Thursday, September 11, 2008

6 A: Ancient Civilizations: 9-11-2001

Today is the 7th Anniversary of the 9-11 tragic terrorist attack.

1. What do you know about 9-11 attacks?
2. Why do you think some people such as the terrorists would do such horrific things?

Hoy es el séptimo aniversario del atentado terrorista trágico de 9-11 (Once de Septiembre).

1. ¿Qué usted sabe cerca de los ataques?
2. ¿Por qué usted piensa que alguna gente tal como los terroristas haría tales cosas espantosas y malas?


Anonymous said...

[[by veronica]]
-On September 11, 2001, there was an attack on America. they hijacked four planes and attacked America in a terrible way.Two of the airplanes were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City.
The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The last plane was going to crash into another building in Washington, D.C., Thousands of people lost their lives through these attacks. Hundreds of people were on the planes. Thousands died in the buildings that were hit by those planes.
The men that arranged this terrible attack want Americans to feel afraid and disorganized. They want to make people who live in this country do what they say by threatening us. Basically they’re big bullies.

-I think some people commit such acts of violence porque hay mucha gente que siente venganza asia otra persona y comenten estos actos de biolencia que no tiene van pa ningun lado . otras personas que cometen atakes de violencia es porque les paso algo en la juventud o tiienen problemas.

-I think the best solution to deal with terrorism is by the communication because the person who have a problem can find the solution of the problem but if this person start to do acts of violence they cannot find the way of deal with the problem so for me the best way is to communication.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


This is the sixth grade section. I will re-post your answer to the eighth grade section.

Your feedback will be posted in the eighth grade section.


P.S. Thanks for doing your work!

Anonymous said...

Yo se acerca de los ataques delas
Tores Gemelas es que fueron
provocado por unos aviones y el aÑo fue 9{11}del 01.El lugar fue
en New York las personas que murieron fueron como 3000 muerta.

Yo pienso que la gente terrosrista
harian tales cosas espantosas porque son malas.La palabra terrorismo parami sinifica que
es un grupo de personas que atacan.

Keila Albino.

Anonymous said...

1. The terrorist exploded the Twins Towers in New York in september 11th,2001 in airplanes,
they hijacked the people in the
airplanes,about 3,000 people died.

2. They did that because wanted to.

George Perez

Anonymous said...

Los atentados de 11 de September de 2001 fueron una series de atentados suicedas que implicaron el secuestro de mieembros de lared y hadista al queda se dividieron en cuatros grupos de secuestrados cada uno de ellos con un piloto que se encargaria en la Torres Gemelas muriero muchas personas los en la Torres Gemelas adentro havia hacerca de 3,000 personas.

Yo pienso porque son malas personas y les gustan hacer mardades a las otras persona.

Marileyni Molina.

Anonymous said...

Atentados del 11 de septembre del 2001 esto paso en le ciudad de new york en los estados unidos de Amarica el 11 de septiembre del 2001 los atentados del 11 d e septiembre (comunmente denominados como la 9/11 en el mundo anglasajon 11s en espana y latinoamerica),fueron una serie de atentados suicidas que implicaron a 4 aviones con pasajeros por partede 19 miembros de la red.

Se detuvieron en 4 grupos de secuestradores , cada uno de ellos ,con un piloto que se encacrgaria de conducir el avion una vez ya reducida la tripulacion de loa cabina . los dos primeros fueron el vuelo de American airlalines y el vuelo 175 de united airlines que fueron estrellados contra las torres gemelas del world trade center, un avion contra cada torre , haciendo que ambas se derrubaran en las dos horas ciguientes.

Yo creo por que ellos son malas personas y le quieren hacer maldad a las personas que estaban en el vuelo.
jhonnaeln Sosa Suarez.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job using the proper rules of capitalizations.


1) How do you say "Torres Gemelas" in English?
2)How many planes crashed into the towers?
3) What airport did the planes come from?
4) There were four planes in total... Where did the other planes crashed?
5) Are all bad people terrorists?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You are the only one writing only in English. It shows that you are trying very hard! Way to go! Don't forget to capitalize the names of months in English (September).


1. How many planes crashed into the Twin Towers?
2. From what airport were the planes coming from?
3. How many other planes crashed else where? Where did they crash?
4. You wrote "They did that because wanted to". Can you give me one more reason?

George Perez

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job answering both questions. But I know you can do it in English! Next one let's work together, so you can show your English skills!


1) What does secuestro mean in English?
2) Who do you say Torres Gemelas in English?
3) How many planes crashed into the towers?
4) Where did the planes come from (airport)?
5) How many more planes crashed? Where?
6) Can you think any other reasons for part 2?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You have to use capital letters: letras mayusculas.


1) Look at your work and list all the proper nouns that you did not capitalized.
2) What is secuestrador in English?
3) Que hacen sequestradores?
4) How do you write "Torres Gemelas" in English?
5) Where did the planes come from (from what airport)?
6) Where did the other two planes crashed?
7) Can you think of any other reason why some people would do such a horrible thing?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Where is your post?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Albert wrote on the 7th grade section...

Fueron una serie de atentados suisidas que inplicaron el secuestro de cuatro aviones el pasajeros por parte de 19 mienbro de la red yihadista al-queda. Ellos fueron a New York. Los ataques fueron en 11 de septiembre en el ano 2001 en el avion avian 400 personas

Yo pienso que porque son malos no son de dios son gente que suisidan alas personas y tambien secuestran.

Albert Pena

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You wrote on the wrong section! You are a sixth grader! You are not a seventh grader!

1. What does "secuestro" mean in English?
2. Where did the two planes crash in New York City (What two buildings)?
3. Que es secuestrar?
4. How many people died during the attacks (more than 400!)?
5. Where did the planes come from (from what airport)?
6. Were there more planes? How many? Where did they hit?
7. What do you mean by "no son de dios"? Are all bad people "not from god"?


Anonymous said...

1) How do you say "Torres Gemelas" in English?

Twin Towers

Keila Albino.

Anonymous said...

1) What does secuestro mean in English?

2) Who do you say Torres Gemelas in English?

1.Secuestro means {kidnapping}.

2. Twin Towers

Marileyni Molina

Anonymous said...

1.The word secuestrar is kidnapping is English.

Albert Pena

Anonymous said...

How many planes crashed into the Twin Towers? Two planes crashed in the
Twin Towers.

2. From what airport were the planes coming from? The planes came from

By:George Perez

Anonymous said...

3) Que hacen sequestradores? Los secuestradores atrapan a las personas le cojen su dinero,y haveces la matan.

Jhonnael Sosa Suarez

Anonymous said...

Yo creo que fueron 2 aviones.
Los aviones vinieron de el aeropuerto
de Boston .El 3 avion extrello contra la esquina de pentagono de Virginia.
Quizas si porque algunas personas son malas y pueden hacerlo sin rasones.

Keila Albino.

Anonymous said...

secuestradores en ingles se escribe hujack. los secuestradores
ejemplo atrapan a las personas y les quitan su dinero y jollas de oro y plata.torres gemelas se escribe en ingles Twin Towers oculars.Los vuelos 3 y 4 fueron a los aeropuertos american airlane y united airlaine. Ellos se estrellaron uno en Petangono en Virginia y el otro en Pelsinvania. Ellos hacen ellos por que ellos querian que ellos murieran y por su dinero.
Jhonnael Sosa Suarez.

Anonymous said...

Four airplens
the airplens come from boston and Virgina 2 airplanes.
I think because they don't like people.

Marileyni Molina.