Monday, September 29, 2008

8th Grade Civics & U.S. History: Latino Heritage Month & Walkout

Part 1:

During the Republican primaries for president, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney said that he wouldn't change anything about America.

a) What's the definition of patriotism?
b) In your opinion is it patriotic or unpatriotic to criticize the United States?
c) Do you agree or disagree with Mitt Romney's remark? Why?
d) Dallas Maverick's basketball star Josh Howard was caught on a cell phone video saying that he doesn't celebrate the Star Spangled Banner (U.S. national anthem), because he is black. In your opinion were his actions unpatriotic?
e) Why do you think a black man would have such feelings towards the Star Spangled Banner? Do these reasons make his actions right?

Part 2:

We have just finished watching Walk Out and discussing the imperfect society and the American Dream.

f) What do you think is the message behind the film Walkout?
g) 40 years after the great Chicano walk out, many Latino students (and many African American) continue to struggle in education. What are some of the reasons that you think contribute to the failures of Latino students in public schools?
h) Imagine that you have just being appointed the new Boston Superintendent (the person in charge of all the Boston's public schools). What actions would you take to make sure that Latino children are not left behind?

Take your time!
Use Microsoft Word or another word document to help your writing.
It is due by Tuesday, October 7th.



Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona


By putting schools to enter like at 1 P.M. not at 8:30 A.M. and by making a law that people with out a high school Diploma must not get a driver lisense. "Cause peple like driving"

Frank said...

A) Patriotism is when you show love to your country.
B) Unpatriotic because you’re not showing love and respect to your country therefore you’re being unpatriotic.
C) I disagree because America is not perfect they’re thing you could change like wars, poverty and violence, if it was perfect we shouldn’t have all of that.
D) Yes because if his American he shouldn’t be saying that he should show love to his country and be respectful.
E) I think he said that because of what happen to the black people many years ago. They were being use as slaves or is because in the past people were racist to black people.
F) The message is that everyone no matter the race and color has a change to anything they want and to show that in schools you were not allow speaking Spanish.
G) The reason is that many Latinos do not know English and some of them drop out because they want to be cool and school to be in the streets and they are not trying they are best to learn English.
H) I would give special classes for Latinos therefore they could learn English in a better way and I would help them my self. I will but especial teachers for them.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Patriotism is the showing of love. Distribution of love? Sounds Spanglish ;)! Thanks for being the role model and the first one to complete the question (five bonus points).

Part B:

How are you showing love for your country by criticizing your country? Give me an example! Now, how do we spell the name of the country we live again??? The unpatriotic part was well done.

Part C:

It seems that you and Mitt Romney have a disagreement. Pay special attention to the spelling of racism!

Part D:

Don't start sentence with yes, no and because. We need a subject (noun or pronoun). Pay special attention to the spelling of anthem.

Part E:

A little rushed, but well thought. Now, you only talked about slavery. What else?

Question: How were blacks treated during the years that Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks?

Part F:

A lesson learned is something that we learn when we have to face racism and discrimination. What is the lesson learned? What did the Chicanos students teach us?

Part G & H:

Rushed! You can do better! Remember, you are the new superintendent (the principal of principals).


What can schools do to help Latino students learn English?

Why do you think so many Latino students get suspended?

Should Latino students get Spanish classes as we as English? Why or Why not?

List two more possible reasons why Latino students do not do so well in schools?

What can we do to get more Latino parents involved?




Anonymous said...

Part 1.a.
Patriotism means love to your country or when someone defends their country.
I my opinion I think it is patriotic and unpatriotic to criticize the United States. Because if you show patriotism to the United States is because you love the United States, unpatriotic because many people were not born in the United States and they don’t really like the United States they only came here to get a better life.
I disagree with Mitt Romney’s remark because America needs a lot of changes, some of them are violence, racism, war, the president and there is so much more.+
I think his actions were unpatriotic because he is not showing love to his country by saying all that bad stuff to the United States and people that are patriotic they will not do something like that.
I think a black man will have such bad feelings because they might think is because of the races people that have been insulting them by making fun of their skin.

I thing this reason does make his actions right because this has happen to many black people.
Part 2.
I think the message behind the film Walkout is to show how races the white people were I the pass and hoe the with people treated the Chicanos.
Some of the reasons that contribute to the failures of Latino students in public schools is that their parents don’t take care of them, they let them drop out of school, and because the students don’t take school seriously.
I will make their parents to take care of their children, to make sure their children are going to school and not to let them drop out, I will make the students take school seriously by offering them something they like if they get good grades and if they take school more seriously they will win the prize that I will be offering, another thing is by not letting them drop out until they are like 20 years old, therefore that’s how I can make schools better.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Thank you Ariana and Frank,

You will either get feedback tonight or tomorrow morning!

Go Red Sox


Anonymous said...

Rochely Sanchez
Part 1:
A: patriotism means to show love to your home country.
B: In my opinion I think that they shouldn’t Criticize the United State is a patriotic because if you coming from another country to the U.S.A it mean that you coming to get a better life and you should show love for both country your home country and the united state.
C: I disagree because America is not perfect they’re thing you could change like wars, poverty and violence,
D: In my opinion josh Howard was very unpatriotic because he should sing the national because he is here in the untied state and he should show love to this country.
E: I think a black man would have such as feelings towards the Star Spangled Banner because many black men were slave and that why their feeling should be very sad and they hear the national anthem.

F: The message behind the film Walkout is to let Latinos know is that they can make their goal to do not drop out of school and to continue their dream.
G: the reasons that I think contribute to the Latino students in public schools is because they just want too look like gangster and to let other people know that they knows everything.
H: Mr. Dilley I don’t understand the last question…..

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thank you for almost finishing your work. Now about question H...

Imagine that you are the new superintendent of Boston (The principal of principals). Your job is to make a plan to make sure Latino students do better at school.

Think about a plan with THREE ACTIONS to improve the education of LATINO students. Make me proud and explain the plan!


Anonymous said...

10 6,2008

Qnline Ouestion

~Part 1

a)Patriotism is to have Love for your country and willingness to sacrifice for it.

b)I think is patriotic to criticize the United Stated because the United States is an Un-Perfect society and we should make judgments on it. and find it its faults.

c) I disagree with Mitt Romney’s remark, because like I said the United States is an Un-Perfect society. So why not change anything? Ok I know U.S is and un-perfect society, he doesn't so ill tell you what! what about violence? discrimination? racism? are those under control?.

d) Um..Yes I think it was very Un-Patriotic to show hate for your country in that way. I mean he was born in U.S even though you don’t want to you have to :( Just because you may feel from another race you still have U.S blood on you. So Un-Patriotic

e)I think that is a common thing to happen that a black man would have such feelings towards the Star Spangled Banner because in the United States there’s a lot of racism towards black people. And since he feels like part of the black people he doesn't like the way they get treated. So i think that "YES" these reasons make his actions right. But he was still born there! he shouldn't!

~Part 2

I think that the message behind the movie "Walk Out" was about "Freedom, Rights, and Justice". This Chicano kids did not like how they were treated in school. there was (Un-Fairness). So the message is - How would you get treated just from being from another country -.-"

g) I think that Latino are still struggling through their education because of their interests. One wants to be better then the they spent their time working on their selves...not studying...not doing anything...which is bad! Some just become so lazy after they have failed so much and repeat the same grade that they just say "I'm Going To Be A Drop Out".

h) Tons of work involved in there, i would start by making fair laws that we all agree on, that we all decide on. Then "Warnings" if your not doing what your supposed to/ (your duties), or if your not following directions. Then there’s a punishment! but before all that i would put people that would provide student help with their homework or anything they need.

Director - Kenny Brea
Published On: 10 6,08 9:41 PM

~Thanks For Reading~

Anonymous said...

a) What's the definition of patriotism?patriotism means the love you show to your country.

b)Unpatriotic because you’re not showing love and respect to your country therefore you’re being unpatriotic.

c)I'm disagree because America is not perfect there are lot of things he can change like poverty,violence,wars so im not agree with him the he say we would change nothing about America.

d) Yes because if he would be American he shouldn’t be saying that he wouldn't sing the national anthem he would show the love to his country.

e)I think he said that because They were being use as slaves or is because in the past people were racist to black people.

PARt 2;

f)i think the is the it don't matter where you from or your color or faces they couldn't speak Spanish because if they would the teacher slap them.

g)one reason the Latino don't speak English is because they drop out school to be in the streets maybe drinking smoking killing people and they don't learn nothing. and they are not trying to go to school to learn.

h)I would give more English classes for them. so they can practice and learn more English so when they go to collage they be prepare and be able to understand and read and write.

MR; DillEy I try
My Beszt i dONt knOw iiF iiSz write but my eyes are sO puppy Riight now iiM sO Sleeping byee Have a qOOd Niight =]]]]

Anonymous said...

Francys Perez
Part 1#
(a)Patriotism I think it mean when you demostration like how much you love you love your country.
(b)I think unpatriotic because if you would love you country it would be to much crime ir violence or you would show more recpect for every one and your country.
(c)I disagree because America is not the best place just because people come to get a better life for example United States has a lot o things that people dont like for example racism,violence, and even drugs.
(d)Yes, because if he would love his country he do the pledge , and he if even saying it that he like doesnt care about his country just because he is black.
(e)Will he would say such as terrible thing because most of the precident are white the peoople on the street are white will most of them. So maybe he is like that because he think that white people own United States and he thinks that he was just born there for nothing.

Part 2#
(f) I think about the message behind walk out its that the should have freedom like the want better things for the school. They want to be treated right. They want to be able to do the things they want. They wantfreedom. They want to talk their language.
(g)Thier contribute because the gags, drugs, and because like one student see one of his friend smoking he goes because he is doing it so Im going to do it too. That why and because their nglish is not good.
(H) I think we or I can like tell them more about school help them in home works talk with their parents because some parents dont care about their childrends. They like dont even listen to them. Make more choise for school dont let them drop out of school.


Anonymous said...

Rochely Sanchez


I would give them program to Latinos so they can do better at school. The programs are after school so they can learn more English and if they have perfect attendance I would give them a prize to the end of school year. Not to let them be a drop out of school until they have 22 years old at the time they will be graduated from high school.

Anonymous said...


A)-patriotism means demonstration of how much you love your country.
B)-in my opinion both ...
patriotic : because you are showing love to united states and unpatriotic : because if you born in united states you should not hate your home country or talk bad about it.
C)-i disagree because America is no the perfect place and they're things you could change like violence,gang, and racism does are the things they should changes.
D)-unpatriotic because if he is from united states he should celebrate the star spangled of his home country.
E)-i think a black man such bad feelings because maybe he think is because of the race and some people discriminate his race or color.

F) The message is that everyone have the rights to show they opinions no matter the race color or language.
G)-Some of the reasons that contribute to the failures of Latino students in public schools is that their don't care about their future and they just wanna be like the most cool person in the school they think that the best one is who get in en gangs ,have more girls , and who fail the year on the schools.
H)-the massage is more for the parents who don't care about they children this is one of the reason why the children fail on the school and i will help the person who need help talking in English or who have a problems understanding some class.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


The definitoion of patriotism is a good one.

Part B:

Why do I give you feedback? Do I do it, because I want o disrespect you or do I do it because I want you to improve your writing and argument development? I think that the answer is obvious, but now try to connect what I said about feedback to criticizing the country. What connection am I trying to make?

Parts C, D and E:

Well done. You would get my vote for the presidency! Don't start a sentence with just yes or no! We need a subject as in "His actions were patriotic or his actions were unpatriotic. We will study about part E and discrimination against African Americans and segragation when we study CHOICES IN LITTLE ROCK! Great work overall on parts C, D and E.

Part F:

I think you got the message, but it sounds a little confusing. Can you explain this part to me with more details "the message is that everyone no matter the race and color has a change to anything they want"?

Part G & H:

It really sounds like I should vote for you for president. But explain to me what these special classes would be and what do you mean by special teachers.

Well done

Complete the feedback for their number 1 RANK!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You have a very good definition of part a. I have a question about part B:

Josh Howard was born and raised in the United States. Are all people who criticize the United States immigrants? In part C you criticized the United States. Are you unpatriotic towards the United States? Or are you telling what is wrong in order to have a conversation to make the country better? Explain your position to me!

Part D:

Explain to me why patriotic people wouldn't say something like that! Part E is well done. We did have slavery and segregation in our American history!

Part F:

You are right! It talks about discrimination towards Chicano students in California in the 1960's. But what is the lesson that we can learn from the students heroic and brave actions?

Parts G and H:

I loved your idea about rewards (giving students prizes for doing well in school). What do you mean by parents "don't take care" of their children? How can we involve parents in schools? Give me some ideas!

Complete the feedback for a superb grade ;)


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job on the definition of patriotism. Now, a great writer like yourself does not abbreviate United States!

Part B:

Imagine that you were alive during the time the United States had slaves, would it be patriotic or unpatriotic to criticize slavery and the United States at that time? Why?

Part C:

I believe you meant there are or there're things you could change... They are or they're means ellos son! The things you want to change make sense!

Part D and E:

Good explanation for part D. But is slavery an excuse to not display affection and love to the United States and disrespect the national anthem? Why or why not?

Part 2:

Part F:

You said "The message behind the film Walkout is to let Latinos know is that they can make their goal to do not drop out of school and to continue their dream." I say bravo!

Part G:

I want you to think about one more possible reason of why many Latino students do not do well in schools.

Part H:

Great job asking for help! Better job making a plan for success for Latino children!


I am waiting for your feedback!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

All remaining feedback will be given during the day on Wednesday! I will answer in the order that they were posted!



Frank said...

B) Unpatriotic and patriotic, patriotic because your showing love to your home country and for example if your home country hates the united sates and you criticizing the united states you showing love to you country. And unpatriotic because your if you were born here your suppose to show love to your country.

C) I disagree because America is not perfect they’re thing you could change like wars, poverty and violence, if it was perfect we shouldn’t have all of that.

D) Yes because if his American he shouldn’t be saying that he should show love to his country and be respectful.

E) I think he said that because of what happen to the black people many years ago. They were being use as slaves or is because in the past people were racist to black people.

F) The message is that everyone no matter the race and color has a change to anything they want and to they should be treaded equally and everyone should go to Higth School.

G) The reason is that many Latinos do not know English and some of them drop out because they want to be cool and school to be in the streets and they are not trying they are best to learn English.

H) I would give special classes for Latinos therefore they could learn English in a better way and I would help them my self. I will but especial teachers for them. The classes would be use to teach them English we a teacher that knows both English and Spanish therefore they could get help with translation.

Anonymous said...

a) Pratiotism is when you love your country when you prove it with good stuff like serving the community.
b) Unpatriotic, because that’s saying bad stuff about the united state and that’s showing that you don’t love the united state.
c) I disagree because every country has defects like violence, the president, and gains and if I could be him I would change that.
d) Yes, because his black but his still American and he should show love for his country or least show respect to the other people that are showing love for them country.
e) Because maybe he seen white people talking bad to black people just because they black and he just one some people to pay for that.
F) I think the message that they are given is that they want people to treat them fairly how they have to be
g) Because their many blacks and Latino students that they skip school to go to parties and must of them drop out of school to be in gains because they think that is more important then school.
h) if would be in charge of all public school I will put laws that will be every girl or boy 18- cannot be on street after 8:00 if they got caught they will be in jail. And every single gain will be destroyed.
by:karina santana

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Director Brea,

Your definition of patriotism is right on the dot (very good). It is a great idea to use vocabulary words we learn when posting our comments such as the IMPERFECT (not un-perfect) society!

Part B:

Why should we find the United States' faults? What can we do with such information?

Part C & D:

You posed a great question: " what about violence? discrimination? racism? are those under control?." Now, remember that it is IMPERFECT not UN! Part D is well thought, but a little rushed! But you do not have to explain it to me again.

Part E:
Besides racism today, historic speaking (looking at the United States history), why would a black man might not liked what happened in the past (historic examples of how the United States in the past mistreated African-Americans)? Also, if Josh Howard wanted to make this point, what would be a better way to show his opinion?

Part 2:

Part F:

Well Chicanos are American born and American citizens. Their ancestors were Mexican. Now, I think that you understand that if you want to change society and fight injustice and discrimination then you have to fight for your rights.

Parts G and H:

Parts G and H are great. But I wanted two more possible reasons that lead Latino students not to like schools and do poorly? Also, give me some more details on how we can help them!


Thanks for writing so well!

Anonymous said...

mr.dilley I KNOW THAT IM VERY LATE but I want to know if im going to get credit =p
karina santana

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms. Karina Santana,

Yes,you will get credit. My job is not to give you a grade, but to teach you skills and have you apply them in your notebook, homework and online questions.

But you need to start becoming more responsible and independent. High School is next!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny Cruz,

Your definition of patriotiosmis quite good.

Part B:

Ok,I understand and respect your opinion. Now, if the country is not doing very well and the world is loosing faith in America, would it be unpatriotic to tell what is wrong with the contry? Why or why not?

Part C: Great job. Plenty of details!

Part D:
You should not start a sentence with "Yes because". You need a subject (noun or pronoun)such as Josh Howards was patriotic or unpatriotic, because...
Do you think is disreptful not tosing the anthem? Or is disrespectful to not sing and "act in a rude" manner? Or both? What do you think?

Part E:
Can you give me one more example like in the times of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks?

PARt 2;

Part F:
Good job. But what do you think is the lesson that we can learn from the students in the Chicano Walkout of Los Angeles in 1968?

Parts G and H:

Do all latino people smoke, drink and not go to school? What else could be a reason of why Latino students don't do well in schools? Part H is a goo strategy (way), but can you think of one more way toimprove Latino education?

Great job...

Let's dothe feedback now!


P.S. The way you talked to Mr.Robinson about your problem made me very proud!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms.Karina Santana,

Parts A,B and C:
Part a was "good" stuff. Now pay special atention to the spelling of UNITED STATES! In part B you said that it is unpatriotic to criticize the United States, but in part C you disagreed with Mitt Romneyand you, yourself, criticized the United States.

What is it? Is it patriotic or unpatriotic to criticize the country? Are you criticizing because you hate the United States or because you want to make the country better? Explain!

Part D:

I liked that you said "or least show respect to the other people that are showing love for them country". You and I agree that the way he did has no excuses and it was rude!

Part E:

Never start a sentence with because! I want historical examples! What has happened in U.S. history that hurt African Americans and their rights?

Part 2:

Part F:

I loved your message! This is defenetely one ofthe many lessons learned!

Parts G and H:

Don't start a sentence with because! Why do you think some black and Latino students think that is better to go to a party and skip school then to go to school?

How are you going tomake sure that every single gang will be destroyed? Is that possible? Explain!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Your definition of Patriotism makes sense.

Part B:

I don't undertand your part B. What do youmean by "I think unpatriotic because if you would love you country it would be to much crime ir violence"?

Part C:

Doesn't every country have this issues? Or is just the United States?

Part D:

Don't start a sentencewith yes alone. You need a subject! Also, it wasn't the Pledge of Allegiance. It was the national anthem!

Question: Why does saying the pledge make you more patriotic?

Part E:

What is wrong if themajority of people are white? But Ioved this part "So maybe he is like that because he think that white people own United States and he thinks that he was just born there for nothing." Really, great! But just maybe!

Part 2:

Part F:

Sounds like one of the many messages!

Part G and H:

BesideslackofEnglish skills and drugs, gangs and violence, can you thinkof one more reason?
The plural of child is CHILDREN! How can we make some parents care more?


Anonymous said...

frank perez

me need feedback plz.

Frank said...

Plz Visite my blog

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...



A, B & C:

You have a good definition for patriotism, but you need to capitalize the first letter of each sentence! Also, capitalize the name of proper nouns such as the names of countries such as the United States and Colombia.

Can you explain to me why you are showing love? Also, why can't you criticize your country if you were born in the United States?

Do you think Colombia is perfect? Are you being unpatriotic if you believe Colombia has troubles it needs to fix? Why or why not?

Part D:

Would it be okay for a person who is not America to be yelling during the U.S. national anthem? Why or why not?

Part E:

Capitalize the I (Yo). Can you think about a point in the history of the United States when blacks were discriminated? We need to use HISTORICAL EVENTS!

Part 2:

Part F:

I agree with you. This was one of the messages!

Parts G ad H:

Do poor students do bad back in Colombia? What about minority Colombian students? I am just curious to know, so we can have a discussion about education and minorities world wide!

How can we make parents care more about their children? How can we make Latino parents more involved?

Answer the feedback please.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

208 B,

This ends the first round of feedback! All answers are due by Wednesday morning!


Remember that there is no school on Monday.

P.S. I will be putting an extra credit question on Friday!


Anonymous said...

Hanny Cruz,

Part B:
it wouldn't be unpatriotic because just because the country is loosing money and not doing very good it don't mean you are not showing love and demonstrating love to the country

d)Josh Howards was unpatriotic because if his American he shouldn’t be saying that he should show love to his country and be respectful. but maybe he was being unpatriotic because maybe he don't belief in that to sing the anthem.

Part E:
I think he said that because of what happen to the black people many years ago. like being racist with them .
PARt 2;

Part F:
A lesson i can leaned from thar movie is the don't matter the races or the color you are. it don't suppose that the teacher just have to slap them just because they speak English that call racism.

Parts G and H:

Do all latino people smoke, drink and not go to school?no lots of latino people go to school to learned and not do all of that.

What else could be a reason of why Latino students don't do well in schools? because maybe they don't pass the MCAS. they want to be acting kOOl like other people.

to improve latino education i i will put spacial classes so they can learned English and them to learned more and practice their English.

Great job...

yeah Mr diiley i tAlk tO hiim VERy CAlM.. AND ii tOld Hiim Everythiinq that happen ANd He SAiiD Ok try tO follOw the TEACHER Rule AND tO dONt WOrrye AbOUt nO CHECKKSZ!!!!!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Second feedback...

In regards to part B, you never made the connection of why I give you feedback and why some people might want to criticize what they do not like about America. Try again...

On the question of why so many Latino students fail at public schools, don't forget that many Latino students were born here. They speak English, but their parents or grandparents don't. Why do you think Asian Americans and middle class white students do better than African-American and Latino students? Is poverty an excuse? What do you think?


Desire, Dedication and Discipline pay off!

Anonymous said...

frank perez

i don't get the connection to the feeback thing Mr.Dilley i need you to explain me more tomorrow. i'll do the other part by my self.

Frank said...

I think is because of the values of the parents if the parents are not on top of them fixing they mistakes they could take the bad way and started to get more of a street person, that is why the parents need to be alert of what they child does in school and outside school. Because if they do not, the Childs started wanting to go to gangs. Some of them drop out because they get tire of school or don’t study because their with they’re friends or because they go to the streets and join a gang and that gang wants to be better then the other and they decide to fight one another and not do their homework or study. Some teenagers get a girlfriend and get her pregnant and he has to leave school therefore he could work and get money for the baby and her.

Anonymous said...

trying to do you homework.

frank perez
P.S i'll take 2 days to to it

Anonymous said...

frank perez

change grade online

Anonymous said...

my feedback

Rochely Sanchez

B) Unpatriotic because the slave would criticize the united state letting them know that they need freedom to help the other member of their family and they would hate the united state because if they have them here as slave.

D) I think his actions were unpatriotic because he is not showing love to his country by saying that entire bad thing to the United States. And josh Howard singing rap while people where singing the National anthems.

G) Another possible reason is that Latinos don’t do well in school is because they parents don’t take care of them and the students don’t take school seriously.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thanks for the amazing work that you do everyday! I have changed your grade. In regards to the second part of the feedback, lets talk tomorrow before the field trip and see if we can work together! I might have been under estimating the role gangs play in Boston.

P.S. One child, two or more children (not childs)


Anonymous said...

Mr.IGiveFeedBack Dilley (JK)

Kenny B.

~Part B

We, us Citizens need to find United States faults to make our society better. And I believe Citizens have the right to share there ideas and opinions to make the laws better (Political Parties).

~Part E

A black man might not have liked what happened in the past because United States used African Americans as slaves! Now that’s a bad image for black men and women. A better way to show his opinion would be, “You mistreated blacks as slaves in the past, I feel like if I was there”

~Part G & H

One reason is their parents. Latino kids control their parents in a way that their kids do what ever they want. Their parent need to be over them and make sure they are studying. But no, they don’t even care. A second reason may be, your values as a Latino. As soon as you come to a new country you learn new things, you become something different. So a better way to help them would be, “If a student is doing bad in school”, the student should be immediately supervised. If the child is not doing what he should be doing, he should be taken away from his parents.

~Thanks “correcting” me Mr.IGiveFeedback Dilley (JK)

(Other Corrections would be apreciated) =)

Frank said...

you give us feedback therefore we could improfe our grades and do better. you give us a feed back therefore we could understand better.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Dilley i scanned the picture, and it went to HP Image Zone and i dont know how to email it from there. :( ill keep trying


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Once again you prove to be a great role model for the Curley! Thank you for being a student in OUR class!

Yes, we can!


P.S. You are done with this question!

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Brea,

Thanks for the great work! WOW! It is college level thinking! Your analytical skills are amazing! I also enjoy the cleverness (smarts) and humor you add to your writing!



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Can you save the picture to a zip driver?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Who wrote the following: "I'm criticizing the united states because I want to help because I'm just saying the wrong things that the country have wrong, so they can fix it and make the country better.
e)What has happened in U.S. history that hurt African Americans and their rights was slavery.
I think some black and Latino students think that is better to go to a party and skip school then to go to school is because they don't want to be the only ones that are differents."????



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Thank you for respondingf to the feedback. I am very impressed by the quality of your work! Just remember to capitalize proper nouns such as Josh Howard and United States.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hanny Cruz,

Your feedback response was so great that I had to hide under the couch (sofa) to save myself from a possible tsunami or hurricane! HAHAHA

Great job

Check your grade online


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Veronica, Karina, Francys, Ariana and Jean... Feedback response?


Anonymous said...

Part b.
No all the people the criticize the United States are not only immigrants some people that were born in the United States do that do like George Howard.
Part c.
I’m and I’m not compatriotic to the United States because I live in the United States and I have to respected but I was not born on the United States.

Part d.
Patriotic people wouldn’t say something like because they respect their country and they would think that’s wrong.

Part f.
O think that the lesson that we can learn is to be brave and not be scare to say what you think.

Part f.
By saying that parents don’t take care of their children I mean that they should give their kids advices about not to drop out, the should tell them not to go to the street and to stay home doing their homework and some parents don’t do that, but they don’t care about what their kids are doing and they should relies that.

Ariana Simancas

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Hi Ariana,

Thank you for the great work again. On part F you put down a very important lesson!

Quick English vs. Spanish: Compatriota in English is a national.

Great work!


Check your grade online.

Anonymous said...

[Veronica]THE FEEDBACK..

-part 1:A B n C.
*I show love for my country because im patriotic and y love my country .
-I think that if you criticize the
United States you are unpatriotic and you should not criticize your home country you should love it .
-* i know Colombia is not the perfect place but is different said Colombia has troubles it needs to fix, and other is to criticize Colombia and only talk about bad things.

*yes Colombia has troubles it need to fix like violence drugs pandillas, Gerrilla,
Farc ELN ETC..
because they kill people and they do terror in the country and it is a problem that Colombia need to fix.

-part D.
*no it's not okay for a person who is not America to be yelling during the U.S. national anthem because even the person is not American IT (the person) have to be respectful with the other Country ,because i don't want that other persons do the same whit the national anthem of Colombia.

-part e:
*no the most person who do bad in Colombia was the person who have money, because the person who don't have good opportunities valorous the school and they do great in the school .

*we can have more communication whit the families of the students so they can have more information about how their children do in the school.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Part A, B and C:

Thank you for explaining that there is a difference in between criticizing for the sake of hating and criticizing for the sake of trying to make a country better. Well done!

Part D:

Very well done. If a person wants someone to respect their anthem, then that person needs to show the same respect.

Part E:

You did not answer my question: Can you think about a time and place in the history of the United States when blacks were mistreated? I can think of a couple. Can you?

Parts G and H:

Thanks for sharing. So you are telling me that poor Colombians see school as a place to study so they can have better opportunities. Do black Colombian students also do well? I agree with you, schools need to communicate and give a stronger voice to parents.


Anonymous said...

What I ment to say was that some people from the United States are unpatriotic because of the violence and crimes because if it would be patriotic the United States wouldn't have crimes and it would be in peace.

will in my opinion I think some of them because some have war and some dont .

Sorry, It makes you more patriotic because your showing some respect and like your showing the people that you love your country.

Will I'm not saying that its wrong I'm just trying to said that he fells bad because if you look in the movies will like in the old time have you see white people were races will they still some of them but the used to kick black people out of the school because theey hate them. And maybe he feels bad about that because also didnt you saw what happened to Martin Luther King the white people tried to kill him.

Part 2

G and H

One more reason will it depents its the school.

I think we can talk to the parents and like telling them about there kids future and like telling them to like talk to there childreds and give them choices.




Anonymous said...


ok that was a good feedback.

Anonymous said...

Jean Villalona

Part B:

How are you showing love for your country by criticizing your country? Give me an example!
By saying stop being racist.
Ex: my country has too much racism let’s stop it for good.

Part E:

How were blacks treated during the years that Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks?
They were treated badly, with discrimination. They didn’t have the same rights the whites did.

Part F:

What did the Chicanos students teach us?
They teach us that we have to fight for our rights and stop discrimination against us.
And to fight for our rights.

Part g & h:

What can schools do to help Latino students learn English?
They can put special bilingual teachers to teach us and by putting after school English learning program.

Why do you think so many Latino students get suspended?
Don’t do home work, don’t pay attention, don’t come to school, don’t participate, and they don’t respect the teachers.

Should Latino students get Spanish classes as well as English? Why or Why not?
Yes, because the teacher could translate the word in Spanish the one they don’t understand.
EX: words from a book.

List two more possible reasons why Latino students do not do so well in schools?
Because they are lazy, join gangs,get pregnant so have to get an fast job to support his/her son/daughter.

What can we do to get more Latino parents involved?
By paying them more in their jobs so they could at least miss a day of work and come to a open house to see who their son/daughter doing in school or by the job giving the parents a open house day off but they still get pay.

Anonymous said...

mR. DJ weRE iS thE aNsWEr FOr My FeeD BaCk..........

FraNcyS pERez.....

Anonymous said...

mr.dG i WAs WAiTTInG buT yOu NeVeR GoT OnLInE sO taLK to yOu At ScHoOl/.....

fRanCyS pErEZ

Frank said...

this is the homework i got D from 9/12. is in my notebook....

1. It is not Inaccurate to think United States is a melting pot because people in the united states don’t come together they keep their region and culture to themselves. United States is a Cultural mosaic they all have differences.
2. I think my home country is not a melting pot because people in my country have differences we are not all the same we have different religions and cultures, we have people that come from another country and keep their culture.

the i give you the diagram for the tuesday homework.

P.S thank you for changing my grade.

Anonymous said...

hiii ppd..........its mee francys can you check mii feed back before i get off the computer....

FrAnCyS pErEz....

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You will get your feedback after I eat dinner!



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Perez,

Thanks. Check your grade online!


Anonymous said...

Frank Perez

97.6% is not that bad. if you change the homework i got D it would be like at 99%.

P.S i hope you eat well MR.Pitts.Dilley i'm going to eat ,too

Anonymous said...

I'm criticizing the united states because I want to help because I'm just saying the wrong things that the country have wrong, so they can fix it and make the country better.
e)What has happened in U.S. history that hurt African Americans and their rights was slavery.
g)I think some black and Latino students think that is better to go to a party and skip school then to go to school is because they don't want to be the only ones that are different they want to be like the other people that act crazy that doesnt care about school.
h)I'm going to make sure that every single gang will be destroyed putting police, private investigator to check with privacy and to check if kids are doing weird signs.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Mr. Jean Villalona,

Great work! You answered all of my questions. I was trying to push you not to focus on the small picture such as you and many of your classmates telling me that some Latino students are lazy. What are the reasons behind this "laziness", that's the BIG PICTURE!

Thank you for doing a great work once again.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Sorry for the delay... Here is your feedback of the feedback!

Part B:

We can only have patriotism if a country does not have violence or crime? Is that what you were trying to say? Let me know!

Pay special attention to these words:

Racist: Racista
Children: More than one child
Their: Belongs to they

Great job overall, we just need to start focusing more on the big picture and using historical details or history vocabulary words as EVIDENCE!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Your forgot to put your name in the post. This was your response

"I'm criticizing the united states because I want to help because I'm just saying the wrong things that the country have wrong, so they can fix it and make the country better.
e)What has happened in U.S. history that hurt African Americans and their rights was slavery.
g)I think some black and Latino students think that is better to go to a party and skip school then to go to school is because they don't want to be the only ones that are different they want to be like the other people that act crazy that doesnt care about school.
h)I'm going to make sure that every single gang will be destroyed putting police, private investigator to check with privacy and to check if kids are doing weird signs."

It is great, but you need to complete assignments on time!