


Anonymous said...

Part A

1. The word centripetal force means when sometihing big is getting together to another for example: A country gets together to another becaue of peace.

2. The word centrifugal force means when somehting big is getting seperate from another for example: A country is getting seperate from another because of a war.

3. The word common market means when countries get together to trades.

4. Trade is when you exchange products or computer for money.

thinking and review:

1. Is a group of european people that works together.

2. Because they wanted peace in their country.

3. Each country use the euro to help their country.

4. Different lenguages and its so hard to be as one country.

5. I think they will succed because now it seems everything is in control.

Part B

1. The word pollution is when environment gets contaminated.

2. River system is a river and that all the tributaries that flow into.

3. Is a very dangerous chemical.

4. Is a large city with a lot of buildings and economy.

Thinking and review:

1. Is when there is contamination that travels from a country to another.

2. Burning coal to make eletricity, Oil tanker, Spilling oil into the sea, And acid rain with chemicals.

3. A. Is located in europe.
B. is a power plant.
C. A nuclear power plant blew up because they were high levels of nuclear radiation.
D. By children born with no legs or harms, And a lot of contamination, And people with cancer.

Part C.

1. Is a group of people in a country that shares unique culture and identity.

2. A large group of people who share a common history and culture.

3. Feelings of loyalty and pride toward one's nation or ethnic group.

4. A leader who governs by force, without the consent of the people.

thinking and review:

1. The soviet union was formed from the russian empire in the aftermath of the 1917 russian revolution, And i think it was a dictatorship.

2. It have petroleum that people makes money to help the country, And they got coal.

3. I think is coal because they make a lot of money with it.

4. Crime, housing to costly, And alcohol abuse.

5. I think is alcohol abuse because the people who gets drunk they contamitated the country and its family.


Anonymous said...


1)The word centrifigual force mean when something divides from othetr country.

2)The word centrigugal mean when somting united with other coutry.

3)The word common market mean a grup of coutry working together to trde.

4)The word trade mean when a coutry trade goods to another coutry

Thinking Question

1)a grup of Erupean that work together.

2)Because they want to start peace in the countrys.

3)Each country use the euro to help the economy.

4)They speak different lenguage and sometime they dont understand each other.

5)I think they will scccsd because now it seems everithing is in control.

Joemar Garcia

Anonymous said...

La Historia de la Republica Dominicana:

la capital de la republica dominicana es santo domingo el presidente de la rep dom es leoner fernande l.f es un hombre que ayuda a los pobres aregla las comunidades las calle. los padres de la patria son juan pablo duarte sanchez y mella. trujillo era un hombre que le gustaba que le isieran las cosas en su punto y era sinsero no malo ni bueno porque el que no le asia lo que el mandaba aser lo mandaba a matar pero en el tiempo de el nadie asia crimenes yno abian delincuente como haora.

Johenny Jacqueline del Jesus Reyes

Anonymous said...

Part A:

1 Centripetal force:es una fuersa que las presonas y los paises.
2 Centrigugal force:es una furesa que divide las personasy los paises.
3 Common market:se unagrupo de paises que trabajan juntos.
4 trade:son paises que intre canbian cosas como ropa,comida,caros mucho mas.


1. what is the European Union:es la union de barios paises Europeos. 2.why did European nation-states wanted to create an European union:par tartar de tener paz. partB: vocabulary: 1. pollution:contamina el ambiente. 2. river system:es todo los rios conetados al mar. 3.toxic:es un beneno que nos puede matra. un area de ciuda. thinking: 1.what does transboundary pollution mean:es contaminacion de un pais a otro. 2.chernobyl: what country is chernobyl located:ukraine c.what happened on april 25th,1986 why:fue una panta nuclear que es polto. has chernobyl been affecting the environment,animal life and the European:con la pollucion porque los ninos nacieron sin partes y los animales morian.


Anonymous said...


1)Is a contamination that affect people and animals.

2)Its how the river works or fution.

3)for example the gas is a toxic and clorox quimicos.

4)It mean citis or big citis.

Thinking Question

1)Its abig contamination.

a)is located in Ukrine.
b)is like a energy plant.
c)what happend was that a nuclaer power plant explod.
d)cotaminate there ares.


1)a goup of people in acoutry who share a anique and idenyity.

2)people or a comonity.


4)A person who send people to kill other people.

by:joemar Garcia

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


VocaBulary in English o vocaBulario en espanol!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Usted hablo mucho sobre paises comunistas. La Union Europea no tenia o tiene en el presente ninguno pais comunista. La Union Sovietica era "comunista".

Chernobyl no es una isla pero si una planta de energia nuclear y petroleum y oil son la misma cosa!

Gran tabajo!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Pay attention to the singular and plural usage of country (countries). Good job on the thinking questions and writing in English.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You have to finish question 3 of part C: What is nationalism?

You also have to finish part C the thinking questions numbers 2,3,4 and 5.

You have until Tuesday (hasta martes)


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Usted tienes que terminar la parte C.

Las quatro preguntas del vocabulario y numeros 2, 3, 4 y 5 de las preguntas de piensar (thinking)

Mr. Pitts-Dilley

Anonymous said...

hey pitts dilley it me brenda you don't think i forgot you right. oh i got the best news ever, i was invite to brazil to play soccer. isn't it great how can i communicate you , cuase i miss you my soccer buddy

by brenda rudecindo

love,love,love to evryone

Anonymous said...

oh send me messeges in my thing is

by brenda rudecindo

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hi Brenda,

Great news! When and where are you going to play in Brazil? Are you going to be the next Marta? I am going to pass your email to all of your former classmates! You can always send us a post or email me at

How's Revere?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Please pay attention the correct spelling of the word "VOCABULARY" (VOCABULARIO).

Usted tiene que escribir con mas calma. Hay mucho errores basicos! Escriba en Microsof Word y duespues "cut and paste" la proxima vez. Palabras como "GROUP" and "COUNTRY".

Part A vocabulary words are correct, but there isn't lots of thinking. TAKE YOUR TIME and THINK and WRITE more!


There are problems with your definition of river system.

Why did Chernobyl explode? Mas una vez usted no escribio mucho!


COMMUNITY! What is nationalism? Your definition of a dictator is not complete! Thinking questions?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Usted no tenia que copiar las preguntas de la seccion "THINKING". "Many" en espanol es VARIOS. "Poison" en espanol es veneno. La definicion de urbano "urban" es incompleta! Que causo la explosion en Chernobyl? Tenia que discutir e analisar mas sobre como la radiacion de Chernobyl affecta los paises Europeos.