Saturday, August 4, 2007

Notebook Rubric

Interactive Notebook Did-I Sheet:

DID I………..................................Yes............................No


1. Illustrate and personalize the cover?

2. Letter and number all of the pages correctly?

3. Properly insert administrative materials?

4. Properly set up my table of contents?

5. Include a proper entry in my table of contents every day?

6. Make sure all the pages are neat and well cared for?

7. Properly secure all additional pages?

8. Write neatly and legibly?

9. Have the homework, essays and exams on the assignment folder?

10. Use color to highlight important ideas?

Right Side:

11. Use the right side for notes from “do nows” and mini-lessons?

12. Include only the most important information in my notes?

13. Underline important terms and vocabulary?

14. Include definitions of terms and vocabulary I didn’t understand?

15. Use my own words and ideas instead of copying from the book?

16. Write in complete sentences?

Left Side:

17. Use the left side for think-write-pair-share and historical thinking?

18. Write in complete sentences?

19. Include lots and lots of historical details?

20. Include key terms and vocabulary wherever possible?

Next Steps: What do I need to do to improve my notebook?




Student’s name:
Reviewer’s name:

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