Monday, January 12, 2009

6th Grade Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Hebrews & Jewish Diaspora

Final Online Question:

This is your final online question. It is due by Wednesday, January 21st at 8:30 AM. You should look at your notebooks and textbook to help you answer this question.

Esta pregunta es debida antes del miércoles 21 de enero por las 8:30. Usted debe mirar sus cuadernos y libro para ayudarle a contestar a esta pregunta.

Part A: Four Hebrew Leaders
Part B: Jewish Diaspora
Part C: Judaism

Part A:

1. Where did the ancient Hebrews come from? ¿De dónde los hebreos antiguos vinieron?
2. Who is considered the “father” of the Hebrews? Why? ¿Quién se considerado el “padre” de los hebreos? ¿Por qué?
3. Who gave the notion of monotheism to ancient Hebrews? ¿Quién dio la noción del monoteísmo a los hebreos antiguos?
4. Who freed the Hebrew slaves? ¿Quién liberó los esclavos hebreos?
5. Who united the Hebrews and created the ancient kingdom of Israel? ¿Quién unió a los hebreos y creó el Reino antiguo de Israel?
6. Who built the Great Temple in Jerusalem? ¿Quién construyó el gran templo en Jerusalén?
7. In your opinion who is the most important ancient Hebrew leader? Why? ¿Quién usted piensa es el líder hebreo más importante?

Part B:

8. How did Solomon’s actions hurt ancient Israel? ¿Cómo las acciones de Solomon lastimaron a Israel antiguo?
9. What was the Jewish Diaspora? ¿Que fue la diáspora judía?
10. If you were King Solomon, would you have constructed the Great Temple in Jerusalem? Why or why not? ¿Si usted fuera rey Solomon, usted hubiera construido el gran templo en Jerusalén? ¿Por qué o por qué no?

Part C:

11. What is the Torah? ¿Que es el Torah?
12. How are Judaism and Christianity similar? ¿Cómo son el judaísmo y el cristianismo similares?
13. What is the major difference in between Jews and Christians? ¿Cuál es la diferencia principal entre los judíos y los cristianos?


Anonymous said...

If you have questions,

Ask Mr. Pitts-Dilley. Remember to use capital letters.


Anonymous said...

January 13,2009

History :



2.Because his move his family from Mesopotamia to Canaan also god promised Abraham father of great nation .also he take to wing people to Canaan land promised.


4.He freed the Hebrews of Egypt the name is Moses.

5.David he united the ancient kingdom of Israel


7.Abraham he is the most leader of the Hebrews because according to the Torah it was Abraham who introduced this belief to the hebrews.

Part B:

8.He put the people to work forced
and he is put to much taxes .

9.The presence of Jews outside of the Land of Israe.

10.Not because your it has puts, but taxes .

Part C:

11.Historian use the torah to understand the history of the hebrews.

12.That the Jews are created desendiente of Abraham and the Christian tambiem .

13That the Jews say that Jesus is not the son of God and the Christians they create if it .

ByKendry Elizabeth Diaz.

Anonymous said...

Part A:

1. Where did the ancient Hebrews come from? They came from ancient Egypt.
2. Who is considered the “father” of the Hebrews? Why? Abraham because he gave laws to the hebrews.
3. Who gave the notion of monotheism to ancient Hebrews? Abraham
4. Who freed the Hebrew slaves? Moses.
5. Who united the Hebrews and created the ancient kingdom of Israel? David
6. Who built the Great Temple in Jerusalem? Solomon.
7. In your opinion who is the most important ancient Hebrew leader? Why? Moses because he freed the slaves.

Part B:

8. How did Solomon’s actions hurt ancient Israel? Building the temple.
9. What was the Jewish Diaspora? The "scatering" of the ancient people.
10. If you were King Solomon, would you have constructed the Great Temple in Jerusalem? Why or why not? No because I would have
war with rome.

Part C:

11. What is the Torah? The first five books of the jewish bible.
12. How are Judaism and Christianity similar? They believe in god, they go to church, and they have bibles.
13. What is the major difference in between Jews and Christians? That cristians believe in two gods, and jews believe in one god.

George Perez

Anonymous said...



2.Abraham es conciderado el padre
de los hebrews porque les daba
las reglas y tanbien el le desia
para que crelleran en un solo






part B:

8.Las acciones de solomon lastimaron a Israel antiguo cobrandole los taxes.

9.The "scatering" of the ancient

10.Mejor contrullera un tenplo
nuebo para que los hebrews se
sientan mejor porque es mejor
que uno viejo.

Part c:

11.Torah the first five books
of the jewish bible.

12.Los dos son monoteistas y creen
en el viejo testamento.

13.Que los cristianos creen en
dos dioses y los judios creen
en un solo dios.

Brandol mejia cueva.

Anonymous said...

Part A: the hebrews were the founders of judaism, one of the world"s major religions. Part B: the torah tells about events in the lives of early jewish leaders.Part C: but abram came to believe there was only one true god. this belief in one god would set judaism apart from other ancient religions.Part A: 1 where they came from is egito.2.abraham is called the "father of the hebrews" one central idea of judaism is the belief in a single god. 3.the one the got the mesopotamia was abraham. was abraham. was moses. was moses. 7.the leader is abraham. Part B: 1000 b.c.e., the hebrews had set up the kingdom of israel in canaan under king david and his son, king solomon. 9. the presence of hebrews gutside of irael.10. yes because one wall of sosmon's temple in jerusalem remains standing.Part:C 11. according to the torah, god said, the" hebrew kingbom will remain with him and with chidlren and his chil-dren's children fovever". 12. ambas son heligiones simiteres. 13. los judios son males y iusline de instn. Alex Gonzalez 6 210.

Anonymous said...

part A:

1. Mesopotamia.

2. Abraham because the people of Ur worshiped many gods was considered like a God and was considered like a father.


4. Moses.

5. David.

6. Solomon.

7. Moses, because I release to the Hebrew and was friendly of the slaves.

part B:

8. They hurt to old Israel because the temple that constructed that they were receiving taxes very expensive and they were forcing the people so that they worked com Solomon.

9. The presence of the Jews outside Israel.

10. No, because it would not have to force the man to work hard nor to pay taxes.

11. The first five books of the Jewish Bible.

12. In which they have they ten commandments.

13. In which the Christians create in the son of God and the Jews they do not create in the son of God.

by: Kenddy Margarita Diaz Solano.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kenddy Margarita,

I changed your grade for the first term on the hominid question!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Pitts-Dilley .creo mi grados es bien o usted cree?

By: Kendry
Elizabeth Diaz

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Ms. Kendry Elizabeth Diaz,

Your grade is much better, but B- average is not good enough for you! You should do better and you know you can do better!


Las preguntas 1 a 6 estan correctas pero usted tiene que escribir en oraciones completas. La pregunta 7 no esta muy buena. Trate de hacer otra vez y piense mas sobre que usted quieres contestar. No es según la biblia hebrea, Talmud o Torah. La respuesta e sobre que usted piensas.

Part B:

On question 8 you wrote that (Solomon) “He put the people to work forced
and he is put to much taxes”. But how did these two actions to build the Great Temple hurt the kingdom?

9.The presence of Jews outside of the Land of Israe.

Question number 10 is very short and incomplete. You should try it again! Think first and then write! I know you can do better!

Part C:

On question 12, don’t forget that both Christians and Jews are monotheistic.

Conteste mis preguntas para mejorar su grado!


Check you grade online

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Good job doing your work during POD, but it seems that you wrote too fast.

Part A:

You need to write every answer in complete sentences!

On question number 1 you said that the Hebrews came from Egypt. That is incorrect! Before the Hebrews moved to Canaan and were captured and made slaves, the Hebrews lived in a different place. Where was it?

Also, why is freedom important?

Part B:

How did the building the Great Temple hurt the kingdom of Israel?

The Jewish Diaspora was the “scattering” of just Jews! Not every ancient people!

Solomon never fought against Rome. In fact that would be impossible, because he died nearly 600 years before Rome even existed. Do question number ten again and take your time. You need to slow down and think more before you write!

Part C:

Part C is your best part. But there is a problem with number 13. I think that by writing that the Christians believe in two gods, you mean that the Christians believe in god and Jesus. I am not a religion teacher, but actually they are the same. Both Christians and Jews believe in one god, but Jews do not believe that Jesus is god’s son.



Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Gracias por tener hecho su trabajo durante el POD. Hay algunos problemas con sus respuestas Leia mis preguntas y comentarios y les conteste. No se olvide de contestar las preguntas en oraciones completas!

Parte A:

David no construyo el templo. Quien fue?

En la pregunta numero 7 usted no explico porque usted piensas que Abraham es el líder mas importante de los hebreos. Usted tiene que explicar porque!

Parte B:

Cuando Solomon hizo su gente trabajar forzados y pagar los impuestos (taxes) para construir el templo hizo muchas personas enojadas. Pero que paso antes de la muerte de Solomon?

En la pregunta numero 10 yo le pregunte si usted fuera Solomon, si usted hubiera construido el templo mismo que mitad de su gente hubiera sido muy enojados con la construcción, trabajo forzado y los impuestos? Porque?

Parte c:

Parte C fue su mejor parte. Pero los cristianos solo creen en uno dios. La diferencia es que los cristianos creen que Jesús es el hijo de dios y los judíos no.

Conteste mis preguntas para mejorar su grado.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


It is a little hard to understand your work. It is all grouped together. Read my comments and answer my questions so you can get a better grade.

Part A:

You did not need part A, B and C. They were the titles and not questions.

Question 1 is incorrect. The Hebrews did not come from Egypt. Where did they come from? Hint is the land between two rivers!

Question 2: Why is Abraham considered the “father” of Hebrews?

Numbers 4, 5 and 6 are incorrect. You need to do them again!

Number 7: Why do you think Abraham was the most important Hebrew leader? Explain!

Part B:

Your answer for question number 8 does not answer my question. How did the construction of the Great Temple of Jerusalem hurt the Kingdom of Israel?

Question number 10: Would you have built the temple, even if the people were mad at you? Why or why not?

Part C:

11. What is the Torah (definition)?
12. Como son cristianismo y judaísmo similares?
13. Porque los judíos son malos? No entiendo! La diferencia es que los judíos no creen que Jesús sea el hijo de dios.

Answer my questions for a better grade!


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kenddy Margarita Diaz,

Thank you for doing your work. You are doing much better! Don’t forget to write in complete sentences in English or in Spanish.

Part A:

Tiene que escribir en oraciones completas! Porque Moses era amigo de los hebreos?

Part B:

8. Como que “They hurt to old Israel because the temple that constructed that they were receiving taxes very expensive and they were forcing the people so that they worked com Solomon” lastimo al reyno de Israel?

Part C:

Como mas son las dos religiones similares?

To create means criar. Creer en ingles es believe!

The best work in the class so far. Answer my questions for a better grade.


Anonymous said...

part A:

1. no, they were not enemy, because Moises was the one that coat to the Hebrews of Egypt and the I take to Israel but Abraham was the one I take that them to the engaged Earth.

part B:

8. the temple hurt a part of Israel because that was doing in that so do not want because were receiving taxes very expensive they were forced for work.

by: Kenddy Margarita Diaz Solano.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley yo no entiendo la preguta que me hizo en la part C me la puede poner mas clara como esta en el online Question.

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kenddy Margarita,

Babel Fish es bueno para ayudarnos como un diccionario eletronico pero no para traducir nuestras oraciones palabras por palabras. Por favor no use Babel Fish para traducir sus oraciones. ¡Preferiría que usted escriba en español!

En la pregunta de la parte C usted escribio que los cristianos y judios tienen los 10 mandamientos (10 Commandments). Que mas estas dos religiones tienen en comun?


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Kendry Elizabeth,

I don't understand why you sent so much copying and pasting to the blog. Yo quiero hablar con usted en Martes? Contesta las nuevas preguntas.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


I am going to put you post in this page.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Part A, B and C are just the title of the units and they were not questions! A question in Spanish or in English has a question mark at the end!!!


You wrote "I think was the "father of the hebrews was abraham."


You wrote that Moses gave monotheism to the ancient Hebrews. THIS IS INCORRECT! Try again, who gave monotheism to the ancient Hebrews?

Why do you think that "King David was the most brilliant leader of ancient Israel and the first king of a united Israel"? Explain!

You never answered number 8, number 10, number 12 and number 13. You are missing 4 out of 13 questions.

Answer my questions and the one you forgot to do for a better grade.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...

Brandol WROTE:

l hombre que construyo el templo fue

Antes de la muerte de solomon their
resentment exploded.

Los trabajos forzados y los impuestos
enojados porque yo cobrara mas
impuestos y poniera trabajos forsados.


Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


Que usted quieres dicer con "resentment exploded"???

Usted no contesto porque tu piensas que Abraham en su opinion fue el lider mas importante de los hebreos!!!

si usted hubiera construido el templo mismo que mitad de su gente hubiera sido muy enojados con la construcción, trabajo forzado y los impuestos? Porque? No me contesto!


Anonymous said...

Resumen de Abraham

Que el era un hombre bueno
y el hico una sacrificio con su hijo y que el era el "padre " de la "fe"
y que dios le prometio que iva hacer padre de una generacion y que era uno de los cuatros lideres mas importantes .

by:Kendry Elizabeth
so i think que

Mr. Pitts-Dilley said...


This is the the place for homework assignments. You can always email me. Also, you did the homework after the Final exam! Next term I will only accept work that is five days late!


Anonymous said...

I think que my grade is not bad bot is good
thanks MR.Pitts-Dilley.

By: Kendre Elizabeth Diaz.

Anonymous said...

Resumen de la momia the movie

Que habia como mystery
que los reyes le tenian miedos alos gatos negros y que ellos com que habia unos " escarabajos " y que like they go to Egypt for buscar tesoros.

by Kendre Elizabeth Diaz