Thursday, February 12, 2009

210 Ancient Civilizations: Hominids

Part A:

Describe the characteristics and capabilities of each of the five hominid groups:

1. Nickname
2. How long ago did they leave?
3. Height?
4. What continent (s) did they live?
5. Brain size?
6. Most important capabilities?

A. Australopithecus Afarensis
B. Homo Habilis
C. Homo Erectus
D. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
E. Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Part B:

1. In your opinion was Lucy a hominid or an ape (monkey)? Why?
2. How did hominids get from Asia to the Americas? Explain
3. What do you think is the most important "change" or invention that allowed hominids to become humans? Explain.

It is due by Monday, February 23rd.


Anonymous said...

steven castillo

The australopithecus afarensis nickname is Lucy.
She lived about 3 to 4 million years ago.
Lucy was about 3 feet tall.
Lucy lived inn africa when they found her bones.
Lucy's brain was about one third than the size of ours.
She uses her hands to protect her chidren, her bones were found in africa.

The homo habilities nickname is handyman.
The handyman lived for one point five to two million years ago.
Their height was four feet tall.
The continent they were was africa.
they had larger brains.
Their capebilities was that they collect food over larger areas of land.

Homo erectus nicknames was uprightman.
They lived for one point eight million to two houndred thousand years ago.
They lived in africa and europe their brain size were larger.
Their capabibilities is that thy travel from one place to another.

Homo sapiens nicknames was neanderthals.
They lived for two hundred and thirty thousand to thirty thousand years ago.
The continent that they lived in is in africa the near east europe and the parts of asia.
Their brain size was large.
Most important capapbibilities are they used their intelligence to become skilled workers.
Homo sapiens sapiens nickname is early modern humans.
Their long lasting was from thirty five thousand to twelve thousand years ago.
Their height is six feet tall.
The continet they lived in is in africa and their they spread to europe asia and australia.
Their brain size were large.
The most important capabibilities were that they travel on land bridges that from a piece of land connecting two continents.

Lucy was a human because she was half human and half monkey.

They traveled on a land bridge because a piece of land is connecting the continent.

Is because they first change to australopithecus afarensis (lucy),
to homo abilities as handy mans, homo erectus, homo sapiens neanderthalensis, to homo sapiens sapiens as early modern humans.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Don't forget that the handy man's most important capability was to make simple tools and the Upright man to make fire.

On question 3, you should try to answer this question for extra credit:

How did the ability to make fire change the world of hominids? Give examples.

Great job so far.


Anonymous said...

Alison Perez

Australopithecus afarensis:

Nickname: Lucy.

How long did they live: About 3 to 4 million years ago.

Height: 3 feet.

What continent: Africa.

Brain size: One third the sides of a human brain.

Most important capability: Her longs arms and the ability to walk.

Homo habilis:

Nickmane: Handyman

How long did they live: 1.5 to 2 millions years ago.

Height: 4 feet.

What continent: Africa.

Brain size: two thirds of a human brain size.

most important capabilities: Make simple tools.

Homo Erectus:

Nickname: Uprightman.

How long did they live: From 1.8 million to 200,000 b.c.e.

Height: 5 and a half feets tall.

What continents:Africa,Asia,and Europe.

Brain size: 980 cm³

Most important capabilities: To make fire and to migrated out of africa.

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis:

Nickname: Neanderthals

How long did they leave:From 230,000 to 30,000 years ago.

Height: about 5'5"

What continents: they lived in africa,the near east,europe,and parts of asia.

Brain size: Had large brains.

Most important capabilities: Neanderthals were the first to make fire.An neanderthals always worked in groups,worked together.Neanderthals cared about each other.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens:

Nickname: Early modern humans

How long did they leave: From 35,000 to 12,000 b.c.e.
Height: 5'7"

What continent did they live: Africa and then they spread to europe asia and australia eventually they migrated to north and south america across land bridges.

Brain size: about 1350 cc.

Most important capabilities: Early modern humans were cave painters.Early modern humans are like us today.

1. In your opinion was Lucy a hominid or an ape (monkey)? Why?

For me Lucy is a monkey because she is hairy and her faces is like a monkey.she got longs arms and walks not straight.

2. How did hominids get from Asia to the Americas?Eplain.

Hominids got from asia to america on land bridges,A land bridge is a bridge that connents to another place,continent.

3.What do you think is the most important "change" or invention that allowed hominids to become humans? Explain.

well i think that there were 3 invention and changes, one is fire, making tools, imigrating and working together.because with fire humans can cook food keep themselfwarmand more. making tools humans cankill animals.and working together because humans can help them self that way.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Upright Man was the first to use fire. Great work over all! Very detailed!


Frank said...

frank sister got A+ in online question...p.s school tommorrow

Anonymous said...

Alison perez

I printed the paper I was missing

ok :)

but the map didn't wanted to come out