Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 B: Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia

This assignment is due by Friday. After you complete your assignment, I will write back to you explaining ways you can improve your work or asking new questions to help you. This is called feedback. By completing your feedback you will get a chance to improve your grade and expand your learning.

Part A: Stone Age

1. What was the Paleolithic Age?
2. What was the Neolithic Age?
3. Agriculture has been one of the greatest innovations of human development. Your job is to explain how agriculture changed the world. Make sure to talk about

a. Hunters and gatherers
b. Stable food supply
c. Permanent shelter
d. Larger communities
e. Development of new jobs
f. Development of trade
g. City-states and civilizations

Part B: Mesopotamia

4. Mesopotamia and Egypt are part of the Fertile Crescent. What is the Fertile Crescent?
5. Many history detectives refer to Sumer as the world’s first civilization. All civilizations have similar characteristics. Choose 5 characteristics from chapter 5 and explain each of them. After you finished describing the 5 characteristics, you have to choose the one you believe is the most important characteristic and explain why.
6. Many history detectives believe that the Hammurabi Code was essential to the development of modern law, courts and justice.
a. What was the Hammurabi Code?
b. What is meant by “eye for an eye” and “tooth for a tooth”?
c. Why are laws so important to civilizations?

• Use Microsoft Word or another word processor

• Ask for help if you need it

• Don’t wait until Thursday


Anonymous said...

Friday the 13th is my favorite movie.

Steven Castillo

Anonymous said...

The Paleolithic Age is the Artifacts that are Old Stone Age.
And those Artifacts are clothing,tool's,weapon's,and coin's.

The Neolithic Age is the new Artifacts that we have now.
Like quarter's,screwdrivers,
hammers,T-shirts and pants,and we have guns for the police to protect the city.

I learned that Stable food supply means that sumerians invented the plow. Today,families in iraq[ancient sumer] still farm the land using ox-drawn plows.

I learned that Larger communities could also defend themselves more easily against enemies.

I learned that the first great change brought about by agriculture
was the development of permanent shelters.

I learned that these first cities were like small independent countries. And were called city-states.

I learned that having a stable food supply allowed people to develop new kinds of jobs.

I learned that another major change in neolithic times was the growth of trade.

I learned that like the hominids who came beforethem,early humans were hunter-gatherers.

Agriculture changed the world because durning the paleolithic age , people obtained food by hunting animals and gathering plants.And early farmers also learned how to domesticate animals,raising and using them for their own purpose.

I learned that the sumerians most important invention was the wheel.

I learned that the sumerians created a written language called cuneiform.

I learned that sumerians invented two things to help them create a stable food supply.

I learned that a social structure includes diffrent jobs and social levels.

I learned that all civilizations have a system of government to direct peoples behavoir and make life orderly.

I think that technology is the important one because all civilizations create new forms of technology.

The hammurabi code is the code of laws to unify his empire and to preserve order.

eye for eye means if another men poke another mans eye than they take that mans eye and give it to the person who gets hurt.

tooth for a tooth means if another man nocks another mans tooth than the government will nock his tooth.

The civilizations need laws because if they dont have laws than the peole wont obey the king or empire.

steven castillo 3/23/09

Anonymous said...

1. Long time ago Paleolithic age was people that use to hunt and gathered food. And paleo means old and lithic means stone. So people call it old stone age

2. Long time ago Neolithic age was people that learn how to farm. And live in their own houses. Neo means new and lithic means stone. So people call it new old stone.

A. Hunters and gathered move from place to place to find food.
B. Stable food supply is when the people raise animals and plant their own crops.
C. Permanent shelter is when the people settle down in their own houses.
D. Larger community’s people lived together and work together as a team.
E. Larger communities made people development of new jobs.
F. Development of trade is when the people learn how to trade stuff.
G. City-States and civilization is when they make big countries.

4. Fertile Crescent is a rich growing food area. And it is a quarter moon shape region that extend from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean.

A. Writing allowed you to live record behind.
B. Technology could help you do stuff easier.
C. The arts allowed you to communicate with another person.
D. Religion allowed you to believe in god and go to funerals.
E. The government gives us laws that we agree to it.
F. Technology is important because the people could move faster and instead of carrying stuff the people could put the stuff in the wheel and take it.

A. Hammurabi code is “eye for an eye” and “tooth for a tooth”
B. eye for a eye means that if you take somebody eye the government is going to send some one and the person is going to take your out too.
C. Tooth for a tooth means that if you break somebody teeth the government is going to send somebody and that person is going to break your teeth too.

jonathan lopez

Anonymous said...

1. Paleothic age is when people got food by hunting wilds animals and gathering nuts and other plants and fruits. Old Stone Age.

2. Neolithic age is when people settle down to live in one place. New Stone Age.

3. Agriculture changed the world by permanent shelters. People with permanent shelters can cook and they will have a place were they can keep there food. Permanent shelters also help by protecting them from difficult weather and undomesticated animals.

• Permanents shelters get growing, from permanents shelters to a community, from a community to a city-state, from a city-state to an empire.......

• Agriculture also changed the world by making a stable food supply.

. Because of agriculture and permanents shelters Sumerians were allowed to make new jobs like; trading, toolmakers, basket makers, and weavers.

• Agriculture changed the world by not having to go gathering food because now they could trade with order persons, not having to go gathering, only need to trade with orders.

4. A Fertile Crescent is an area that is shaped like a C or a quarter-moon.

5. 1.Stable food supply 3.goverment 4.writing structure

1. Stable food supply is went you got food, that you don’t need to go hunting and gathering food because you already got food. It’s important to have a stable food supply because you don’t have to go hunting a maybe get kill by wilds animals. An the time you are gathering and hunting you could be doing something else.

2. Technology is important because it can help you do a lot of things like: make the wheel, make an arch. Its helps you make and learn lots of thing.

3. Government is important because with out the government people will be crazy killing each other, doing what ever they want.

4. Writing is important because people can communicate with each other. Like if the court is looking for someone and they don’t find them they could write posters a write the person name an things……….

5. Art is important because for so people went they paint they express there fillings. Art is also important because if ancient people wrote them we can tell what the picture is trying to say and we can learn from them.

• I pick stable food supply because if the ancient people don’t have food they need to go hunting or gathering and maybe the are going to get kill by a wild animal or get poison by a poison food. Then they are going to be dieing faster because they need food.

6. A. The Hammurabi code is laws written by Hammurabi the king of Babylonian.

B. That what you do to someone the court will do the same thing to you; for example is you kill my kid the court will kill your kid too.

C. laws are so important to civilization because it is the way to keep order, if we didn’t have laws everything would be a mess because could kill each other they could do what ever they want.

Alison perez

Anonymous said...

I think is good .i try my best.

Alison perez

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job being the first student to finish the online question. Here is your feedback.

1. You didn’t describe what early modern humans did during the Paleolithic Age. Also, there were no money or coins in the Old Stone Age.

Question: The Paleolithic Age was the age of hunters and gatherers. What is meant by the “hunters and gatherers”?

2. In the Neolithic Age humans did not have screw drivers, police and especially guns! The Neolithic Age began with the discovery of agriculture.

Question: What is agriculture?

3. There is some good work here, but you can write with more focus and make better connections. Try to think about the big picture. No questions.
4. You never answered this question! What was the Fertile Crescent? How did it get its name?

5. You only explained two characteristics of civilization: Social Structure and Government. You did tell me that you believe that technology is the most important characteristic of civilization.

a. What is technology?
b. Why is technology so important for humans and civilizations?

6. Your best work. No questions here.

Check your grade online and answer my questions for a better grade.

5 extra points for being the first to complete the online question.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job doing your work. Read my comments and answer my questions for a better grade.

1. Excellent work.

2. Farming or agriculture did mark the beginning of the Neolithic Age.

Question: What are the two parts of agriculture or farming?

3. It seems that you get the main idea, but you could have done a better job connecting how each step made the next step possible. No questions for number 3.

4. Question: Name three rivers in the Fertile Crescent Area (2 in Mesopotamia and 1 in Egypt)

5. Questions:

a. How do the “arts allow you to communicate with another person”?
b. Why is religion important to many people?
6. Questions:

a. Is the Hammurabi Code like our laws today? Why or why not?
b. You never answer my last question: Why are laws so important to civilizations?

Check you grade online and answer my questions for a better grade.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Maite and Hector,

Where is your work?


Anonymous said...

4. Mesopotamia

a. Tigris
b. Euphrates


a. Nile river


a. People could communicate with symbols and could tell story with art and it could tell you what to do.
b. Religion is important to people because the people believe that if they do good stuff that they will be rewarded by somebody powerful and that their accomplishment won’t be for nothing.


a. Our laws are not like Hammurabi code because or laws are not strict like Hammurabi’s
b. Laws are important for civilization because it could save us like for example a red light if you don’t stop at a red light u could crash.

jonathan lopez

Anonymous said...

you are my best teacher and coach have a good night mr.pittsdiley

jonathan lopez

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Here is your feedback for the second time. I do not know what happened to my first set.

Your work is by far the best in class. Keep it up. The worked showed that you make great connections and understand the key concepts.

#2. What technological invention marked the beginning of the neolithic age?

Why did so many people live in the Fertile Crescent? List the name of three rivers (2 in Mesopotamia and 1 in Egypt).


I am really impressed.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Thanks Jonatan,

You are quite amazing yourself! Soccer practice tomorrow!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job on the feedback.

Check your grade online.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Im trying my best.
Me too, im trying my best too.

Alison Perez , Jonathan Lopez.

Anonymous said...

Part A: stone Age

1. Is an Old Stone Age.
2. Is farming agriculture and domesticating.
3. Agriculture changed the world by having stable food supply ,hunter and gather
And permanent shelters. And city states and civilization.

4. A fertile crescent is a farming that is a rich growing area.
5. technology; because is a way to invent something someone else did
Stable food supply; because is a way for people to have enough food like
To hunt and gather.
Religion; because many civilization have many gods to pray incase of a
Funeral a church of different religion.
Government: because they need laws for safety just so they don’t
Get punished like “eye for an eye “” tooth for a tooth”
Writing: because they needed to invent something to make the Hammurabi
Code .Is a law written by a king of an empire and is a law that if you do
Something wrong to another person you get punish and trade “eye for an eye”
And “tooth for a tooth”
B. is meant like watch out do something wrong and you get punish.
C. Is important because people needs to have rules for bad and good so
They don’t end up for “eye for an eye” or: tooth for a tooth”

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


You need to be more responsible and do your work on time. If you do not know how to do something just ask me! Please read my FEEDBACK and answer my questions.

Part A:

1. How was life during the Old Stone Age?
2. Ok.
3. Look at your classmates work and see how much more they wrote. Do it again!

Part B:

4. List 2 rivers in Asia that make part of the Fertile Crescent and 1 in Africa.
5. Which of the five characteristics of civilizations you wrote, do you believe is the most important? Why?
6. Ok, but most of your work needs more details and explanations.


Anonymous said...

#1 The technological invention that marked the beginning was agriculture and the domestication of animals.

#2 Many people live on the fertile because the fertile is a good place to farm.

Mesopotamia rivers: Tigris river ,
Euphrates river.

Egypt river: The Nile River.

Alison Perez

Anonymous said...

A. Hieroglyph = Symbols used by scribes
B. Census = the count of people that live in Egypt

Scribes wrote documents and they were record keeper.

3. The scribes are middle class because they work with the government official.

4. No because the scribes do the same thing over and over.

5. “Information not available”

6. “Information not available”

7. Scribes are powerful because they write records and help you at court.

8. Egyptian society was fair to scribes because if the scribes do a good work they will get good paid.